Để giúp bạn dễ dàng tra cứu thông tin nhanh chóng, CiCC cung cấp công cụ tìm kiếm tiện lợi. Bạn có thể sử dụng thanh tìm kiếm để nhập từ khóa cụ thể hoặc tìm theo thứ tự chữ cái, chức năng này sẽ giúp bạn xem các thuật ngữ theo trình tự bảng chữ cái để dễ dàng tìm kiếm và tra cứu thông tin.
Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng tài nguyên từ điển và thuật ngữ này sẽ hỗ trợ bạn trong việc nắm bắt và áp dụng các khái niệm quan trọng khi thực hiện các chiến lược cải tiến và quản lý trong lĩnh vực kinh doanh của bạn.
There are currently 3003 Glossary and Terminology in this directory
1 proportion test
Compares a sample proportion to a hypothesized population proportion. It is used when dealing with categorical data and determining if there's a significant difference between observed and expected proportions. To perform this test, you'll typically use methods like z test or chi square test.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test1 sample Poisson test
Analyzes count data based on the Poisson distribution. It's used to assess whether the observed count data significantly differs from a hypothesized Poisson distribution. This test typically involves comparing observed counts with expected counts using statistical methods appropriate for Poisson distributions.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test1 sample Sign test
Determines if the median of a sample differs significantly from a known or hypothesized value. It's used when dealing with ordinal or continuous data. The test involves comparing observations to a reference value, often using the sign of the differences between observed and expected values.
Đăng bởi: Non parametric Test1 sample t test
Determines if the mean of a single sample differs significantly from a known or hypothesized value. It's used for small sample sizes when analyzing the mean of continuous data. This test assesses whether the sample mean differs significantly from the population mean.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test1 sample Wilcoxon
Also known as the Wilcoxon signed rank test, it assesses if there's a significant difference between paired observations from a single sample. It's used when data don't meet the assumptions of parametric tests or when dealing with ordinal or continuous data.
Đăng bởi: Non parametric Test1 sample Z test
Similar to the 1 sample t test but applicable when the sample size is large and/or the population standard deviation is known. It checks if the sample mean differs significantly from a known or hypothesized value. Commonly used for continuous data.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test1 variance test
Analyzes whether the variance of a single sample significantly differs from a hypothesized value. It's used to compare the variability within a single group or sample. This test often involves comparing the sample variance with an expected variance.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test100% inspection
Full quality inspection of all units in an inspection lot. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management14 Points
14 Points: W. Edwards Demings 14 management practices to help organizations increase their quality and productivity: 1) create constancy of purpose for improving products and services; 2) adopt the new philosophy; 3) cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality; 4) end the practice of awarding business on price alone; instead, minimize total cost by working with a single supplier; 5) improve constantly and forever every process for planning, production and service; 6) institute training on the job; 7) adopt and institute leadership; 8) drive out fear; 9) break down barriers between staff areas; 10) eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce; 11) eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for management; 12) remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship, and eliminate the annual rating or merit system; 13) institute a rigorous program of education and self improvement for everyone; and 14) put everybody in the organization to work to accomplish the transformation.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management1926 Subpart C
Contains basic elements of a safety and health program in construction standards.
Đăng bởi: Regulation1St Line Of Defence
Organization managing its risks, designing/implementing control measures.
Đăng bởi: Risk Management Responsibility2 proportions test
Compares the proportions from two independent groups or samples. It determines if there's a significant difference between the proportions of categorical data in two groups. This test is used to assess the association or difference between two proportions.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test2 sample Poisson test
Compares count data between two independent samples based on the Poisson distribution. It assesses if the observed counts in two groups significantly differ from the expected counts. This test is used when dealing with count data from two groups.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test2 sample t test
Compares the means of two independent samples to assess if they significantly differ from each other. It's used for continuous data and determines if there's a significant difference between the means of two groups.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test2 variances test
Determines if the variances of two independent samples are significantly different from each other. This test is used to compare the variability between two groups or samples. It involves assessing if the sample variances significantly differ.
Đăng bởi: Hypothesis Test29 Cfr 1910.120(E)(3)
Requires safety instruction for workers exposed to non toxic materials.
Đăng bởi: Regulation2Nd Line Of Defence
Safety Centres monitoring compliance, defining standards/policies.
Đăng bởi: Compliance Oversight3D
Denotes three dimensional space or representation in graphics or modeling.
Đăng bởi: Concept / Technique3D scatterplot
Represents three variables simultaneously in a graphical plot. Each axis corresponds to one variable, allowing visualization of relationships between three variables in a dataset.
Đăng bởi: Data Visualization3P
3P: The production preparation process is a tool for designing lean manufacturing environments. It is a highly disciplined, standardized model that results in the development of an improved production process in which low waste levels are achieved at low capital cost.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management3Rd Line Of Defence
Independent evaluation of governance, risk management, and control.
Đăng bởi: Independent Evaluation4M
Refers to four key factors in problem solving: Manpower, Machinery, Materials, and Methods. It's used in various industries to identify and address issues in processes.
Đăng bởi: Framework / Concept4W3H questions
Questioning technique for problem analysis. Who? What? When? Why? How? How much or how many? How good?
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management5 Principles of Lean
Core principles focusing on waste reduction and continuous improvement in manufacturing or service industries. Principles include: Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull, Perfection.
Đăng bởi: Lean Management5 Principles of the Simpler Business System (SBS)
Principles emphasizing simplicity, focusing on customer value, eliminating waste, standardizing processes, and continuously improving. This system aims to streamline operations and improve efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Business Management5 Whys
A problem solving technique involving asking "why" repeatedly to identify the root cause of an issue. It aims to uncover deeper causes behind problems rather than addressing surface level symptoms.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving Method5C
5C involves Cleanup, Arrange, Neatness, Discipline, and Ongoing Improvement an organizational methodology similar to the 5S system.
Đăng bởi: Organization5S
Sort, straighten (or set in order), shine (or sanitize), standardize and sustain. See Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke. The five Ss stand for order and cleanliness at the workplace (concept that originated in Japan). They also describe a procedure that can help to establish a new system for the upkeep of production means in five steps.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management5S (Principles)
Workplace organization method: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain. Aims to improve efficiency, safety, and cleanliness in a workspace.
Đăng bởi: Workplace Methodology5S Checklist
A tool used to ensure the proper implementation and maintenance of 5S principles in the workplace.
Đăng bởi: Tool5W + 1H
Technique for asking Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to gather information and analyze situations comprehensively.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving Method5W technique
Problem solving technique. The question why is asked five times in a row in order to find the actual cause of the problem.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management6M
Represents six factors in problem solving: Manpower, Machinery, Materials, Methods, Measurement, Mother Nature (Environment).
Đăng bởi: Framework / Concept6S
Workplace organization method: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, Safety. Focuses on cleanliness and organization in the workplace, including safety as a key aspect.
Đăng bởi: Workplace Methodology6Sigma
Quality management methodology aiming for defect reduction by improving processes and output quality. Utilizes statistical methods to achieve high levels of quality.
Đăng bởi: Quality Management7 QC Tools
Seven basic quality control tools: Check Sheets, Pareto Charts, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Histograms, Scatter Diagrams, Control Charts, and Flowcharts. Used for process improvement and problem solving.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control Tools7 quality management principles
You can find out more about this in the Quality management principles.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality management7 Steps Of Autonomous Maintenance
A structured approach involving seven steps designed to involve operators in maintenance tasks: 1. Initial cleaning, 2. Countermeasures for contamination, 3. Standards for cleaning, 4. Autonomous inspection, 5. General inspection, 6. Standards for lubrication, 7. Autonomous lubrication.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance Process7 Wastes
In Lean methodology, seven types of waste: Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing, Defects. Aimed to eliminate waste in processes.
Đăng bởi: Lean Management8 Wastes
Extension of the 7 wastes in Lean, including the additional waste of Underutilized Skills or Human Potential. Focuses on eliminating non value adding activities.
Đăng bởi: Lean Management8D
Problem solving methodology: Eight Disciplines. Used for identifying, correcting, and preventing recurring problems.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving Method8D report
Document within the framework of complaint management. It was standardized by VDA and is primarily used in the automotive (supplier) industry. In addition to the type of complaint, the 8D report also contains the responsibilities and corrective actions. The 8D approach to problem solving forces a systematic procedure and strict documentation of the solution steps. This enables the root causes of problems to be recognized and remedied. The process contains the following eight disciplines (8D) or steps: Form a team to solve the problem; Describe the problem; Determine interim containment actions; Determine the root causes; Plan corrective actions; Implement the actions; Prevent recurrence of problems; Show appreciation for the teams performance.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementA
Paper size but also a problem solving framework that fits on an A3 sized paper. It typically includes problem identification, analysis, action planning, and review.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving MethodA3 report
A3 report: The A3 report, developed by Toyota, is a problem solving tool to define or clarify problems, suggest solutions, and record the results of improvement activities. The report is written on ledger sized paper (11 x 17 inches) and includes text, pictures, diagrams, and charts broken into different sections, each clearly labeled and arranged in a logical flow to produce a desired outcome for a proposed process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementA3 thinking
Problem solving approach based on the A3 format, emphasizing concise documentation and structured problem solving steps.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving MethodABC
Activity based costing. User based distribution of overhead costs to the performances (reference value is the performance or the process). Tool to analyze and control overhead costs. The result makes it possible to show the relationship between resources and products in terms of economic performance.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementABC analysis
Business management procedure to support planning and decisionmaking. Certain classification methods or schemes are used tom rate operational objects or factors according to their significance/ importance and subsequently group them into A, B and C classes. This indicates the portion of the business volume held by important customers or the percentage of high quality products on stock. The ABC analysis provides a rough idea of the ACTUAL situation and serves as a basis for more precise analyses of problematic areas.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementABC XYZ analysis
In materials management, the XYZ analysis first means a classification of procurement objects with regard to their consumption characteristics (e.g., constant, seasonal, sporadic). In general, unlike the ABC analysis which groups according to significance, the classification here is according to other criteria (e.g., required quantitative material or resource usage: high, medium, low). In order to improve the effectiveness of an ABC analysis or a purely XYZ analysis, the two are combined into an ABC XYZ analysis. This shows that, for example, lower value articles constitute a high proportion of the inventory and at the same time demand high resource usage for their storage. The advantage of this analysis method is that it remains limited to a few dimensions and consequently makes it comparatively easy to recognize weak points that can then be considered in more detail. See ABC analysis, XYZ analysis.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAbsolute
Absolute value or magnitude, disregarding direction. Used in mathematics and measurements.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptAbsolute Duty
No defense available against non compliance with statutory requirements.
Đăng bởi: Occupational Health and SafetyAbsolute liability
Absolute liability (also strict liability) is liability for damages that result from an allowed hazard. Liability for damages arises regardless of guilt.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAbsorption
Uptake of material into the body, e.g., through skin, inhalation, ingestion, or injection.
Đăng bởi: Material Entry RoutesAcademic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP)
Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP): A forum for higher education institutions to review one anothers action projects.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAccelerated life test
Experiment to estimate the life expectancy or reliability of a product by exposing it to accelerated stress conditions.
Đăng bởi: Test / ExperimentAcceptable quality level (AQL)
In quality control, the maximum acceptable defect rate in a particular sample. Used in acceptance sampling plans.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureAcceptance
Finding that the criteria for the acceptability of the inspection lot are fulfilled.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAcceptance inspection
Quality inspection to determine whether or not a product is acceptable as supplied or delivered. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAcceptance number
Acceptance number: The maximum number of defects or defectives allowable in a sampling lot for the lot to be acceptable.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAcceptance quality limit (AQL)
Acceptance quality limit (AQL): In a continuing series of lots, a quality level that, for the purpose of sampling inspection, is the limit of a satisfactory process average.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAcceptance region plot
Graphical representation in statistical hypothesis testing showing the region of acceptance for a test statistic under a given significance level.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationAcceptance sampling
Quality control technique involving inspecting a sample from a batch to determine whether to accept or reject the entire batch based on predefined criteria.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MethodAcceptance sampling plan
Acceptance sampling plan: A specific plan that indicates the sampling sizes and associated acceptance or nonacceptance criteria to be used. In attributes sampling, for example, there are single, double, multiple, sequential, chain and skip lot sampling plans. In variables sampling, there are single, double and sequential sampling plans. For detailed descriptions of these plans, see the standard ANSI/ISO/CiCC A3534 2 1993: StatisticsVocabulary and SymbolsStatistical Quality Control.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAccident
An incident resulting in death, injury, loss, or damage.
Đăng bởi: General Occupational Health and SafetyAccident Prevention Plan (App)
Instructs employees on responding to common occupational hazards.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureAccident Triangle
Indicates statistical relationship and severity of accidents: Small number of deaths, Medium number of injuries, Large number of near misses.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Analysis in SafetyAcclimatized
Personnel adapted to hot environments through supervised exercise programs.
Đăng bởi: Environmental AdaptationAccountability / Accountable
Person responsible for agreed risk management standards.
Đăng bởi: Role/ResponsibilityAccountable Person
Individual responsible for ensuring adequate health and safety systems within their unit or designated area.
Đăng bởi: Responsibility RoleAccreditation
Accreditation: Certification by a recognized body of the facilities, capability, objectivity, competence and integrity of an agency, service or operational group or individual to provide the specific service or operation needed. The term has multiple meanings depending on the sector. Laboratory accreditation assesses the capability of a laboratory to conduct testing, generally using standard test methods. Accreditation for healthcare organizations involves an authoritative body surveying and verifying compliance with recognized criteria, similar to certification in other sectors.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAccreditation body
Accreditation body: An organization with authority to accredit other organizations to perform services such as quality system certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAccuracy
Measurement concept: how close a measured value is to the true value or target.
Đăng bởi: Measurement ConceptAccuracy and precision
Accuracy refers to the closeness of measurements to the true value, while precision refers to the consistency or reproducibility of measurements.
Đăng bởi: Measurement ConceptsACLASS Accreditation Services
ACLASS Accreditation Services: An ANSI CiCC National Accreditation Board company that provides accreditation services for: testing and calibration labs in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025; reference material producers in accordance with ISO Guide 34; and inspection bodies in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAcos
In mathematics, the inverse trigonometric function for finding an angle given the cosine value.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionAction limit
Maximum or minimum value that is entered into a quality control chart. Action must be taken if a characteristic value falls above or below this value. (On the basis of DIN 55350 33)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAction Plan
Detailed plan outlining specific steps to achieve a particular goal or address an issue.
Đăng bởi: Planning / StrategyActivity based costing
Activity based costing: An accounting system that assigns costs to a product based on the amount of resources used to design, order or make it.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementActivity Boards
Visual boards used to display and manage tasks or activities in a project or workflow.
Đăng bởi: Project Management ToolActivity Hazard Analysis (Aha)
Analyzes job hazards pre occurrence to avoid and eliminate them.
Đăng bởi: Risk AnalysisActivity network diagram
Activity network diagram: An arrow diagram used in planning.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAcute Effects
Health effects appearing quickly after exposure to a causative agent.
Đăng bởi: Health Effect ClassificationAdded value performance
Activity (performance) that leads to value enhancement from the customers point of view. It increases the value of a product for the customer.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAdditive / Synergistic
Properties of substances showing cumulative or heightened combined effects.
Đăng bởi: Substances Effect InteractionAdditive model
Statistical model assuming the combined effect of multiple factors is the sum of the effects of individual factors.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ModelAdjusted p value
Statistical technique adjusting the significance threshold in multiple hypothesis testing to account for multiple comparisons and reduce false positives.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueAdjusted residuals for counts
Residuals in statistical models used to assess the difference between observed and expected counts, often in contingency tables. Adjusted for model complexity.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureAdjustment
Precise adjustment (matching) of a measuring instrument by a changing intervention in the measuring instrument in order to minimize errors of measurement to an acceptable degree.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAdministrative Line Of Authority
Administrative authorities responsible for smooth mining operations.
Đăng bởi: ManagementAdvanced Product Quality Planning (APQP)
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP): A high level automotive process for product realization, from design through production part approval.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAdverse event
Adverse event: A healthcare term for any event that is not consistent with the desired, normal or usual operation of the organization; also known as a sentinel event.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAdvice
Specific practical directions for compliance without precisely outlining actions to be taken.
Đăng bởi: Compliance GuidanceAffinity Chart (diagram)
Visual tool used in brainstorming and organizing ideas by grouping related concepts or items together.
Đăng bởi: Visualization TechniqueAffinity Charts
Another term for Affinity Diagrams. Used in brainstorming and problem solving to organize and categorize ideas.
Đăng bởi: Visualization TechniqueAffinity Diagram
Visual brainstorming tool for organizing and grouping ideas or information based on natural relationships or associations.
Đăng bởi: Visualization TechniqueAFNOR
Association Française de Normalisation. Official French authority for standardization. www.afnor.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAgenda 21
Development and environmental policy action plan for the 21st century. More than 170 countries adopted this guidance paper for sustainable development at the United Nations Conference on Environment & Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Meanwhile Agenda 21 (sustainable development) is also seen as the guideline for public action.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAggregate data
Data combined or summarized from individual level data into groups or categories for analysis or reporting.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisAgile
Project management methodology emphasizing adaptability, collaboration, iterative development, and customer feedback in delivering projects.
Đăng bởi: Project Management MethodAgile certification
Certification programs verifying proficiency in Agile methodologies, often covering frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, Lean, etc.
Đăng bởi: Certification ProgramAgility
Agility: The ability for organizations to respond rapidly to changes in internal and external environments without losing momentum or vision.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAIAG
Automotive Industry Action Group: An organization establishing quality standards and guidelines in the automotive industry.
Đăng bởi: Industry StandardsAir Monitoring
Identifying and measuring toxicity of air contaminants in workplaces.
Đăng bởi: Safety MeasureAkkreditierungsstellengesetz
Law from August 1, 2009 regarding the accreditation body. This regulates such aspects as the tasks and authorities of the national accreditation body and of the accreditation advisory board. It is based on Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008, which provides for the establishment of a single national accreditation body in every member state of the EU by January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAlarp
As Low As Reasonably Practicable weighing risks against the trouble, time, and money needed to control them.
Đăng bởi: Risk ManagementAlias
An alternative name or label used to represent a variable, command, or entity in various contexts or programming languages.
Đăng bởi: Terminology / VariableAlignment
Alignment: Actions to ensure that a process or activity supports the organizations strategy, goals and objectives.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAll Waiting Time
Cumulative time when equipment is not operational for various reasons.
Đăng bởi: Downtime FactorAlpha
A statistical measure of internal consistency or reliability in tests or measurements, commonly used in assessing scales or instruments.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureAlpha for axial points
In Design of Experiments (DOE), a measure used to evaluate the reliability of effects at axial points in a factorial experiment.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignAlpha risk
Maximum risk that the examining party faces if it rejects the null hypothesis Ho although it is true.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAlternate Entry
Procedures for confined spaces with controlled atmospheric hazards.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProtocolAlternative Acceptable Means Of Compliance
Alternate ways of meeting JSP 375 requirements.
Đăng bởi: Option/ComplianceAlternative hypothesis (Ha) (also called the working hypothesis)
Hypothesis that there are differences.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAlternative Path
In project management or process flow, an alternate route or sequence used when the main path encounters obstacles or changes.
Đăng bởi: Project Management TermAM (TPM)
Autonomous Maintenance in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): An approach where equipment operators perform routine maintenance tasks to improve equipment efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance MethodAmerican Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA): An organization that formally recognizes another organizations competency to perform specific tests, types of tests or calibrations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)
American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): Released for the first time in October 1994, an economic indicator and cross industry measure of the satisfaction of U. S. household customers with the quality of the goods and services available to them. This includes goods and services produced in the United States and imports from foreign firms that have substantial market shares or dollar sales. CiCC is a founding sponsor of the ACSI, along with the University of Michigan Business School and the CFI Group.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI): A private, nonprofit organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system. It is the U.S. member body in the International Organization for Standardization, known as ISO.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT): A technical society for nondestructive testing (NDT) professionals.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican Society for Quality (ASQ)
American Society for Quality (ASQ): A professional, not for profit association that develops, promotes and applies quality related information and technology for the private sector, government and academia. ASQ serves individual and organizational members in more than 140 countries.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Not for profit organization that provides a forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International: Not for profit organization that provides a forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD): A membership organization that provides materials, education and support related to workplace learning and performance.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAmerican standard code for information interchange (ASCII)
American standard code for information interchange (ASCII): The basic computer characters accepted by all American machines and many foreign ones.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAnalysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
Statistical technique combining analysis of variance (ANOVA) with linear regression to assess the influence of continuous covariates on a dependent variable.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueAnalysis of means
Statistical method comparing means from multiple groups or treatments, often used in experimental designs with multiple factors or levels.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueAnalysis of means (ANOM)
Analysis of means (ANOM): A statistical procedure for troubleshooting industrial processes and analyzing the results of experimental designs with factors at fixed levels. It provides a graphical display of data. Ellis R. Ott developed the procedure in 1967 because he observed that nonstatisticians had difficulty understanding analysis of variance. Analysis of means is easier for quality practitioners to use because it is an extension of the control chart. In 1973, Edward G. Schilling further extended the concept, enabling analysis of means to be used with non normal distributions and attributes data in which the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply. This is referred to as analysis of means for treatment effects.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAnalysis of variance (ANOVA)
Statistical technique analyzing differences in means among multiple groups to assess if there are significant differences between group means.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueAnalysis of variance table
Table displaying the sources of variation and degrees of freedom in an ANOVA, summarizing the statistical analysis of group differences.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ToolAnalyze
Stage in process improvement methodologies (e.g., Six Sigma) involving data analysis to identify root causes and potential solutions.
Đăng bởi: Process Improvement StageAnalyze Phase
Phase in Six Sigma or process improvement methodologies focused on data analysis and identifying areas for improvement.
Đăng bởi: Process Improvement PhaseAnalyze variability
Process of investigating and understanding the variation in data or outcomes to determine sources of variability.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisAnchor column
In data tables or databases, a fixed reference column used for organizing or aligning data, often used in data manipulation or sorting.
Đăng bởi: Data Management TermAnderson Darling statistic
A measure used to assess how well a sample's distribution fits a particular theoretical distribution, especially for testing normality.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureAndon
Visual control device or signal indicating abnormalities or issues in a manufacturing process, typically used in Lean and TPM methodologies.
Đăng bởi: Lean / ManufacturingAndon board
Andon board: A production area visual control device, such as a lighted overhead display. It communicates the status of the production system and alerts team members to emerging problems (from andon, a Japanese word meaning light).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementANFIA
Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica. Organization of the Italian automotive industry with headquarters in Turin, Italy. www.anfia.it
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAnnual Objectives
Goals or targets set by an organization or individual to achieve within a year, guiding strategic planning and performance.
Đăng bởi: Strategic PlanningANOVA
Analysis of Variance: Statistical technique to compare means among multiple groups, assessing differences and variances between group means.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueANSI
American National Standards Institute, Washington D.C., www.ansi.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementANSI ACS X12
ANSI ACS X12: Transaction standards for electronic communication and shipping notification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAnswers Knowledgebase
Repository or database containing information, solutions, or resources to address various queries or issues.
Đăng bởi: Information ResourceAntilog
In mathematics, the inverse operation of taking the logarithm, determining the number whose logarithm is a given number.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionAppointed Person
Trained individual competent in assigned duties.
Đăng bởi: Workplace Safety ProceduresAppraisal cost
Appraisal cost: The cost of ensuring an organization is continually striving to conform to customers quality requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementApproval
Formal consent or authorization given to proceed with a task, project, or decision after review and validation.
Đăng bởi: Process Step / ApprovalApproved Code Of Practice (Acop)
Code accepted by Health and Safety Commission (HSC).
Đăng bởi: Legal Compliance in SafetyAPQP
Advanced Product Quality Planning: Advanced product quality planning process supporting design and development of products and services. (On the basis of IATF 16949:2016)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementÃ
Ãsterreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Qualität (QUALITY AUSTRIA), Vienna, Austria. www.qualityaustria.com
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementA
Allied Quality Assurance Publications. NATO standards for quality assurance systems. They contain requirements for companies who supply products to the military sector.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAQL
Acceptance quality limit. See Acceptance quality limit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementArea
Measurement of the size of a two dimensional surface enclosed by a boundary or shape.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptArea graph
Data visualization graph representing data trends using filled in areas to show changes over time or between categories.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationArea Of Responsibility
Physical area, activities, or operational parameters an individual or organization directly controls or holds delegated authority over.
Đăng bởi: Responsibility AreaARIS
Architecture of integrated information systems: Framework for the structuring and representation of business processes and information systems in companies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementArithmetic mean
Simple statistical parameter (mean, average). It is formed by dividing the sum of all values in a collection by the number of values. The arithmetic mean is susceptible to outliers (individual values in a sample that greatly differ from the average). Therefore it is useful to identify a sample by including further measures of locations and measures of dispersion.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementArrow diagram
Arrow diagram: A planning tool to diagram a sequence of events or activities (nodes) and their interconnectivity. It is used for scheduling and especially for determining the critical path through nodes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAs Low As Reasonably Practicable
Level of risk reduction where further measures become disproportionate to gained benefits.
Đăng bởi: Risk Reduction LevelAS9100
AS9100: An international quality management standard for the aerospace industry published by the Society of Automotive Engineers and other organizations worldwide. It is known as EN9100 in Europe and JIS Q 9100 in Japan. The standard is controlled by the International Aerospace Quality Group (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAsap
ASAP (As Soon As Possible) a term emphasizing urgency or priority in completing tasks or actions.
Đăng bởi: WorkplaceAsbestos Containing Materials
Materials containing asbestos as part of their design.
Đăng bởi: Hazardous Material ClassificationAsbestos Survey
Assessment to determine location, quantity, type, and condition of asbestos.
Đăng bởi: Evaluation/AssessmentAsia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC)
Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC): A cooperative of laboratory accreditation bodies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAsin
In mathematics, the inverse trigonometric function for finding an angle given the sine value.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionAspect ratio
Proportionate relationship between the width and height of an object or image, often expressed as a ratio.
Đăng bởi: Measurement ConceptAssembly inspection
The assembly inspection can be conducted as an in process or final inspection. See In process inspection or Final inspection.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAssignable cause
Identifiable and controllable factor or circumstance causing variation or issues in a process or outcome.
Đăng bởi: Process VariationAssn. for Quality and Participation (AQP)
Assn. for Quality and Participation (AQP): Was an independent organization until 2004, when it became an affiliate organization of CiCC. Continues today as CiCCs Team and Workplace Excellence Forum.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAssociated variables
Variables showing a statistical relationship or correlation, where changes in one variable may correspond to changes in another.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ConceptAssurance
Confidence from an objective examination over activities, control, and compliance.
Đăng bởi: Evaluation/AssessmentASTM International
American Society for Testing and Materials, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. www.astm.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAtan
In mathematics, the inverse trigonometric function for finding an angle given the tangent value.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionATI
Average Total Inspected. Average number of units inspected.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAtmospheric Monitoring
Testing and analyzing hazardous atmospheres for safe entry procedures.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureAttribute
In quality control, a characteristic or feature of a product or process that can be evaluated as conforming or non conforming.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control TermAttribute agreement analysis
Assessment method in quality control to measure agreement among appraisers when evaluating attributes in a product or process.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MethodAttribute charts
Charts used in quality control to monitor the proportion of non conforming items or attributes in a sample or process.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ToolAttribute Data
Data type describing qualitative or categorical characteristics or attributes rather than numerical values.
Đăng bởi: Data TypeAttribute Gage Study
Quality assessment method evaluating the reliability and consistency of attribute measurement systems.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MethodAttributes, method of
Attributes, method of: A method of measuring quality that consists of noting the presence (or absence) of some characteristic (attribute) in each of the units under consideration and counting how many units do (or do not) possess it. Example: go/no go gauging of a dimension.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudiometric Health Surveillance
Close monitoring of an individual's health related to auditory issues.
Đăng bởi: Health MonitoringAudit
Systematic process for gathering and assessing evidence to determine compliance.
Đăng bởi: Compliance AssessmentAudit client
Party (organization or person) requesting an audit. For internal audits, the audit client can also be the organization that is being audited. External audits can be requested by other organizations (e.g., regulators, contracting parties actual or potential clients). (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit conclusion
Result of an audit that takes into account the audit objectives and audit findings. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit criteria
Criteria that are used for an audit. Criteria are requirements that serve as a reference or benchmark for an audit. The objective evidence is compared to these standards (target status). Requirements may cover policies, procedures, work instructions, legal requirements or contractual obligations. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit evidence
Objective information in the form of records and statements of fact (actual status) which are collected during the audit and which are relevant to the audit criteria (target status). (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit findings
Result of the comparison of the audit criteria (target status) with the audit evidence (actual status). Audit findings can either demonstrate the agreement (conformity) with the audit criteria, deviations [nonconformity], or potential improvement (conformity). (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit leader
Auditor who leads the audit team. He or she has the overall responsibility for the audit. An audit (team) leaders fundamental tasks are: Audit planning and resource usage in the audit; representing the audit team with respect to the client and the auditee; forming the audit team and assigning the tasks; leading the audit team in order to gather objective audit results and draw audit conclusions; preventing or solving conflicts including stopping the audit if the auditee is not providing support; time management for the performance of the audit; and preparing the audit report and deviation reports.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit management
Control of the use of competent auditors in the different audit types and the review of the effectiveness of the audit system.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit plan
Detailed specification of the audit procedure and the activities for an audit. An audit plan is used to define the audit objectives, audit scope, auditors and areas or people to be audited. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit principles (principles of auditing)
Principles that constitute the basis for an effective audit. ISO 19011 lists the following seven principles: Integrity, fair presentation, due professional care, confidentiality, independence, evidence based approach and risk based approach. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit programme
One or more audits planned for a specific time frame with a specific purpose in mind. An audit program also includes the planning (including resources), organization and performance of audits. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit questioning method
Questioning technique in the audit. This refers to how the auditor engages people to talk. Open questions (WH questions: who, what, where, when, why and how questions) result in a great deal of information and are therefore preferable. Suggestive questions can interfere with the atmosphere of the talk, and alternative questions allow for incorrect answers. Closed questions limit the possible answers and the auditee cannot freely structure the answer. Chain questions are problematic. The person being interviewed is flooded with questions, looks for the simplest one and no longer responds to the others.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit record
Documentation from audit: e.g., completed checklists or handwritten records.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit report
Report that contains the outcome of an audit. As a rule, the outcome is delivered to the client after the audit. The report contains the audit objectives and audit scope, audit number with date, audited location, client, type of audit, audit basis, audit participants, audit representative, auditor, auditor team, audit findings, audit conclusions, remark about the follow up audit, summarizing assessment, signature of the lead auditor and date.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit scope
Description of the extent and boundaries of an audit, such as physical and virtual locations, functions organizational units, processes, activities, and time period covered. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit team
An audit team leader and one or more additional auditors constitute the audit team. Where necessary, they are supported by technical experts with specific knowledge in the sector or the subject. Auditors in training can also supplement the audit team. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudit type
Character of an audit. There are many types of audits that are specific to a company. The normal distinctions are between first, second and third party audits and between system, process and product audits.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAuditee
Organization or parts thereof being audited. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAuditor
Person who conducts an audit. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018). Average outgoing quality. Expected number of defective parts in a lot according to a sampling inspection.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAudits
Systematic examinations or reviews conducted to evaluate processes, operations, or systems for compliance, accuracy, or efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Evaluation ProcessAutofill
Feature in software or applications automatically populating data into fields based on predefined patterns or previous entries.
Đăng bởi: Software FeatureAutomatic Time
In manufacturing, systems or processes that trigger actions or operations based on predetermined time intervals or triggers.
Đăng bởi: Manufacturing TermAutomotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG): A global automotive trade association with about 2,600 plus member companies that focuses on common business processes, implementation guidelines, education and training.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAutonomation
Autonomation: A form of automation in which machinery automatically inspects each item after producing it and ceases production and notifies humans if a defect is detected. Toyota expanded the meaning of jidohka to include the responsibility of all workers to function similarlyto check every item produced and, if a defect is detected, make no more until the cause of the defect has been identified and corrected. Also see jidohka.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAutonomation (aka Jidoka)
Lean manufacturing principle where machines stop or alert when abnormalities occur, enabling operators to address issues promptly.
Đăng bởi: Lean ManufacturingAutonomous Maintenance (Am)
AM is a TPM pillar focused on empowering operators to perform routine maintenance tasks on equipment to prevent breakdowns and defects.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance MethodologyAvailability
Availability: The ability of a product to be in a state to perform its designated function under stated conditions at a given time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAvailability Rate (A)
Measures the percentage of time equipment is available for production.
Đăng bởi: Efficiency MetricAvailable Process Time
The total time available for a process to operate or perform tasks within a given time frame, excluding downtime or interruptions.
Đăng bởi: Process ManagementAverage (aka Mean)
Statistical measure representing the central tendency of a data set, calculated by summing values and dividing by the number of observations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureAverage chart
Average chart: A control chart in which the subgroup average, X bar, is used to evaluate the stability of the process level.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAverage outgoing quality (AOQ)
Average outgoing quality (AOQ): The expected average quality level of an outgoing product for a given value of incoming product quality.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAverage Outgoing Quality Curve
Graphical representation showing the trend of the average quality level of items leaving a process over time or quantity produced.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control GraphAverage outgoing quality limit (AOQL)
Average outgoing quality limit (AOQL): The maximum average outgoing quality over all possible levels of incoming quality for a given acceptance sampling plan and disposal specification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAverage P
In quality control, a measure estimating the average proportion of non conforming items in a sample from a process.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureAverage run lengths (ARL)
Average run lengths (ARL): On a control chart, the number of subgroups expected to be inspected before a shift in magnitude takes place.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAverage sample number (ASN)
Average sample number (ASN): The average number of sample units inspected per lot when reaching decisions to accept or reject.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAverage total inspection (ATI)
Average total inspection (ATI): The average number of units inspected per lot, including all units in rejected lots (applicable when the procedure calls for 100% inspection of rejected lots).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementAverage total inspection curve
Graphical representation indicating the overall inspection rate or efficiency concerning the total items inspected over time.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control GraphÃ
Ãsterreichische Vereinigung für Qualitätssicherung. Earlier name of the ÃQA.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementA
See EFQM Excellence Award, Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, Ludwig Erhard Preis.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementB
Background and fill pattern color
Design or software feature allowing users to select and apply colors or patterns to fill backgrounds in visual elements or documents.
Đăng bởi: Design / Software FeatureBaka yoke
Baka yoke: A Japanese term for a manufacturing technique for preventing mistakes by designing the manufacturing process, equipment and tools so an operation literally cannot be performed incorrectly. In addition to preventing incorrect operation, the technique usually provides a warning signal of some sort for incorrect performance. Also see poka yoke.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBalanced and unbalanced design
In experimental design or sampling, balanced design has equal sample sizes for all conditions or groups, while unbalanced design has unequal sample sizes.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignBalanced plant
Balanced plant: A plant in which the capacity of all resources is balanced exactly with market demand.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBalanced scorecard
Balanced scorecard: A management system that provides feedback on internal business processes and external outcomes to continuously improve strategic performance and results.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBalancing the line
Balancing the line: The process of evenly distributing the quantity and variety of work across available work time, avoiding overburden and underuse of resources. This eliminates bottlenecks and downtime, which translates into shorter flow time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBaldrige award
Baldrige award: See Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBAM
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und prüfung, Berlin. [German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing]
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBar
A graphical representation used in charts or graphs, often represented by a rectangular shape or column to display data.
Đăng bởi: Visualization ElementBar chart
Graphical representation of data in the form of bars.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBartletts Test
Statistical test used to determine if variances in multiple groups or samples are equal, checking the homogeneity of variances assumption.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestBase Data Display
Presentation or representation of primary or raw data before any modification or analysis.
Đăng bởi: Data RepresentationBase Design
Initial or fundamental structure or plan serving as the foundation for further development or modifications.
Đăng bởi: Design / PlanningBase Random Number
A starting point for generating a series of random numbers in statistical simulations or experiments.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ToolBaseline measurement
Baseline measurement: The beginning point, based on an evaluation of output over a period of time, used to determine the process parameters prior to any improvement effort; the basis against which change is measured.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBaseline Measures
Initial or starting point measurements used as a reference for comparison in performance evaluation or improvement.
Đăng bởi: Performance MetricsBasic quality concepts
Basic quality concepts: Fundamental ideas and tools that define the quality of a product or service. These include fitness for use, histograms, process capability indexes, cause and effect diagrams, failure mode and effects analysis, and control charts.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBatch and queue
Batch and queue: Producing more than one piece and then moving the pieces to the next operation before they are needed.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBAuA
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin [German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health], Dortmund.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBayes' theorem
Bayes' theorem: A formula to calculate conditional probabilities by relating the conditional and marginal probability distributions of random variables.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBekidouritsu
Operational availability (standard reading is: BEKIDOURITSU, not KADOURITSU), equal to the time a machine is on divided by the time it is engaged in value adding work
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIBenchmarking
Benchmarking: A technique in which an organization measures its performance against that of best in class organizations, determines how those organizations achieved their performance levels and uses the information to improve its own performance. Subjects that can be benchmarked include strategies, operations and processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBenefit cost analysis
Benefit cost analysis: An examination of the relationship between the monetary cost of implementing an improvement and the monetary value of the benefits achieved by the improvement, both within the same time period.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBernoulli Distribution
Discrete probability distribution describing random experiments with binary outcomes (success or failure) having constant probability.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionBest practice
Best practice: A superior method or innovative practice that contributes to the improved performance of an organization, usually recognized as best by other peer organizations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBest settings
The term is used to classify the optimal setting of the most important input variables (see also: Red X). Within the Six Sigma DMAIC cycle, this is used in the improve phase.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBest Subsets Regression
Statistical method evaluating all possible subsets of predictor variables in regression analysis to identify the best fitting model.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueBeta Distribution
Continuous probability distribution used to model outcomes bounded between two values, such as time or proportions.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionBeta risk
Risk that Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted, although there really is a difference.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBeta test
A products last test phase before delivery to the customer or dealer. The software industry uses the beta test phase to test the stability and freedom from defects in the most economical way possible and also releases software to customers ahead of time (at no charge).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBetrVG
Betriebsverfassungsgesetz [German Works Constitution Act]
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBias
Systematic error or deviation from the true value or expected value in measurements or predictions.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureBias and Linearity
Evaluation of the relationship between predicted values and observed values in statistical models. Bias refers to systematic errors, while linearity assesses the relationship's straightness.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisBig Q, little q
Big Q, little q: A term used to contrast the difference between managing for quality in all business processes and products (big Q) and managing for quality in a limited capacitytraditionally only in factory products and processes (little q).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBinomial Capability Plots
Graphical representation used in quality control to assess the capability of a process with binomial data (two possible outcomes).
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ToolBinomial Distribution
Discrete probability distribution describing the number of successes in a fixed number of independent trials with two possible outcomes.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionBins
Categories or intervals used to group and organize data in histograms, bar charts, or other graphical representations.
Đăng bởi: Data OrganizationBlack Belt
Six Sigma expert who concentrates on project execution in a company. These experts are permanent members in Six Sigma projects and provide the team with knowledge and experience on the correct selection and use of the various tools and methods. As a rule, large or strategically important projects are headed by a Six Sigma Black Belt.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBlack Belt (BB)
Black Belt (BB): A full time team leader responsible for implementing process improvement projectsdefine, measure, analyze, improve and control (DMAIC) or define, measure, analyze, design and verify (DMADV)within a business to drive up customer satisfaction and productivity levels.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBlank Delimited
Data format or structure where fields or values are separated by blank spaces or gaps in a file or document.
Đăng bởi: Data FormatBlemish
Blemish: An imperfection severe enough to be noticed but that should not cause any real impairment with respect to intended normal or reasonably foreseeable use. Also see defect, imperfection and nonconformity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBlock diagram
Block diagram: A diagram that shows the operation, interrelationships and interdependencies of components in a system. Boxes, or blocks (hence the name), represent the components; connecting lines between the blocks represent interfaces. There are two types of block diagrams: a functional block diagram, which shows a systems subsystems and lower level products and their interrelationships and which interfaces with other systems; and a reliability block diagram, which is similar to the functional block diagram but is modified to emphasize those aspects influencing reliability.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBlocks
In experimental design, a division of experimental units into groups to minimize variability from external factors.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignBloodborne Pathogens
Infectious microorganisms in human blood causing diseases.
Đăng bởi: Health HazardBNetzA
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen, Bonn. [German Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway]. The organization was established on January 1, 1998 as regulators for telecommunication and post (RegTP) and renamed the Bundesnetzagentur [German Federal Network Agency] on July 13, 2005. It is the regulatory body responsible for maintaining and promoting competition in network markets. www.bundesnetzagentur.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBoard of Standards Review (BSR)
Board of Standards Review (BSR): An American National Standards Institute board responsible for the approval and withdrawal of American National Standards.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBody of knowledge (BoK)
Body of knowledge (BoK): The prescribed aggregation of knowledge in a particular area an individual is expected to have mastered to be considered or certified as a practitioner.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBonus malus system
System that rewards good performances (bonus) and penalizes poor performances (malus). This system can also be associated with financial quantities.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBottom line
Bottom line: The essential or salient point; the primary or most important consideration. Also, the line at the bottom of a financial report that shows the net profit or loss.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBox and whisker plot
Box and whisker plot: A plot used in exploratory data analysis to picture the centering and variation of the data based on quartiles. After the data are ordered, the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles are identified. The box contains the data between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBox plot
Graphical evaluation of the dispersion and distribution of data. It must be noted that the data are divided into four quartiles, i.e., 25% of the data is combined into one quartile. The gray box (see graphic) corresponds to the area in which the middle 50% of the data lies. The box plot representation shows the median and not the arithmetic mean. The antennas above and below the box represent the data values that lie outside the box in the 1st and 4th quartile.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBrainstorming
Brainstorming: A technique teams use to generate ideas on a particular subject. Each person on the team is asked to think creatively and write down as many ideas as possible. The ideas are not discussed or reviewed until after the brainstorming session.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBreakthrough improvement
Breakthrough improvement: A dynamic, decisive movement to a new, higher level of performance.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBS 7799
BS 7799: A standard written by British commerce, government and industry stakeholders to address information security management issues, including fraud, industrial espionage and physical disaster. Today, there are three parts to the standard. Part one became ISO/IEC 17799, Information technologyCode of practice for information security management. BS 7799 Part 2 focuses on information security management systems. BS 7799 Part 3 covers risk analysis and management.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBSI
1. Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik [German Federal Office for Information Security], Bonn. www.bsi.bund.de; 2. British Standards Institution, London. www. bsigroup.com
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBusiness Excellence
See Excellence models, Total Quality Management.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBusiness process
Process that is determined by the customers specific requirements and that produces a benefit (value creation) for both the customer and the organization providing the product or service. A business process is consequently a procedure for solving customer problems.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBusiness Process Management
Planning, organization and monitoring of a companys processes in terms of quality, time, costs and customer satisfaction. The objective of this management concept is to optimize and automate business processes to a large extent.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBusiness Process Reengineering
Concept to refocus companies: Fundamental change in the company sequences with the objective of completely restructuring all relevant processes. The processes should be redesigned in order to achieve the greatest possible efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBusiness process reengineering (BPR)
Business process reengineering (BPR): The concentration on improving business processes to deliver outputs that will achieve results meeting the firms objectives, priorities and mission.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementBusiness Reengineering
See Business Process Reengineering.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementC
Calibration: The comparison of a measurement instrument or system of unverified accuracy to a measurement instrument or system of known accuracy to detect any variation from the required performance specification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCando System
CANDO is an acronym developed by Henry Ford, resembling principles akin to the 5S methodology for workplace efficiency. Ford's CANDO system focuses on Cleaning up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline, and Ongoing improvement.
Đăng bởi: Historical ContextCapability
Capability: The total range of inherent variation in a stable process determined by using data from control charts.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCapability maturity model (CMM)
Capability maturity model (CMM): A framework that describes the key elements of an effective software process. Its an evolutionary improvement path from an immature process to a mature, disciplined process. The CMM covers practices for planning, engineering and managing software development and maintenance to improve the ability of organizations to meet goals for cost, schedule, functionality and product quality.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCapacity constraint resources
Capacity constraint resources: A series of non bottlenecks (based on the sequence in which jobs are performed) that can act as a constraint.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCAQ
Computer Aided Quality Assurance: This term is used for the computer supported planning and performance of actions related to quality in a company.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCarcinogenic
Potential of a substance or agent to be a carcinogen.
Đăng bởi: Hazard Identification in SafetyCascade process
Breaking down objectives in an organizational unit. Performance indicators and performance figures are defined that can be measured and influenced for the particular unit and that ultimately are linked to the objectives of the company as a whole.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCascading
Cascading: The continuing flow of the quality message down to, not through, the next level of supervision until it reaches all workers. Also see deployment.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCASCO
CASCO: An International Organization for Standardization policy development committee for conformity assessment.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCause
Cause: An identified reason for the presence of a defect or problem.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCause analysis
Cause analysis: Another term referring to root cause analysis (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCause and effect diagram
Cause and effect diagram: A tool for analyzing process dispersion. It is also referred to as the Ishikawa diagram, because Kaoru Ishikawa developed it, and the fishbone diagram, because the complete diagram resembles a fish skeleton. The diagram illustrates the main causes and subcauses leading to an effect (symptom). The cause and effect diagram is one of the seven tools of quality (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCBT
Computer Based Training: Educational or training programs delivered via computer technology or digital platforms.
Đăng bởi: Training MethodCCFA
Comité des Constructeurs Français dAutomobiles: Association of the French automotive industry, Paris. www.ccfa.fr
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCCpk
Process capability index measuring how well a process fits the specifications, considering both centering and variation.
Đăng bởi: Process CapabilityCE mark
CE (Communauté Européenne) is the French term for the European Community. The CE mark is an expression of the conformance with EU directives. The objective of the CE mark is to show that a product conforms to the general protection objectives stipulated in the EU directives. The CE mark is consequently a symbol for free trade of technical products in the European Union.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCE marking
CE marking: Formerly known as the CE Mark, the Conformité Européene (CE) Mark is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985. The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in or designed to be sold in the EEA. This makes the CE marking recognizable worldwide even to those unfamiliar with the EEA.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCEDAC
Cause Effect Diagram with the Addition of Cards. Cause effect diagram that uses cards or post its (for the causes). See also Ishikawa diagram.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCeiling
Upper limit or maximum value in statistical analysis or data representation.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCell
Cell: An arrangement of people, machines, materials and equipment in which the processing steps are placed next to each other in sequential order and through which parts are processed in a continuous flow. The most common cell layout is a U shape.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCellular manufacturing
Cellular manufacturing: Arranging machines in the correct process sequence, with operators remaining within the cell and materials presented to them from outside.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCellularization
Organizational or operational restructuring into autonomous units or cells for increased efficiency and responsiveness.
Đăng bởi: Organizational MethodCEN
Comité Européen de Normalisation. European Committee for Standardization. Its primary job is to compose European standards (EN).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCENELEC
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique, Brussels, Belgium
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCensoring
Statistical technique where certain data points are known but not fully observed or recorded in a study, often used in survival analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisCenter line
In control charts, a reference line representing the mean, median, or target value, indicating the center or expected value of a process.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureCenterline
Centerline: A line on a graph that represents the overall average (mean) operating level of the process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCentral Composite Design
Experimental design technique used in response surface methodology, involving factorial points and center points to model complex processes.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignCentral Limit Theorem
Statistical theory stating that the sampling distribution of a sample mean tends to be normally distributed regardless of the population's distribution.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TheoryCentral tendency
Central tendency: The tendency of data gathered from a process to cluster toward a middle value somewhere between the high and low values of measurement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCentroid of a Cluster
Geometric center or average position of data points in a cluster or group, used in cluster analysis or classification.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisCEPT
Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications: Coordinating body for telecommunications and postal organizations from 48 European states. The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations was established in 1959 and developed recommendations for telecommunication until 1988 (focus on services and networks). When the ETSI was founded in 1988 it took over many of these functions.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertificate
Document that is issued in accordance with the rules of a certification system in order to engender confidence that a uniquely described product or a uniquely described process conforms to a specified standard or to another normative document. (DGQ Volume 11 04:2009)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertification
Certification: The result of a person meeting the established criteria set by a certificate granting organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertification body
Company that carries out certifications.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified biomedical auditor (CBA)
Certified biomedical auditor (CBA): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified calibration technician (CCT)
Certified calibration technician (CCT): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified HACCP auditor (CHA)
Certified HACCP auditor (CHA): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified manager of quality/organizational excellence (CMQ/OE)
Certified manager of quality/organizational excellence (CMQ/OE): An CiCC certification; formerly certified quality manager (CQM).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices (GMP) professional
Certified pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices (GMP) professional: An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified quality auditor (CQA)
Certified quality auditor (CQA): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified quality engineer (CQE)
Certified quality engineer (CQE): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified quality improvement associate (CQIA)
Certified quality improvement associate (CQIA): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified quality inspector (CQI)
Certified quality inspector (CQI): An CiCC certification; formerly certified mechanical inspector (CMI).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified quality process analyst (CQPA)
Certified quality process analyst (CQPA): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified quality technician (CQT)
Certified quality technician (CQT): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified reliability engineer (CRE)
Certified reliability engineer (CRE): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB)
Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB)
Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB)
Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt (CSSMBB): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (CSSYB)
Certified Six Sigma Yellow Belt (CSSYB): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified software quality engineer (CSQE)
Certified software quality engineer (CSQE): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCertified supplier quality professional (CSQP)
Certified supplier quality professional (CSQP): An CiCC certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChain reaction
Chain reaction: A chain of events described by W. Edwards Deming: improve quality, decrease costs, improve productivity, increase market with better quality and lower price, stay in business, provide jobs and provide more jobs.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChain sampling plan
Chain sampling plan: In acceptance sampling, a plan in which the criteria for acceptance and rejection apply to the cumulative sampling results for the current lot and one or more immediately preceding lots.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChaku Chaku
Lean manufacturing method where each workstation is set up to automatically receive, process, and pass on the next part without manual handling.
Đăng bởi: Lean ManufacturingChaku Chaku Rain
CHAKU CHAKU (pronounced tcha koo tcha koo) line, load load line, work cell which normally allows one operator to merely transfer (i.e. load) finished pieces from machine to machine, returning to the first machine within the machine cycle time of the first machine
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIChampion
Champion: A business leader or senior manager who ensures resources are available for training and projects, and who is involved in periodic project reviews; also, an executive who supports and addresses Six Sigma organizational issues.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChance Causes
In statistical process control, random or natural variations causing minor fluctuations within the normal operating range of a process.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ProcessChange agent
Change agent: An individual from within or outside an organization who facilitates change in the organization; might be the initiator of the change effort, but not necessarily.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChange management
Change management: The process, tools and techniques used to manage change, including planning, validating and implementing change, and verifying effectiveness of change.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChange Owner
Person initiating and accountable for implementing a change project/programme safely.
Đăng bởi: Change ManagementChange request
A request for a change in projects, particularly in software projects: formalized request for a change in the properties of a certain product characteristic.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChangeover
Changeover: A process in which a production device is assigned to perform a different operation or a machine is set up to make a different partfor example, a new plastic resin and new mold in an injection molding machine.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChangeover time
Changeover time: The time required to modify a system or workstation, usually including teardown time for the existing condition and setup time for the new condition.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCharacter Graphs
Graphs used in statistical analysis to display or visualize categorical or qualitative data characteristics.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationCharacteristic
Characteristic: The factors, elements or measures that define and differentiate a process, function, product, service or other entity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCharacteristic value
Qualitative or quantitative values of a characteristic. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChart
Chart: A tool for organizing, summarizing and depicting data in graphic form.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCharter
Charter: A written commitment approved by management stating the scope of authority for an improvement project or team.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCheck sheet
Check sheet: A simple data recording device. The check sheet is custom designed by the user, which allows him or her to readily interpret the results. The check sheet is one of the seven tools of quality (see listing). Check sheets are often confused with checklists (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChecklist
Checklist: A tool for ensuring all important steps or actions in an operation have been taken. Checklists contain items important or relevant to an issue or situation. Checklists are often confused with check sheets (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChecksheet
Data collection sheet which simplifies the systematic acquisition of data and recognition of principles. See also: Inspection list.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementChemical Hazards
Negative effects of chemicals causing long term health issues.
Đăng bởi: Health HazardChi Square Distribution
Continuous probability distribution used to model the sum of squared standard normal deviates, commonly used in hypothesis testing.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionChi Square Test
Statistical test comparing observed frequencies with expected frequencies to assess the independence or association between variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestChief Environment And Safety Officer
Role under HSWA74 providing advice on HS&EP compliance within Defence, ensuring safety management.
Đăng bởi: HS&EP Compliance AdvisorChisquare Statistic
Statistical measure calculated in a Chi Square test representing the difference between observed and expected frequencies.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureChronic Effect
Health effects appearing after prolonged exposure to a causative agent.
Đăng bởi: Health Effect ClassificationCI
1. Corporate Identity (totality of a companys characteristics). 2. See Continual Improvement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCiCC
American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, U.S.A., www.CiCC.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCiCCC
American Society for Quality Control. Earlier name of the CiCC
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCIP workshop
Kaizen tool used for complex, extensive, continuous improvement processes with higher priority in terms of time. The CIP workshop is initiated based on a current problem which needs to be solved, while quality circles are held regularly in order to achieve improvement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementClass
Sub domain of characteristic values that results from classification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementClassification
A characteristics range of values is divided into sub areas (classes). These are mutually exclusive and completely cover the range of values. (On the basis of DIN 55350 23)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementClassification of defects
Classification of defects: The listing of possible defects of a unit, classified according to their seriousness. Note: Commonly used classifications: class A, class B, class C, class D; or critical, major, minor and incidental; or critical, major and minor. Definitions of these classifications require careful preparation and tailoring to the product(s) being sampled to ensure accurate assignment of a defect to the proper classification. A separate acceptance sampling plan is generally applied to each class of defects.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCleaning, Inspection, Lubrication (Cil)
CIL is a fundamental aspect of AM in TPM, involving regular cleaning, thorough inspection, and proper lubrication of equipment to maintain optimal functionality and prevent breakdowns.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance PracticesClosed loop corrective action (CLCA)
Closed loop corrective action (CLCA): A sophisticated engineering system to document, verify and diagnose failures, recommend and initiate corrective action, provide follow up and maintain comprehensive statistical records.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementClosing talk
The closing talk or closing meeting takes place after the performance of an audit and summarizes the audit results (including the audit conclusions). This talk covers the following contents: Summary of the findings; Remark on the audits sampling character; Mention of positive findings; Observations, recommendations and deviations; Clarification of misunderstandings; Documentation of any differences of opinion; Audit conclusions; And, where applicable, agreements, discussion regarding the type, scheduling, responsibilities for corrective and improvement actions.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCM
Capability of machine. Machine capability index. It describes shortterm dispersion of the examined quantitative characteristic.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCMK
Machine capability index. It describes the short term variability of the examined quantitative characteristic and its distance to the specification limit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCMM/CMMI
Capability Maturity Model. Process model for judging the quality (maturity) of a companys software process and to determine improvement activities. At the end of 2003, CMM was replaced by Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI for short) in order to prevent uncontrolled growth of diverse CM models and to create a uniform model.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCoaching
Professional support (motivation) in a work context: Consultation related to people, processes and organizations with the objective of effective task fulfillment through such measures as strengthening self reflection.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCode of conduct
Code of conduct: Expectations of behavior mutually agreed on by a team.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCode Of Practice
Set of rules for practical guidance, not legally binding but may be used in evidence.
Đăng bởi: Safety GuidelinesCoded and Uncoded Units
In experimental design, coded units refer to standardized variables, while uncoded units refer to raw or unstandardized variables.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignCoefficient of Determination
Statistical measure indicating the proportion of variation in a dependent variable explained by an independent variable in regression analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCoefficient of Multiple Correlation
Statistical measure assessing the strength and direction of the linear relationship between multiple independent variables and a dependent variable.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCoefficient of Variation
Statistical measure representing the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, expressing relative variability in a data set.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCoefficient of Variation (Taguchi)
Quality measure in Taguchi methods, indicating the signal to noise ratio relative to variation in a process.
Đăng bởi: Quality MeasureCoefficients
In statistical models or equations, numeric values representing the relative weights or contributions of variables in the model.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCoefficients PLS
Partial Least Squares regression coefficients, representing the relationships between predictor and response variables in PLS regression.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureColor Guide
A reference for designated colors used in workplace signage, floor marking, or safety procedures.
Đăng bởi: SafetyColumns
In data tables or databases, vertical arrangements of data representing variables, attributes, or categories.
Đăng bởi: Data StructureCombination
Arrangement or selection of items or elements without regard to the order, often used in permutation and combination calculations.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptCombined audit
Audit of two or more management systems of different disciplines (such as quality and environmental management) at a single auditee. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCommand Language
Specific syntax or set of rules used in programming or software to execute commands or operations.
Đăng bởi: Programming / SoftwareCommand Line Editor
Text based interface allowing users to interact with software or systems by typing commands into a terminal or console.
Đăng bởi: Software InterfaceCommander
Person responsible for planning and ensuring personnel safety.
Đăng bởi: Role/ResponsibilityComment Symbol
In programming or scripting languages, a character or sequence used to indicate comments or annotations in code for clarification or documentation.
Đăng bởi: Programming ConceptCommon Cause
In quality control, variations arising from inherent factors or normal fluctuations within a process that are predictable and inherent to the system.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ProcessCommon Cause Failure (Ccf)
Failure of multiple system elements due to a single cause.
Đăng bởi: System Failure AnalysisCommon causes
Common causes: Causes of variation that are inherent in a process over time. They affect every outcome of the process and everyone working in the process. Also see special causes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCommon Mode Failure (Cmf)
Failure of multiple system elements in the same manner.
Đăng bởi: System Failure ModesCompany Crisis Management
Organizational strategies or protocols to effectively manage and respond to crises or emergencies affecting a company.
Đăng bởi: Crisis ManagementCompany culture
Company culture: A system of values, beliefs and behaviors inherent in a company. To optimize business performance, top management must define and create the necessary culture.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementComparison Values for Median Polish
Values used in median polish method to compare row and column effects in an analysis of variance (ANOVA) table.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisCompatibility
Suitability of different units to be used together under specific conditions for a stipulated purpose in order to fulfill the requirements that apply them.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCompetence
Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in order to achieve a result. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015 and ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCompetent Person
A knowledgeable and trained individual capable of identifying and dealing with safety risks.
Đăng bởi: Safety Competency and ExpertiseComplaint
Dissatisfaction expressed by the customer vis à vis an organization. Dissatisfaction may relate to a product, service or complaintshandling process, if a response or resolution is expected from the organization. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementComplaint management
In the framework of customer focus, this term is used for all planning, strategies and actions that use the dissatisfaction of customers as articulated and documented in complaints to better achieve the corporate goals. Consequently, the reduction of stated demands for compensation is not the first objective; instead, the primary goal is the conversion of justified complaints into improvements in products, processes and services.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementComplaint tracking
Complaint tracking: Collecting data, disseminating them to appropriate persons for resolution, monitoring complaint resolution progress and communicating results.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCompliance
Compliance: The state of an organization that meets prescribed specifications, contract terms, regulations or standards.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCompliance audit
Examination by internal or external auditors to ascertain whether or not legal requirements are fulfilled in a company. For example, this includes laws, ordinances and licensing notices, as well as internal standards such as group guidelines. Particularly statutory or regulatory specifications are selected and audited point by point.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementComponents DOE
Factors or variables manipulated in a Design of Experiments (DOE) study, influencing the outcome or response variable.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignComposite Desirability
Statistical measure combining multiple factors or objectives into a single composite score, often used in optimization problems.
Đăng bởi: Optimization TechniqueComputer aided design (CAD)
Computer aided design (CAD): A type of software used by architects, engineers, drafters and artists to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. CAD software can be used to create 2 D drawings or 3 D models.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementComputer aided engineering (CAE)
Computer aided engineering (CAE): A broad term used by the electronic design automation industry for the use of computers to design, analyze and manufacture products and processes. CAE includes CAD (see listing) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM), which is the use of computers for managing manufacturing processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConcatenate
Concatenation operation in programming or data processing, combining or linking strings or values together.
Đăng bởi: Data ProcessingConcession
Permission to use or release a product (or service) that does not conform to the specified requirements. A concession is generally limited to the delivery of a product or service that has nonconforming characteristics for an agreed time or for an agreed quantity within specified limits. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConcordant Pair
In statistics, pairs of observations having the same order of ranking or scoring in two related variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureConcurrent engineering (CE)
Concurrent engineering (CE): A way to reduce cost, improve quality and shrink cycle time by simplifying a products system of life cycle tasks during the early concept stages.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCondition
All characteristics and characteristic values of a unit. Standard DIN 55350 11 also speaks of inherent characteristics in this connection. This means characteristics inherent in the unit, as compared to characteristics that are assigned to a unit. Taking a cabinet as an example, the size and design of the door panels are inherent characteristics while the price and delivery data are assigned characteristics. Sometimes the word nature is used in this context. (On the basis of DIN 55350 11)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConfidence Bands
Graphical representation showing the range or interval within which a parameter or statistic is likely to fall with a specified level of confidence.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationConfidence interval
Estimated interval that is calculated from sampling results. The estimated interval includes the unknown true value of the parameter that is to be estimated at the stipulated confidence level. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConfidence level
For the calculation of a confidence interval or a statistical tolerance interval of desired and stipulated lower limiting value of the probability. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConfidence Limits
Upper and lower bounds defining a confidence interval, indicating the range within which the true value is likely to lie.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureConfiguration
Physical and functional characteristics of products or services that are interrelated. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConfiguration management
Coordinated activities for configuration direction and control. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConfined Space Atmospheric Hazards
Hazards in confined spaces interfering with oxygen use.
Đăng bởi: Hazard OutcomeConfined Space Permit System
Permit requirements for confined spaces with hazardous conditions.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProtocolConflict resolution
Conflict resolution: The management of a conflict situation to arrive at a resolution satisfactory to all parties.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConformance
Conformance: An affirmative indication or judgment that a product or service has met the requirements of a relevant specification, contract or regulation.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConformitè Europëenne Mark (CE Mark)
Conformitè Europëenne Mark (CE Mark): A European Union (EU) conformity mark for regulating the goods sold within its borders. The mark represents a manufacturer s declaration that products comply with EU New Approach Directives. These directives apply to any country that sells products within the EU.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConformity
A requirement is fulfilled. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConformity assessment
Conformity assessment: All activities concerned with determining that relevant requirements in standards or regulations are fulfilled, including sampling, testing, inspection, certification, management system assessment and registration, accreditation of the competence of those activities and recognition of an accreditation programs capability.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConnect Line
Graphical element or line connecting data points or elements in a visualization, often used to show relationships or trends.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationConnection Function
In mathematics or networking, a function representing relationships or links between variables, nodes, or elements.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical / NetworkingCONQ
Cost of Non Quality: A metric representing the costs incurred due to poor quality or errors in a product or process.
Đăng bởi: Quality MeasurementConsensus
Consensus: A state in which all the members of a group support an action or decision, even if some of them dont fully agree with it.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConstants
Fixed values or parameters used in mathematical equations or programming that remain unchanged throughout the process.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptConstraint
Constraint: Anything that limits a system from achieving higher performance or throughput; also, the bottleneck that most severely limits the organizations ability to achieve higher performance relative to its purpose or goal.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConstraints management
Constraints management: See theory of constraints.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConsultant
Consultant: An individual who has experience and expertise in applying tools and techniques to resolve process problems and who can advise and facilitate an organization s improvement efforts.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConsumer
Consumer: The external customer to whom a product or service is ultimately delivered; also called end user.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConsumer's risk
Consumer's risk: Pertains to sampling and the potential risk that bad products will be accepted and shipped to the consumer.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContext of the organization
Environment and framework conditions of the organization. The context of an organization combines internal and external issues. The organization should be aware of its environment and observe it. Changes in the environment may affect the organization and its ability to provide products and services conforming to requirements and achieving objectives. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContingency Table with CA
A table in statistical analysis displaying the frequencies or counts of different variables to analyze relationships or associations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisContinual Improvement
Recurring activities in order to increase the ability to fulfill requirements. It is a continual process to set objectives and find opportunities for improvement. The use of audit findings, audit conclusions, data analyses, management review or other means by management usually necessitate corrective or preventive actions. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContinuation Symbol
A symbol or character indicating that a statement or line of code continues onto the next line, often used in programming or scripting.
Đăng bởi: Programming SymbolContinuous characteristic
Quantitative characteristic. A continuous or also continual characteristic can assume an infinite number of different values within its range of values. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContinuous Distribution
Probability distribution describing random variables that can take any value within a range, such as normal, exponential, etc.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionContinuous Flow
Producing and moving one item through a series of steps continuously, often termed one piece flow.
Đăng bởi: Production MethodContinuous flow production
Continuous flow production: A method in which items are produced and moved from one processing step to the next, one piece at a time. Each process makes only the one piece that the next process needs, and the transfer batch size is one. Also referred to as one piece flow and single piece flow.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContinuous Improvement
Ongoing process or approach focusing on making incremental or continuous enhancements to processes, products, or services.
Đăng bởi: Business StrategyContinuous improvement (CI)
Continuous improvement (CI): Sometimes called continual improvement. The ongoing improvement of products, services or processes through incremental and breakthrough improvements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContinuous quality improvement (CQI)
Continuous quality improvement (CQI): A philosophy and attitude for analyzing capabilities and processes and improving them repeatedly to achieve customer satisfaction.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContinuous sampling plan
Continuous sampling plan: In acceptance sampling, a plan, intended for application to a continuous flow of individual units of product, that involves acceptance and rejection on a unit by unit basis and employs alternate periods of 100% inspection and sampling. The relative amount of 100% inspection depends on the quality of submitted product. Continuous sampling plans usually require that each t period of 100% inspection be continued until a specified number, i, of consecutively inspected units are found clear of defects. Note: For single level continuous sampling plans, a single d sampling rate (for example, inspect one unit in five or one unit in 10) is used during sampling. For multilevel continuous sampling plans, two or more sampling rates can be used. The rate at any time depends on the quality of submitted product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementContour Plot
Graphical representation showing the 3D surface or topography using contours or lines of equal values, often used in data visualization.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationContract
Obligating or binding agreement. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControl
In quality management or process improvement, actions taken to ensure processes meet desired objectives or standards.
Đăng bởi: Quality ManagementControl chart
Control chart: A time sequenced chart with upper and lower control limits on which values of some statistical measure for a series of samples or subgroups are plotted. The chart frequently shows a central line to help detect a trend of plotted values toward either control limit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControl Factors Taguchi
Factors in Taguchi methods used to improve process stability or performance by minimizing sensitivity to variations.
Đăng bởi: Quality ImprovementControl limits
Control limits: The natural boundaries of a process within specified confidence levels, expressed as the upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControl Measures
Actions taken to reduce the possibility of a risk arising or lessen its effects.
Đăng bởi: Risk ManagementControl of documented information
Ensures that documented information is available and suitable for use where and when needed and is adequately protected. Includes the distribution, access, retrieval, use, storage, preservation, change management, retention and disposition of documented information. Documented information retained as conformity evidence shall be protected from unintended changes. In addition, documented information of external origin needs to be considered. (See also ISO 9001:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControl of inspection, measuring and testing equipment
Totality of systematic calibration, adjustment and verification activities as well as the maintenance of inspection, measuring and test equipment and its tools. (DGQ Volume 11 04:2009)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControl plan (CP)
Control plan (CP): Written descriptions of the systems for controlling part and process quality by addressing the key characteristics and engineering requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControlled process
(Quality) capable process The distinguishing features are:
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementControlling
Monitoring and coordination concept to support company management in the framework of result oriented planning and the implementation of business activities. Controlling focuses on the collection, preparation and analysis of data to prepare decisions appropriate for the objective.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementConventional true value
Measured value or numerical value for purposes of comparison. The deviation from the true value is seen as negligible for the comparison. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCook's Distance
Statistical measure in regression analysis identifying influential data points affecting regression coefficients.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCoordinate measuring machine (CMM)
Coordinate measuring machine (CMM): A device that dimensionally measures 3 D products, tools and components with an accuracy approaching 0.0001 inches.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCOPQ
Cost of poor quality refers to the costs that arise when a company or a process delivers poor quality. For example, this could be the cost for reworking or scrapping. The concept, however, also includes costs incurred by image loss, quality audits, supplier monitoring, etc.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCore process
Process that, taking the company focus into consideration, is strategically important and a significant contributor to the business success. Core processes generally display the following aspects: Value creation, the (external) customer stands at the beginning and end of the process, they significantly contribute to the companys success and to customer satisfaction, they relate directly to the customers and have a direct effect on the customers, and the customer is willing to pay for the process output.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCorrection
Action to resolve a detected nonconformity. Reworking or regrading are corrections. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCorrective action
Corrective action: A solution meant to reduce or eliminate an identified problem.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCorrective action recommendation (CAR)
Corrective action recommendation (CAR): The full cycle corrective action tool that offers ease and simplicity for employee involvement in the corrective action/process improvement cycle.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCorrelation
Statements regarding the linear relationship between two variables. Also see: Scatter diagram (correlation diagram).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCorrelation (statistical)
Correlation (statistical): A measure of the relationship between two data sets of variables.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCorrelation Coefficient
Statistical measure indicating the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCorrelation coefficient (r)
Measurement of the strength of the linear relationship between the influencing factor (x) and the output quantity (Y). This method is used to identify significant influencing factors. The correlation coefficient (r) can have a value from 1 to +1.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCos
Mathematical function returning the cosine value of an angle in trigonometry.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionCOSHH
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health: Regulations and guidelines ensuring safety when working with hazardous substances.
Đăng bởi: Safety RegulationCost benefit analysis
Instrument for reviewing investments.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCost of poor quality (COPQ)
Cost of poor quality (COPQ): The costs associated with providing poor quality products or services. There are four categories: internal failure costs (costs associated with defects found before the customer receives the product or service), external failure costs (costs associated with defects found after the customer receives the product or service), appraisal costs (costs incurred to determine the degree of conformance to quality requirements) and prevention costs (costs incurred to keep failure and appraisal costs to a minimum).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCost of quality (COQ)
Cost of quality (COQ): Another term for COPQ. It is considered by some to be synonymous with COPQ but is considered by others to be unique. While the two concepts emphasize the same ideas, some disagree as to which concept came first and which categories are included in each.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCost Optimization
Process of minimizing costs while maximizing value or efficiency in a system, project, or operation.
Đăng bởi: Cost ManagementCount chart
Count chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the count of events of a given classification occurring in a sample; known as a c chart.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCount per unit chart
Count per unit chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the average count of events of a given classification per unit occurring in a sample, known as a u chart.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCounter Measures
Actions or strategies implemented to mitigate or address identified problems, errors, or defects in a process or product.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving StrategyCovariance
Statistical measure representing the degree to which two random variables change together.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCovariate
In statistics, a variable that's possibly predictive or influential in an analysis but is not the primary variable of interest.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VariableCox Snell Residuals
Residuals used in logistic regression models to evaluate goodness of fit and predictive accuracy.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCp
Cp: The ratio of tolerance to 6 sigma, or the upper specification limit (USL) minus the lower specification limit (LSL) divided by 6 sigma. It is sometimes referred to as the engineering tolerance divided by the natural tolerance and is only a measure of dispersion.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCp and Pp
Measures of process capability in Six Sigma, evaluating process performance and potential deviation from specifications.
Đăng bởi: Six Sigma MeasurementCp Statistic
Statistical measure assessing process capability indicating how well a process meets specifications.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCPK
Capability of process. Process capability index (measure of dispersion and location).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCpk CPU CPL
Measures of process capability considering the process centering and the spread of data in relation to specifications.
Đăng bởi: Process CapabilityCpk index
Cpk index: Equals the lesser of the USL minus the mean divided by 3 sigma (or the mean) minus the LSL divided by 3 sigma. The greater the Cpk value, the better.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCpm
Critical Path Method: A project management technique identifying the critical path and sequence of tasks in a project schedule.
Đăng bởi: Project Management ToolCramer's V
Statistical measure indicating the strength and direction of association between categorical variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCreativity techniques
The (seven) creativity techniques are suitable for all situations in a company in which new ideas are sought. In detail, these are: Mind mapping, progressive abstraction, morphological box, method 635, synetcics meeting, visual synectics, buzzword analysis. See each term.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCriteria Matrix
Tool used to rank or evaluate options or alternatives based on defined criteria, also known as Cause and Effect Matrix.
Đăng bởi: Decision Making ToolCritical deviation
Evaluation of an audit finding. There is a (critical) deviation (nonconformity) when a complete, required procedure or a requirement from the standards is not fulfilled or is not installed in the company. Non fulfillment is with respect to a complete sub point of a chapter. This includes both a lack of planning and a lack of effective implementation. A (critical) deviation (nonconformity) always necessitates a corrective action. A certificate cannot be issued until there is effective realization and elimination of the deviation (nonconformity).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCritical Distance
In spatial analysis or statistics, the minimum separation or distance required between data points or objects to be considered distinct.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCritical Equipment
Machinery, tools, or components crucial to the functioning or operation of a system, process, or project.
Đăng bởi: Operational AssetCritical incident
Critical incident: The critical incident technique is an advanced tool for root cause analysis that can aid in the search for causes through interviews of various people involved in the process in which a critical event occurred.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCritical nonconformity
Nonconformity which can result in critical consequences for the environment in question.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCritical Path
Sequence of tasks or activities in a project schedule determining the minimum time needed to complete the project.
Đăng bởi: Project Management ToolCritical processes
Critical processes: Processes that present serious potential dangers to human life, health and the environment, or that risk the loss of significant sums of money or customers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCritical to Cost (CTC) Metrics
Metrics focusing on aspects directly influencing or critical to the cost structure or financial performance of a system or process.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementCritical to Quality (CTQ) Metrics
Metrics focusing on factors critical to meeting customer requirements or ensuring product or service quality.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementCritical to Schedule (CTS) Metrics
Metrics focusing on elements critical to adhering to project schedules or timelines.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementCritical Value
In statistics, a value used as a threshold or cutoff point in hypothesis testing or confidence intervals.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCritical X
In Six Sigma methodology, factors or variables identified as critical to the outcome or performance of a process.
Đăng bởi: Six Sigma MethodologyCronbach's Alpha
Statistical measure assessing internal consistency or reliability of a scale or instrument used in surveys or assessments.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCrosby
The American Philip B. Crosby (1926 2001) was one of the pioneers and significant figures in quality science. His primary focus was on the zero defects program.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCross Dock
Facility sorting and recombining items for outbound shipment without storing goods.
Đăng bởi: LogisticsCross functional
Cross functional: A term used to describe a process or an activity that crosses the boundary between functions. A cross functional team consists of individuals from more than one organizational unit or function.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCross functional management
Integration of a companys vertical and horizontal elements: Management across functions and departments.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCross Functional Map
Visual representation showing processes or workflows involving multiple departments or functions in an organization.
Đăng bởi: Business Process MappingCross functional team
Work group comprised of people with different work experience. The group can be composed of employees from the finance, marketing, production and human resources areas. Typically, the employees are drawn from all levels in the organization. It is also possible to expand the group of people to include customers, advisers or suppliers (organizations outside the company).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCross Validated Fits PLS
Cross validation method assessing the predictive performance of Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression models.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueCross Validated Residual PLS
Residuals in Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression models validated through cross validation techniques for assessing predictive performance.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCrossed and Nested Factors
In experimental design, factors involving combinations of both crossed (independent) and nested (hierarchical) factors.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignCrosshairs
Visual aid in graphs or charts, intersecting lines marking specific points or coordinates, aiding in measurements or reference.
Đăng bởi: Graphical ElementCrush Injury
Injury occurring from force or pressure applied to a body part, usually between heavy objects.
Đăng bởi: Injury ClassificationCSA
Canadian Standards Association, Mississauga (Ontario). www.csa.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCSI
Customer Satisfaction Index. Indicator to determine and measure customer satisfaction.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCTQ
Critical to Quality: Factors or attributes critical in meeting customer requirements or ensuring product/service quality.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementCTQ drill down technique
Tool to set clear, measurable sub goals when introducing Six Sigma. At the strategic level, first the group goals (CTQs: Critical to Quality) are defined. The companys vision, customer wishes and competitors activity form the basis for these objectives. In the next step, these strategic goals are then systematically broken down (drill down) into district objectives, plant objectives and all the way down to sub goals. It is crucial for the sub goals to be clearly formulated and measureable.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCube Plot
Three dimensional graphical representation displaying data points in a cube shaped space, often used in data visualization.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationCultural resistance
Cultural resistance: A form of resistance based on opposition to the possible social and organizational consequences associated with change.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCulture change
Culture change: A major shift in the attitudes, norms, sentiments, beliefs, values, operating principles and behavior of an organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCulture, organizational
Culture, organizational: A common set of values, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and accepted behaviors shared by individuals within an organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCUMN
Cumulative Normal Distribution: The cumulative distribution function for the normal distribution in statistical analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCumulative Distribution Fun
Cumulative Distribution Function: A function showing the cumulative probability distribution of a random variable.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCumulative DPU Plot
Graphical representation displaying the cumulative defects per unit (DPU) over a specified period or quantity produced.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ChartCumulative Failure Plot
Graph or chart showing the cumulative number or proportion of failures or defects over time or quantity produced.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ChartCumulative Failure Rate
The rate or proportion at which failures or defects accumulate or occur over time or production cycles.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureCumulative Percent
Percentage indicating the accumulation or sum of proportions or percentages up to a specified point in a sequence or data set.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureCumulative Percent Defective Plot
Graphical representation indicating the cumulative percentage of defective items or units in a production process.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ChartCumulative sum control chart (CUSUM)
Cumulative sum control chart (CUSUM): A control chart on which the plotted value is the cumulative sum of deviations of successive samples from a target value. The ordinate of each plotted point represents the algebraic sum of the previous ordinate and the most recent deviations from the target.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCurrent good manufacturing practices (CGMP)
Current good manufacturing practices (CGMP): Regulations enforced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for food and chemical manufacturers and packagers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCurrent Time CTIME
A representation of the current time in various systems or applications, often used in programming or data processing.
Đăng bởi: Time MeasurementCustomer
An individual or entity purchasing or using products or services provided by an organization.
Đăng bởi: Business RelationCustomer delight
Customer delight: The result of delivering a product or service that exceeds customer expectations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer experiment
Customer experiment: Using a given customer type to test whether a proposed new product will be accepted by customers. Also referred to as a pilot study.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer feedback
Statements from customers on how they perceive the quality of the supplied product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer focus
Focus of all of a companys activities and sequences on the wishes and expectations of its customers. Customer focus is one of the quality management principles (see Quality management principles). You can find out more about this in the Quality management principles.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer property
Products or services that belong to the customer. They become a part of the production or service process. According to ISO 9001:2015, intellectual property and personal data can also be customer property. (On the basis of ISO 9001:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer Relationship Management
Documentation and administration of customer relations (also electronically).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer relationship management (CRM)
Customer relationship management (CRM): A strategy for learning more about customers needs and behaviors to develop stronger relationships with them. It brings together information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, responsiveness and market trends. It helps businesses use technology and human resources to gain insight into the behavior of customers and the value of those customers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer Requirements
Specifications or expectations outlined by customers regarding the products or services they desire.
Đăng bởi: Business RequirementCustomer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction: The result of delivering a product or service that meets customer requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer service
Interaction between the organization and the customer during the product life cycle. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer supplier model (CSM)
Customer supplier model (CSM): A model depicting inputs flowing into a work process that, in turn, add value and produce outputs delivered to a customer. Also called customer supplier methodology.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCustomer supplier partnership
Customer supplier partnership: A long term relationship between a buyer and supplier characterized by teamwork and mutual confidence. The supplier is considered an extension of the buyers organization. The partnership is based on several commitments. The buyer provides long term contracts and uses fewer suppliers. The supplier implements quality assurance processes so incoming inspection can be minimized. The supplier also helps the buyer reduce costs and improve product and process designs.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCUSUM Chart
Cumulative Sum Control Chart: A quality control chart used to detect shifts or deviations in processes over time.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ChartCWQC
Company Wide Quality Control: All activities in a company that are relevant for quality constitute company wide quality control. This comprises all employees at all hierarchical levels. CWQC is used to pursue the objective of having all activities in the product creation process satisfy the customer requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCycle
Cycle: A sequence of operations repeated regularly.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCycle time
Cycle time: The time required to complete one cycle of an operation. If cycle time for every operation in a complete process can be reduced to equal takt time, products can be made in single piece flow. Also see takt time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementCycle Times
Plural form of Cycle Time, indicating the time taken for multiple cycles of a process or operation.
Đăng bởi: Time MeasurementD
A designation or identifier used to represent a specific variable, factor, or category in various contexts.
Đăng bởi: Variable / IdentifierDACH
Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Chemie GmbH, Frankfurt. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys National Accreditation Body as of January 1, 2010. The DACH entered the DAkkS via the DGA.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDaily Standup
A short, regular meeting in agile or Scrum methodologies where team members discuss progress, plans, and impediments.
Đăng bởi: Agile / Project ManagementDAkkS
Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH, Berlin. Germanys National Accreditation Body. The organization started its activities on January 1, 2010 and bundles all accreditation assignments in Germany. www.dakks.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDandori Gae Jikan
Set up time, equal to off line setup plus on line setup plus adjustment
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIDanger
Situation in which the existing risk is greater than the acceptable risk. (DIN VDE 31000 2)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDangerous Occurrence
Specific reportable adverse events under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
Đăng bởi: Reporting/ClassificationDAP
1. Deming Application Prize. 2. Deutsches Akkreditierungssystem für Prüfwesen GmbH, Berlin. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys national accreditation body as of January 1, 2010. The DAP entered the DAkkS via the DGA. www.dakks.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDAR
Deutscher Akkreditierungsrat. The obligations for monitoring were moved to the DAkkS as of January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDASET
Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Stahlbau und Energietechnik, Düsseldorf. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys national accreditation body as of January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDASMIN
Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Mineralöl GmbH, Hamburg. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys national accreditation body as of January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementData
Data: A set of collected facts. There are two basic kinds of numerical data: measured or variable data, such as 16 ounces, 4 miles and 0.75 inches; and counted or attribute data, such as 162 defects.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementData and Fitted Means
Statistical terms referring to observed data values and corresponding predicted or fitted mean values from a model.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisData collection and analysis
Data collection and analysis: The process to determine what data are to be collected, how the data are collected and how the data are to be analyzed.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementData collection and analysis tools
Data collection and analysis tools: A set of tools that help with data collection and analysis. These tools include check sheets, spreadsheets, histograms, trend charts and control charts.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementData Controller
Entity determining the purpose and means of processing personal data.
Đăng bởi: Data Processing ResponsibilityData Entry Arrow
Symbol or indicator used in data flow diagrams or process maps, representing the entry or input of data into a system.
Đăng bởi: Process Flow SymbolData Label
Identifier or descriptor attached to a data point or element in a graph, chart, or visualization, providing additional information.
Đăng bởi: Data RepresentationData Processor
Entity processing personal data on behalf of a controller.
Đăng bởi: Data Processing ResponsibilityData Storage File Formats
Structures or standards specifying how data is organized and stored within files or databases.
Đăng bởi: Data ManagementData Subject
Identified or identifiable living individual to whom personal data relates.
Đăng bởi: Data IdentificationData Transformation
Process of converting or modifying data from one format, structure, or representation to another for analysis or storage.
Đăng bởi: Data ProcessingData Type
Classification or categorization of data based on its nature, format, or characteristics (e.g., numeric, text, date).
Đăng bởi: Data ClassificationDate from Text DATE
In programming or data processing, a function or method to extract or convert date information from textual data.
Đăng bởi: Data Processing FunctionDATech
Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle für Technik, Frankfurt. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys national accreditation body as of January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDAU
Deutsche Akkreditierungs und Zulassungsgesellschaft für Umweltgutachter mbH, Bonn. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys national accreditation body as of January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDDE
Dynamic Data Exchange: Mechanism allowing applications to share data or communicate in real time within a Windows environment.
Đăng bởi: Software CommunicationDecimal Separator
Symbol or character used to separate the integer part from the fractional part in decimal numbers (e.g., period or comma).
Đăng bởi: Numerical RepresentationDecision making
Decision making: The thought process of selecting a choice from the available options.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDecision matrix
Decision matrix: A matrix teams use to evaluate problems or possible solutions. For example, a team might draw a matrix to evaluate possible solutions, listing them in the far left vertical column. Next, the team selects criteria to rate the possible solutions, writing them across the top row. Then, each possible solution is rated on a scale of 1 to 5 for each criterion, and the rating is recorded in the corresponding grid. Finally, the ratings of all the criteria for each possible solution are added to determine its total score. The total score is then used to help decide which solution deserves the most attention.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDecomposed T Squared Value
Resulting value or statistic after performing decomposition on T squared values in multivariate analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDecomposition Multiplicative Model
Statistical model used to decompose or break down complex patterns or relationships into simpler components in data analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ModelingDecontamination
Removal and neutralization of contaminants from employees and equipment.
Đăng bởi: Safety MeasureDefect
Defect: A products or services nonfulfillment of an intended requirement or reasonable expectation for use, including safety considerations. There are four classes of defects: class 1, very serious, leads directly to severe injury or catastrophic economic loss; class 2, serious, leads directly to significant injury or significant economic loss; class 3, major, is related to major problems with respect to intended normal or reasonably foreseeable use; and class 4, minor, is related to minor problems with respect to intended normal or reasonably foreseeable use. Also see blemish, imperfection and nonconformity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDefect Opportunity
A chance or opportunity for a defect to occur in a product or process, often used in Six Sigma methodologies.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureDefect per Unit (DPU)
A unit of measurement representing the number of defects identified in a single unit or item in a process or product.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureDefective
Defective: A defective unit; a unit of product that contains one or more defects with respect to the quality characteristic(s) under consideration.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDefects and Defectives
Terms used in quality control to refer to identified flaws or imperfections (defects) and units containing defects (defectives).
Đăng bởi: Quality Control TermsDefects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)
A unit of measurement in Six Sigma, representing the number of defects per million opportunities.
Đăng bởi: Six Sigma MeasurementDefence Acquisition Organisations
Organizations responsible for Defence infrastructure/equipment acquisition.
Đăng bởi: Defence ProcurementDefence Acquisition Teams
Teams or individuals with Defence acquisition responsibilities.
Đăng bởi: Acquisition PersonnelDefence Contractors
Contractors supporting Defence activities must comply with HS&EP regulations and policies.
Đăng bởi: Compliance RequirementDefence Organization
Military Commands, TLBs, Defence Nuclear Organisation, and Enabling Organisations collectively.
Đăng bởi: Military Organizational StructureDefence Personnel
Individuals working on behalf of or supervised by Defence, including military and civilian personnel.
Đăng bởi: Defence WorkforceDefence Registered Asbestos Workers
Civilian personnel handling asbestos in Defence activities.
Đăng bởi: Occupational HazardDefine
The initial phase in problem solving methodologies or project management, involving defining objectives and scope.
Đăng bởi: Project Management PhaseDefine Phase
The initial phase in problem solving methodologies or project management, involving defining objectives and scope.
Đăng bởi: Project Management PhaseDefining Relation
In database management or mathematics, a relationship defining or constraining the values or behavior of other elements.
Đăng bởi: Database RelationshipDegree of Lattice
A mathematical term referring to the properties or characteristics of lattices in algebraic structures.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptDegrees of Freedom
The number of independent observations or parameters in a statistical model, influencing variability and model flexibility.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDelighter
Delighter: A feature of a product or service that a customer does not expect to receive but that gives pleasure to the customer when received. Also called an exciter.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDeliverables
Tangible or intangible outcomes or products produced and delivered as part of a project or assignment.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementDelivery Duty Holder
Accountable individual managing risk within their defined area of responsibility.
Đăng bởi: Risk Management ResponsibilityDelivery inspection
Acceptance inspection that is performed before a product is delivered. It is used to prove that the requirements or technical terms of delivery have meet fulfilled. This inspection can also be conducted at the same time as the final inspection. The contractor is responsible for the delivery inspection (as far as no agreements to the contrary have been reached). This can be either an internal or external contractor. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDelivery lot
One or more lots that are delivered as a whole at one time. (DGQ Volume 11 04:2009)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDelphi method
Systematic questioning procedure that comprises several steps. This method is used to allow a better assessment of trends, technical developments or, for example, future events.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDelta
A symbol representing change or difference between two values, often used in mathematical equations or models.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical SymbolDelta Beta
A statistical measure or coefficient indicating the effect or impact of a variable on another variable in a regression model.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDelta Beta Standardized
A standardized form of the Delta Beta coefficient, representing the standardized effect size in regression analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDelta Chi Square
A statistical measure or test statistic indicating the difference or change in chi square values in hypothesis testing or analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDelta Deviance
A measure of deviance or difference between two models or statistical fits in regression or modeling.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDemand Variability
Fluctuations or variations in demand for products or services over a specific period, affecting inventory and production planning.
Đăng bởi: Business MeasureDemerit chart
Demerit chart: A control chart for evaluating a process in terms of a demerit (or quality score); in other words, a weighted sum of counts of various classified nonconformities.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDeming
The American William Edwards Deming (1900 1993) was one of the thinkers and significant figures in quality science. His work focused primarily on the 14 point management program and the principle of continual improvement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDeming cycle
Deming cycle: Another term for the plan do study act cycle. Walter Shewhart created it (calling it the plan do check act cycle), but W. Edwards Deming popularized it, calling it plan do study act. Also see plan do check act cycle."
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDemonstration requirement
Requirement for demonstration of the implementation of management elements with respect to the customer or the client in the case of a contractual agreement, or with respect to a competent body in the case of legal requirement. Note: Demonstration requirements result from the fact that the quality of complex products cannot be determined by an incoming inspection alone. (DGQ Volume 11 04:2009)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDendrogram
A tree like diagram representing hierarchical relationships or clustering in data analysis, often used in clustering algorithms.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationDependability
Dependability: The degree to which a product is operable and capable of performing its required function at any randomly chosen time during its specified operating time, provided that the product is available at the start of that period. (Nonoperation related influences are not included.) Dependability can be expressed by the ratio: time available / (time available + time required).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDependability requirement
Part of the quality requirement with respect to the behavior of a unit in terms of its dependability during or after stipulated time spans under stipulated use conditions. (On the basis of DIN 55350 11)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDependency
Relationship or reliance between two or more variables or entities, where changes in one affect the other(s).
Đăng bởi: RelationshipDependent (Failures)
Failures of system elements not considered independent.
Đăng bởi: System Failure AnalysisDeployment
Deployment: Dispersion, dissemination, broadcasting or spreading communication throughout an organization, downward and laterally. Also see cascading.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDermatitis
Inflammation of the skin due to contact with substances at work.
Đăng bởi: Occupational Health Skin SafetyDescriptive and Inferential Statistics
Statistical methods: Descriptive analyzes and summarizes data, while inferential draws conclusions or predictions from data samples.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisDesign and development
Transforming processes that turn requirements into specified characteristics or into the specification of a product, process or system. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDesign for Six Sigma
An approach integrating Six Sigma principles into product or process design to achieve high quality results from the beginning.
Đăng bởi: Quality ImprovementDesign for Six Sigma (DFSS)
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS): See DMADV.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDesign Generator
Tool or software generating various experimental designs or plans for conducting studies or experiments.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesign Matrix
A matrix or table indicating the arrangement or configuration of factors or variables in experimental designs.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesign Matrix General Regression
Design matrix used in regression analysis involving multiple variables, specifying their arrangement and relationships in the model.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisDesign of experiments (DoE)
Design of experiments (DoE): A branch of applied statistics dealing with planning, conducting, analyzing and interpreting controlled tests to evaluate the factors that control the value of a parameter or group of parameters.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDesign Points Factorial Design
Specific settings or combinations of factors used in factorial experimental designs to conduct experiments.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesign Points Mixture Design
Specific settings or combinations of factors used in mixture experimental designs to conduct experiments.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesign Points Response Surface Design
Specific settings or combinations of factors used in response surface experimental designs to conduct experiments.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesign Resolution
In experimental design, the minimum detectable effect size that the design can identify or distinguish.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesign review
Examination of a preliminary design from quality points of view. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDesign test
Systematic examination of a design and all partial outcomes. The objective is to check if the quality requirements are fulfilled. This test must be documented.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDesigned Experiment
An experiment planned or structured to investigate the effects of various factors or variables on a system or process.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignDesired value
Value of a quantitative characteristic. This characteristics actual values should differ from the desired value as little as possible. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDestructive Testing
Testing or analysis that renders the tested item unusable or alters its state, often performed to evaluate material strength or quality.
Đăng bởi: Testing MethodDetermination
Activity for identifying one or more characteristics (and their characteristic values). (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDevelopment Team
A group of individuals collaborating and working together on projects or tasks related to product or process development.
Đăng bởi: Project TeamDeviance Residuals
Residuals used in assessing goodness of fit in statistical models, indicating the difference between observed and predicted values.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDeviation
Deviation: In numerical data sets, the difference or distance of an individual observation or data value from the center point (often the mean) of the set distribution.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDeviation permit
Permission to deviate from the requirements originally placed on a product. This permission is granted before the product realization. It is normally limited to a certain quantity of a product or for a certain time span and for a certain use. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDFA
Design for Assembly. Product design and development with ease of assembly considerations. (On the basis of IATF 16949:2016)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDFITS
A statistical measure identifying influential data points or outliers in regression analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDFM
Design for Manufacturing. Product design and process planning with a view to easy, economical manufacturing. (On the basis of IATF 16949:2016)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDFM / A
Design for Manufacturability and Assembly: Methodologies optimizing product designs for efficient manufacturing and assembly processes.
Đăng bởi: Design OptimizationDFMA
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly. Development and design in line with both DFM and DFA. (On the basis of IATF 16949:2016)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDFSS
Design for Six Sigma. Six Sigma is applied as a tool both for existing processes and for processes that are to be created for the first time. The objective is to build up a process with Six Sigma capability ahead of time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDGA
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akkreditierung mbH, Frankfurt. The DGA was created on September 14, 2009 by the merger of the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Chemie (DACH), the Trägergemeinschaft für Akkreditierung (TGA) and the Deutsches Akkreditierungssystem Prüfwesen. The organization became a part of the new Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle DAkkS effective as of January 1, 2010.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDGQ
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität e.V., Frankfurt. www.dgq.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDGWK
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Warenkennzeichnung. DGWK was established in 1972 and today is called DINCERTCO Gesellschaft zur Konformitätsbewertung mbH, Berlin. www.dincertco.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDGZfP
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V., Berlin. www.dgzfp.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDiagnosis
Medical practitioner's identification of new or worsening symptoms.
Đăng bởi: Medical AssessmentDiagnostic journey and remedial journey
Diagnostic journey and remedial journey: A two phase investigation used by teams to solve chronic quality problems. In the first phase, the diagnostic journey, the team journeys from the symptom of a chronic problem to its cause. In the second phase, the remedial journey, the team journeys from the cause to its remedy
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDifference Power and Sample Size
Calculations or considerations involving statistical power and sample size to detect differences between groups or populations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisDifferences
Variances or distinctions between entities, variables, or groups often measured or analyzed in statistical or comparative studies.
Đăng bởi: Comparative AnalysisDIN
Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin. www.din.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDIN SPEC
Technical specification that is published by the DIN.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDirect costs
Costs that can be attributed directly to the product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDiscrete and Continuous Variables
Different types of variables: Discrete take distinct values, while continuous can take any value within a range.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ConceptsDiscrete characteristic
Quantitative characteristic with a finite number or countably infinite number of forms. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDiscrete Distribution
A probability distribution describing outcomes with distinct values or categories, like binomial or Poisson distributions.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionDiscrimination threshold
Smallest change in an input value that can still be perceived by a measuring instrument.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDispersion (also called variability)
Qualitative term for the deviation behavior of characteristic values.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDisplay Screen Equipment
Devices with alphanumeric/graphic displays, e.g., laptops, touch screens.
Đăng bởi: Equipment/HealthDistances from x Model PLS
Distances indicating the relationships between predictor variables and the model in Partial Least Squares regression.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDistances from y Model PLS
Distances indicating the relationships between response variables and the model in Partial Least Squares regression.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDistribution
Statement on how how a characteristic is likely to behave. (On the basis of ISO 3534 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDistribution Fit Line
A line representing the best fit or estimated distribution of data points on a graph or visualization.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationDITR
Deutsches Informationszentrum für Technische Regeln in the DIN. The DITR database contains bibliographical identification of around 300 sets of regulations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDiversity
Performing the same function in a redundant system using different means.
Đăng bởi: Redundancy in System DesignDKD
Deutscher Kalibrierdienst, Braunschweig. The accreditation assignments were combined in a new structure in the DAkkS as Germanys national accreditation body.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDKE
Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik in the DIN and VDE, Frankfurt.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDMADV
DMADV: A data driven quality strategy for designing products and processes, it is an integral part of a Six Sigma quality initiative. It consists of five interconnected phases: define, measure, analyze, design and verify.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDMAIC
DMAIC: A data driven quality strategy for improving processes and an integral part of a Six Sigma quality initiative. DMAIC is an acronym for define, measure, analyze, improve and control.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDocument
Information and the medium on which it is depicted (carrier medium). A document can be in paper form, electronic, a photograph, a master sample or a combination of these. ISO 9000:2015 lists as examples: Record, specification, procedure document, drawing, report and standard. Several documents (e.g., specifications and records) are also referred to as documentation. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDocument control
Documented procedure for creating, checking, approving, identifying, distributing and updating documents. Document control also includes the identification and distribution of external documents, such as standards, customer specifications or customer drawings. If obsolete documents are stored, they must be identified in such an unambiguous manner that unintended use can be ruled out. Furthermore, not only documents from the management documentation should be subject to document control. Job descriptions, operating instructions, operating manuals for products, specifications, calculation bases or price lists that are used as specifications to fulfill customer requirements should also be taken into consideration. Records represent a special document type. Document control for records includes measures for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposition of records. (cf. ISO 9001:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDocumentation
All documents that belong to a system, project, process or product. See Document.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDocumented information
Information (including its storage medium) which is subject to the control of documents. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDodge Romig sampling plans
Dodge Romig sampling plans: Plans for acceptance sampling developed by Harold F. Dodge and Harry G. Romig. Four sets of tables were published in 1940: single sampling lot tolerance tables, double sampling lot tolerance tables, single sampling average outgoing quality limit tables and double sampling average outgoing quality limit tables.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDoE
Design of Experiments. See Statistical experimental design.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDomain
Functional area description, e.g., 'Aviation' domain in the military.
Đăng bởi: Functional ClassificationDot plot
Graphics tool (also: one dimensional dispersion diagram) used to show the acquired measured values on one axis. This is already sufficient to show the first data distributions. Each point is a measured value.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDotplot Glossary
A glossary or guide explaining terms, concepts, or symbols used in dotplots, a type of data visualization.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationDouble Root Residual
A statistical term indicating a complex root or solution in a mathematical equation or model.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureDouble Sampling
A statistical sampling technique involving two sets of samples or inspections to improve accuracy or reliability.
Đăng bởi: Sampling MethodDown Time
The period or duration during which a system, machine, or process is non operational or inactive.
Đăng bởi: Operational MeasureDownstream
In a process flow or supply chain, the stage or segment occurring later in the sequence, receiving outputs or products from an earlier stage.
Đăng bởi: Process Flow PositionDowntime
Time during which a unit is not available due to an internal cause. Note: Uptime and downtime together constitute the complete interval of the time between two consecutive failures for products that are to be maintained, with the uptime possibly containing breaks in operation. (DGQ Volume 11 04:2009)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDPMO
Defects per Million Opportunities. Derived from the calculation of the DPO, but extrapolated to one million. The process indicator states how many defects would be made (on the basis of the produced units or sample) in one million opportunities for defects. DPMO DPO * 1.000.000
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDPO
Defects per Opportunity. Process indicator to measure the probabilities of defects in process steps. Here all the defects that occurred in the produced units or sample are set in relationship to all opportunities that the process/process step has to produce a defect.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDPO, or Defects per Opportunity
A measure in Six Sigma representing the number of defects per opportunity for a defect to occur.
Đăng bởi: Six Sigma MetricDriving forces
Driving forces: Forces that tend to change a situation in desirable ways.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementDsear
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations.
Đăng bởi: Regulation/Explosive SubstancesDuane Plot
A graphical representation used in reliability engineering to visualize failure data or survival analysis.
Đăng bởi: Reliability AnalysisDunnett's Method
A statistical method used in multiple comparisons to identify differences between treatments or groups while controlling the overall error rate.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisDurbin Watson Statistic
A statistical test or measure used in regression analysis to detect autocorrelation in residuals.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestDuty Holder
Person or organization holding a legal duty under regulations.
Đăng bởi: Legal Responsibilities in SafetyDuty Holder Facing
Organizations whose activities affect a Duty Holder's risk mitigation ability.
Đăng bởi: Role/AssociationDuty Holding Construct
Framework with SDH, ODH, and DDH roles managing risks.
Đăng bởi: Risk Management StructureDuty Of Care
Legal obligation ensuring safety and well being by a person or organization.
Đăng bởi: Legal ResponsibilityDynamic Design
A flexible or adaptable design strategy or approach responding to changes, trends, or variations in a system or environment.
Đăng bởi: Design PhilosophyDynamic Risk Assessment
Immediate or ongoing risk assessment during activities.
Đăng bởi: Evaluation/AssessmentE
e 2.718
Euler's number: A mathematical constant representing the base of the natural logarithm, approximately equal to 2.71828.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConstantE SAP
Electronic System Application and Products: An integrated software solution provided by SAP for enterprise resource planning (ERP) and management.
Đăng bởi: Software SolutionEA
European Co operation for Accreditation, Paris. Independent, nonprofit organization that in particular represents the interests of the European accreditation bodies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEarly Equipment Maintenance (TPM)
A Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy focusing on maintaining and preserving equipment reliability from the beginning of its lifecycle.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance StrategyEC
Engineering Change: Modification or alteration made to engineering designs, processes, or documentation.
Đăng bởi: Engineering ModificationECRS
Employee Continuous Reinvestment and Satisfaction: A strategy or initiative focused on continuous development and satisfaction of employees.
Đăng bởi: Human Resources StrategyEducation And Training (TPM)
Training initiatives or programs within Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategies focusing on skill development and knowledge enhancement for employees.
Đăng bởi: TPM InitiativeEEM
Early Equipment Maintenance: A maintenance strategy focusing on early interventions to maintain equipment reliability and prevent failures.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance StrategyEffect
Effect: The result of an action being taken; the expected or predicted impact when an action is to be taken or is proposed.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEffective Machine Cycle Time
Total machine cycle time including load, unload, and changeover time divided by the number of pieces.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementEffectiveness
Effectiveness: 1) The state of having produced a decided upon or desired effect. 2) A measure of the appropriateness of the goals chosen and the degree to which they are achieved.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEfficiency
Efficiency: The state of being efficient (see entry). Also the ratio of the useful work performed in a process to the total resources required.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEfficient
Efficient: Achieving maximum productivity with the optimal resources.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEffM
Effectiveness Measurement: A systematic method or approach to measure the efficiency or effectiveness of processes or operations.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementEFQM
Former European Foundation for Quality Management with headquarters in Brussels. The EFQM was established in 1988 and today is a non profit organization for business excellence with more than 600 member companies in around 40 countries. The objective is to provide the member companies with information about business excellence and to strengthen the networking of the companies. In 1991 the EFQM established the prestigious EFQM Excellence Award. The EFQM presents this quality award annually to companies that achieve outstanding results. The EFQM is furthermore the guardian of the EFQM model, which serves as a guideline to help companies succeed on the markets and also to measure this success. www.efqm.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEFQM Excellence Award
European quality prize that the EFQM has awarded to companies annually since 1991 as the highest recognition for outstanding achievements and excellence. The companies are rated on a system with a possible 1000 points which is divided into the nine categories: Leadership; Strategy; Employees; Partnerships/resources; Processes, Products & Services; Customer related results; Employee related results; Society related results; and Key performance results.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEichG
Eichgesetz [German Weights and Measures Act). Law covering measurement and verification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEight disciplines (8D) model
Eight disciplines (8D) model: A problem solving approach to identify, correct and eliminate recurring problems.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEight Pillars Of TPM
The fundamental principles or categories forming the basis of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) initiatives in manufacturing and maintenance.
Đăng bởi: TPM PrinciplesEight wastes
Eight wastes: Taiichi Ohno originally enumerated seven wastes (muda) and later added underutilized people as the eighth waste commonly found in physical production. The eight are: 1) overproduction ahead of demand; 2) waiting for the next process, worker, material or equipment; 3) unnecessary transport of materials (for example, between functional areas of facilities, or to or from a stockroom or warehouse); 4) over processing of parts due to poor tool and product design; 5) inventories more than the absolute minimum; 6) unnecessary movement by employees during the course of their work (such as to look for parts, tools, prints or help); 7) production of defective parts; 8) under utilization of employees brainpower, skills, experience and talents.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEighty twenty (80 20)
Eighty twenty (80 20): A term referring to the Pareto principle, which was first defined by Joseph M. Juran in 1950. The principle suggests most effects come from relatively few causes; that is, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the possible causes. Also see Pareto chart.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEighty Twenty Rule
Principle suggesting 80% of effects come from 20% of causes.
Đăng bởi: Business TheoryElapsed Time
The total time or duration passed from the start of a process or event until its completion or the current time.
Đăng bởi: Time MeasurementElectric data interchange (EDI)
Electric data interchange (EDI): The electronic exchange of data from customers to suppliers and from suppliers to customers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementElevate
Raising concerns to a higher authority to gain approval or accept the risk.
Đăng bởi: Risk EscalationElevation
Vertical distance from a point or level on or affixed to the earth's surface measured from sea level.
Đăng bởi: Measurement MetricEmbedded Graph Editor
Graphical editing tool or software integrated within a system or application for creating or modifying visual representations or graphs.
Đăng bởi: Graphical ToolEmergency Action Plans
Guides for employee actions during workplace emergencies.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureEmergency Spill Response
Methods for responding to hazardous substance spills.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureEmpirical CDF
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function: A statistical tool representing the cumulative distribution function derived from observed data.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureEmployee empowerment (EE)
Employee empowerment (EE): A condition whereby employees have the authority to make decisions and take action in their work areas, within stated bounds, without prior approval.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEmployee focus
Basic attitude in an organization that is focused on considering each individual employee as a significant potential for solving problems and contributing creativity and on treating each employee accordingly. Management is responsible for creating an environment in which people can develop their abilities and consequently contribute to value creation in the company. Employees should be included in structuring the processes in order that they can release their potential and contribute their abilities. The objective is to use the employees know how for continual improvement (CIP) of all processes with regard to quality and productivity. (See Quality management principles).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEmployee involvement (EI)
Employee involvement (EI): An organizational practice whereby employees regularly participate in making decisions on how their work areas operate, including suggestions for improvement, planning, goal setting and monitoring performance.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEmployee suggestion plan
Instrument for encouraging the capacity and willingness for innovation in a companys employees. In many instances cash and other awards are given as an incentive for employees to submit improvement suggestions. This instrument is primarily used in order to achieve innovations in products and processes in small steps, to encourage employee motivation and development, and to make a positive contribution to a goal oriented corporate culture and culture of innovation. Employee suggestion plans have a long tradition in Germany. The idea was mentioned for the first time in a general regulation at the company Krupp in Essen in 1872.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEmployee Turnover Rate
A metric indicating the rate or frequency at which employees leave an organization or company within a specific period.
Đăng bởi: HR MetricEmpowerment
Transfer of competencies and assignments previously reserved for managers to employees. This can improve employee and customer satisfaction.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEN
European norm. (Standard from the CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEN 46000
EN 46000: A European quality management system standard for the medical device industry. Technically equivalent to ISO 13485:1996, an international medical device standard.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEN 9100
EN 9100: A European quality management standard for the aerospace industry. Considered the technical equivalent of AS9100.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEnd user
End user: See consumer. Someone who purchases products or services for their own use.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEndangering analysis
A procedure stipulated in the framework of European directives and the national legislation on occupational health and safety based on these directives that forms the foundation of endangering judgment. Endangering analyses determine possible hazards and are to be conducted in according with the Arbeitsschutzgesetz [Occupational Health and Safety Act] or where appropriate in accordance with the Biostoffverordnung [Biomaterial Regulation] and the Gefahrstoffverordnung [Hazardous Substances Ordinance].
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEndangering judgment
An evaluation required pursuant to Section 5 Arbeitsschutzgesetz [German Occupational Health and Safety Act] of the hazards for the employees associated with their work and the determination of required occupational health and safety measures. Each workplace is to be assessed in accordance with the legal specifications. There has also been an obligation to provide documentation since 1997. The judgment is often made according to typified workplaces (chemical or physical laboratory, mechanical workshop, etc.) and includes the assignment to endangering classes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEnergy Costs per Unit
The expenditure or cost incurred per unit of energy consumed in a system, operation, or process, often used in cost analysis or efficiency assessment.
Đăng bởi: Cost MeasureEngagement of people
You can find out more about this in the Quality management principles.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEnvironment
Surroundings affected by an organization, including air, water, land, flora, fauna, and their interaction with humans.
Đăng bởi: Ecosystem ClassificationEnvironmental Hazards
Hazards potentially affecting health and the natural environment.
Đăng bởi: Health HazardEnvironmental management
All planning and actions that concern the dealings with the natural environment characterized by environmental protection affairs and perspectives. Environmental protection is law at the national level and is standardized in the framework of European directives and international agreements. Environmental management today therefore primarily includes the fulfillment of numerous requirements and conditions. Newer management theory also defines environmental management as the analysis, control, and planning of all external relations of the company as a system.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEnvironmental management system
Environmental management system: A set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and promote environmental sustainability.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEOQ
European Organization for Quality, Brussels. European (non profit) organization with the objective of effective improvement in the quality management area. The EOQ sees itself as a coordinating body for its member organizations. It was founded in 1956 and currently has 30 national European quality organizations, institutions, companies and individual people from all around the world. www.eoq.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEPA model
Enterprise Process Architecture: Reference model for processoriented, service based company architectures. This model is used to analyze different approaches to integration and to transfer them into a uniform model.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEPM
Enterprise Performance Management: Strategies or methodologies focused on managing and improving organizational performance across various domains.
Đăng bởi: Business StrategyEquipment availability
Equipment availability: The percentage of time during which a process (or equipment) is available to run. This can sometimes be called uptime. To calculate operational availability, divide the machines operating time during the process by the net available time (production time / potential production time) x 100.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementErgonomics
Study of the relationship between workers and their environment to improve work conditions.
Đăng bởi: Workplace ErgonomicsERP
Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP characterizes a companys task to use resources in the company efficiently for business operations. ERP systems consist of complex application software to support resource planning.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementError detection
Error detection: A hybrid form of error proofing. It means a bad part can be made but will be caught immediately, and corrective action will be taken to prevent another bad part from being produced. A device is used to detect and stop the process when a bad part is made. This is used when error proofing is too expensive or not easily implemented.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementError Detection Device
A device or tool integrated into a system or process to identify or flag errors or anomalies for corrective actions.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureError margin
Limiting amounts of deviations for errors of measurement in the measuring instrument. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementError of measurement
Deviation of the (uncorrected) measurement result from the reference value, where this can be the true value, the correct value or the expected value, depending on the definition or agreement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementError proofing
Error proofing: Improving designs to prevent mistakes from being made. Contrasted with mistake proofing, which is improving processes to prevent mistakes from being made or passed downstream. Some consider the terms to be synonymous, however, and applicable to both products and processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementError Proofing Device
A device or mechanism incorporated into a system or process to prevent or minimize errors, defects, or mistakes automatically.
Đăng bởi: Quality ImprovementEstablishment
Geographical area with controlled access to a place of work.
Đăng bởi: Location/EnvironmentEstimated Variance Component
An estimation or calculation indicating the variance within a dataset or model attributed to specific factors or sources.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureEstimation Method
A systematic approach or technique used to estimate or predict unknown quantities or parameters based on available data or information.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TechniqueEstimator
Characteristic used to estimate a probability distribution parameter. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEta (Event Tree Analysis)
Graphical method exploring hazardous events and outcomes.
Đăng bởi: Hazard Analysis and PredictionEthics
Ethics: The practice of applying a code of conduct based on moral principles to day to day actions to balance what is fair to individuals or organizations with what is right for society.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementETSI
European Telecommunications Standards Institute, France.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEuropean Cooperation for Accreditation (EA)
European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA): A cooperative organization of accreditation bodies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEuropean Quality Award
The European Quality Award was renamed the EFQM Excellence Award (EEA) in 2006. See EEA.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEvaluation
1. Selection, analysis and consolidation of data.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEvent Plot
A graphical representation or visualization displaying events or occurrences over time, often used in process analysis or monitoring.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationEvent Probability
The likelihood or chance of a specific event or outcome occurring, expressed as a numerical value between 0 and 1.
Đăng bởi: Probability MeasureEvery Product Every Interval (Epex)
Frequency of production for different part numbers in a process or system.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementEvidence based decision making
You can find out more about this in the Quality management principles.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEVOP
Evolutionary Operation of Processes. Analysis of process data with small dispersions within the parameters (variant of DoE).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementEWMA Chart
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Chart: A control chart used to monitor processes by detecting subtle shifts or changes in data.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control ToolEwr (Electricity At Work Regulations)
Regulations governing electrical work safety.
Đăng bởi: Electrical Safety StandardsExcellence models
The approaches to quality management systems on the basis of the ISO 9000 family of standards and the excellence models for organizations are based on common principles. Both approaches allow an organization to identify its strengths and weaknesses. They furthermore contain possibilities for evaluation using general models, offer a basis for continual improvement, and allow external recognition.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExemplar Global
Exemplar Global: A U.S. certification body for personnel certification or training course certification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExpectation
For discrete variates, the sum of the products of all numerical values xi of the variate X and of the associated probabilities pi; for continuous variates the corresponding integral.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExpectations
Expectations: The act or state of expecting. To wait in expectation of, or looking forward or anticipating. Also, customers perceptions about how an organizations products and services will meet their specific needs and requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExpected Performance
The anticipated or predicted level of performance or output based on calculations, models, or prior data analysis.
Đăng bởi: Performance ExpectationExperiment Design
The planning or arrangement of factors and variables in a structured manner to conduct experiments or studies to analyze their effects.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignExperimental design
Experimental design: In quality management, a plan for conducting an experiment that includes considerations such as which conditions, factors, responses, tools and treatments are to be included or used.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExpo
An abbreviation for "Exponential" commonly used in statistical or mathematical contexts representing exponential distributions or functions.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AbbreviationExponential Distribution
A probability distribution describing the time between events in a Poisson process or the decay of a quantity over time.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionExposure
Period personnel are subjected to the noise environment, measured in hourly/daily/weekly terms.
Đăng bởi: Duration of Noise ExposureExposure Action Value
Threshold levels for daily/weekly noise or peak sound pressure, triggering specific actions.
Đăng bởi: Noise Exposure AssessmentExposure Limit Value
Level of noise exposure not to be exceeded in a day/week.
Đăng bởi: Noise Exposure ThresholdExternal Customer
End user or recipient of a product or service outside the organization.
Đăng bởi: Business ManagementExternal failure
External failure: A nonconformance identified by a source outside of the producing organization. Discovered after a product or service has been passed downstream, for example, to users or customers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExternal provider
A provider which is not part of the organization. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExternal quality audit
See Second party audit, Third party audit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExternal setup
External setup: Setup procedures that can be performed safely while machines or equipment are in motion. Also known as outer exchange of die. Also see internal setup.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExternal Stakeholders
Individuals, groups, or entities outside an organization having an interest, influence, or stake in the organization's decisions or outcomes.
Đăng bởi: Stakeholder ManagementExternal Work
Activities, tasks, or operations outsourced or performed by external contractors or parties outside an organization.
Đăng bởi: Business OperationExternally provided processes
Selected processes or parts of processes which the organization does not execute itself but are externally provided. These processes are characterized by being required by the quality management system. The organization remains responsible for the output of these processes. It is up to the organization to control externally provided processes to make sure that they fulfill such requirements. (See also ISO 9001:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExtra Processing
Additional or unnecessary steps, operations, or activities in a process or operation that do not add value or contribute to the end product or service.
Đăng bởi: Process EfficiencyExtreme value
Smallest or also largest individual actual value. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementExtreme Vertices Designs
Experimental designs involving extreme or boundary points in the design space used to evaluate factors' effects at those points.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignF
F Distribution
A probability distribution used in statistical analysis, particularly in ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to test the equality of variances.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionF Test
A statistical test used to compare the variances or means of two or more populations, often employed in analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestFAC
Fast Action Center: A center or department focusing on rapid response, resolution, or action on critical issues or incidents.
Đăng bởi: Operations ManagementFacilitator
Facilitator: A specifically trained person who functions as a teacher, coach and moderator for a group, team or organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFactor
An independent variable or element that influences or affects the outcome, behavior, or performance of a system or process.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VariableFactor Analysis
Statistical method analyzing relationships or patterns among variables, identifying underlying factors or constructs.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisFactor and Factor Level
In experimental design, factors represent variables under study, while factor levels indicate the specific settings or values of those variables.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFactor Coefficients
Coefficients representing the effects or contributions of factors in a regression equation or model.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisFactor Loadings
Numeric values indicating the strength or magnitude of variables' relationships with latent factors in factor analysis.
Đăng bởi: Factor Analysis MeasureFactor Scores
Computed scores representing individuals or cases' relationship with latent factors derived from factor analysis.
Đăng bởi: Factor Analysis MeasureFactorial
A term referring to the method or arrangement of experimental factors in a factorial design, exploring interactions between factors.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFactorial Design
An experimental design where multiple factors are studied simultaneously to assess their individual and combined effects on an outcome.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFactorial Experiments
Experiments systematically investigating multiple factors and their interactions on a response variable.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFactual approach
The factual approach to decision making is one of the eight quality management principles (see Quality management principles).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFailure
Failure: The inability of an item, product or service to perform required functions on demand due to one or more defects.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFailure cost
Failure cost: The cost resulting from the occurrence of defects. One element of cost of quality or cost of poor quality. These costs can be categorized as internal or external.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFailure Mode
The specific way or manner in which a system, process, or product fails or malfunctions, leading to undesirable outcomes or defects.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureFailure mode analysis (FMA)
Failure mode analysis (FMA): A procedure to determine which malfunction symptoms appear immediately before or after a failure of a critical parameter in a system or product. After all possible causes are listed for each symptom, the product is designed to eliminate the problems.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFailure Mode and Effects Analysis
Method for risk analysis: The potential causes of failures, possible types of failures and expected effects of failures in a system and its element are analyzed. In the next step, a risk assessment is made and actions are defined for prioritized risks. After working off the actions defined in the first assessment, a second risk assessment is made in order to determine if the actions are productive. The risks are calculated and rated with the help of the risk priority number. NASA developed this method in the mid 1960s. The following types of FMEA are possible:
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFailure mode effects analysis (FMEA)
Failure mode effects analysis (FMEA): A systematized group of activities to recognize and evaluate the potential failure of a product or process and its effects, identify actions that could eliminate or reduce the occurrence of the potential failure and document the process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFailure mode effects and criticality analysis (FMECA)
Failure mode effects and criticality analysis (FMECA): A procedure performed after a failure mode effects analysis to classify each potential failure effect according to its severity and probability of occurrence.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFamily and Individual Error Rate
A measure in statistics assessing errors' occurrence among groups (families) and within individuals or cases.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureFAST
Facilitated Application Specification Technique: A collaborative technique to quickly gather and define project requirements.
Đăng bởi: Project Management ToolFault
A units lack of fulfillment, nonconforming fulfillment or incomplete fulfillment of a required function. (On the basis of DIN 40041:1990)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFault tree analysis
Fault tree analysis is a procedure that allows probabilities to be estimated. This analysis is most commonly used in systems that are critical to safety or that are highly available. The fault tree is created by means of a system analysis that is conducted beforehand. Combinations of faults are also taken into consideration. This method requires precise knowledge of the system analysis and probability calculation.)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFDA
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Maryland USA. www.fda.gov
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFeedback
Feedback: Communication of information from customers or users related to a process or performance. Feedback is used to make decisions directed toward improving or adjusting a process or performance as necessary.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFeeder lines
Feeder lines: A series of special assembly lines that allow assemblers to perform preassembly tasks off the main production line. Performing certain processes off the main production line means fewer parts in the main assembly area, the availability of service ready components and assemblies in the main production area, improved quality and less lead time to build a product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFeet for Inspection Points
The distance or spacing between inspection or measurement points in a system, often used in quality control or assessment.
Đăng bởi: Measurement ParameterFeigenbaum
The American Armand V. Feigenbaum (born in 1922) is one of the pioneers and significant figures in quality science. His core activities were Total Quality Control and Simultaneous Engineering.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFI (TPM)
Focused Improvement: A fundamental pillar of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) focusing on continuous improvement initiatives.
Đăng bởi: TPM PillarFiducial Confidence Interval
A statistical confidence interval derived using fiducial inference, an alternative to traditional confidence intervals.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureFIEV
Fédération des Industries des Equipements pour Véhicules. Organization of the French automotive supply industry. www.fiev.fr
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFifo
FIFO (First In, First Out) and LIFO (Last In, First Out) are inventory management methods for stock rotation.
Đăng bởi: Inventory ControlFinal inspection
The last of the quality inspections that is conducted before a unit is handed over to the customer or client.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFinal Partition
In cluster analysis or partitioning methods, the final division or separation of data into distinct groups or clusters.
Đăng bởi: Data Analysis MethodFinished Goods
Products or goods that have completed manufacturing processes and are ready for distribution or sale to customers.
Đăng bởi: Inventory ManagementFirst Aid
Skilled application of treatment during accidents/sudden illness using available materials.
Đăng bởi: Medical AssistanceFirst Aid/Cpr
Assistance for injured or sick individuals until medical treatment is available.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureFirst article
Sample that is, without exception, manufactured with equipment and procedures (under the associated general conditions) that are planned for series manufacturing. The first article allows verification that the quality requirement on the offered product can be fulfilled, as far as this takes place under the series manufacturing conditions. The terms initial sample, quality specimen, type sample are used synonymously. (On the basis of DIN 55350 15)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFirst Article Inspection
Inspection of a first article in the framework of a sample inspection. (On the basis of DIN 55350 15)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFirst In, First Out (Fifo)
Maintaining precise production and conveyance sequence.
Đăng bởi: Process OrganizationFirst inspection
The first in a series of planned or authorized quality inspections. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFirst party audit
Internal audits that are carried out by the organization itself (also Self assessment), for example, for a management review or as the basis for the companys declaration of conformity. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFirst Pass Yield
The proportion of units or processes that pass through a system successfully without defects or rework on the first attempt.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureFirst pass yield (FPY)
First pass yield (FPY): Also referred to as the quality rate, the percentage of units that completes a process and meets quality guidelines without being scrapped, rerun, retested, returned or diverted into an offline repair area. FPY is calculated by dividing the units entering the process minus the defective units by the total number of units entering the process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFirst time quality (FTQ)
First time quality (FTQ): Calculation of the percentage of good parts at the beginning of a production run.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFirst Time Yield (FTY)
A quality measure indicating the percentage of units or processes passing through a system without the need for rework or correction.
Đăng bởi: Quality Control MeasureFishbone diagram
Fishbone diagram: See cause and effect diagram.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFisher's Exact Test
A statistical test examining the association between categorical variables in contingency tables, suitable for small sample sizes or rare events.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestFisher's Method
A statistical method used for combining the results of independent tests to determine overall significance.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MethodFitness for use
Fitness for use: A term sometimes used to define the term quality to indicate the degree to which a product or service meets the requirements for its intended use.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFitted Line Plot
A graphical representation displaying a line representing the best fit relationship between variables in a scatter plot.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationFitted Regression Line
A line representing the best fit relationship between variables in a regression analysis, indicating the predicted values.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisFitted Values
Predicted or estimated values obtained from a statistical model used to represent outcomes for specific inputs or conditions.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureFitted Values for Median Po
Estimated or predicted values derived from a statistical model for median related analyses.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureFitted Values in Orthogonal Regression
Estimated values derived from an orthogonal regression model, indicating relationships between variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureFive phase lean approach
Five phase lean approach: A systematic method for implementing lean manufacturing that helps improve the production process and sustains gains made in the production cycle in an area or plant. The five phases are: 1) stability (provides an environment with controlled process variables, decreased waste and increased business impact); 2) continuous flow (characterized by reduced work in process inventory, time loss and defects, and increased process flexibility and repeatable processes between workstations); 3) synchronous production (characterized by disciplined process repeatability and synchronization between operations and customer requirements); 4) pull system (creates an environment in which material replenishment links operations with customer demand); and 5) level production (reduces response time or changes in demand and upstream schedule variability).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFive S (5S)
Methodology for workplace organization involving Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain.
Đăng bởi: Workplace OrganizationFive S's (5S)
Five S's (5S): Five Japanese terms beginning with s used to create a workplace suited for visual control and lean production. Seiri means to separate needed tools, parts and instructions from unneeded materials and to remove the unneeded ones. Seiton means to neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of use. Seiso means to conduct a cleanup campaign. Seiketsu means to conduct seiri, seiton and seiso daily to maintain a workplace in perfect condition. Shitsuke means to form the habit of always following the first four Ss. The Americanized version is sort, straighten, scrub, standardize and sustain. The 5S approach organizes the workplace, keeps it neat and clean, establishes standardized condition and maintains discipline to sustain the effort.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFive Ss
Workplace practices conducive to visual control and lean production: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain.
Đăng bởi: Lean MethodologyFive whys
Five whys: A technique for discovering the root causes of a problem and showing the relationship of causes by repeatedly asking the question, Why? A repetitive questioning technique to probe deeper to surface the root cause of a problem. The number of times why is asked depends on when the true root cause is reached.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFixed and Random Factors
In experimental design, fixed factors represent variables with constant levels, while random factors have variable levels or conditions.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFixed costs
Term for the (total) costs that do not change with the capacity utilization level. These are also called time related costs.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFlag
An indicator or marker used to highlight specific data points or conditions that need attention or further investigation.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationFlammable & Combustible Liquids
Easily ignitable liquids in the air at ambient temperatures.
Đăng bởi: Health HazardFloor
The lower surface or level of a room or building, often referenced in manufacturing layouts or facility planning.
Đăng bởi: Physical StructureFloor Marking
Floor Marking uses designated colors to signify areas, paths, or safety zones in the workplace for clarity and safety.
Đăng bởi: SafetyFlow
Flow: The progressive achievement of tasks along the value stream so a product proceeds from design to launch, order to delivery and raw to finished materials in the hands of the customer with no stoppages, scrap or backflows.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFlow Cell
A production layout or system organizing workstations in a sequence to promote efficient and continuous flow in manufacturing.
Đăng bởi: Manufacturing MethodFlow Production
A manufacturing method focusing on continuous production, minimizing interruptions or downtime to achieve a smooth flow of products.
Đăng bởi: Manufacturing TechniqueFlowchart
Flowchart: A graphical representation of the steps in a process. Flowcharts are drawn to better understand processes. One of the seven tools of quality (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFmea (Failure Modes And Effects Analysis)
Method to identify system failure modes and their effects.
Đăng bởi: Failure Mode AnalysisFMECA
Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis. The US military developed the FMEA in 1949 under the name FMECA. It was used for the systematic development of reliability with examination of system and equipment failures.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFocus group
Focus group: A qualitative discussion group, usually of eight to 10 people, that is invited from a segment of the customer base to discuss an existing or planned product, service or process, led by a facilitator working from predetermined questions.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFollow up audit
A follow up audit is conducted when one or more (critical) deviations (nonconformities) occur in the audit that require a longer time for correction. The effective realization of the corrective actions and consequently elimination of the deviation(s) can be proven in the follow up audit, for example. As a result a certificate can be issued.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementForce field analysis
Force field analysis: A technique for analyzing what aids or hinders an organization in reaching an objective. An arrow pointing to an objective is drawn down the middle of a piece of paper. The factors that will aid the objectives achievement, called the driving forces, are listed on the left side of the arrow. The factors that will hinder its achievement, called the restraining forces, are listed on the right side of the arrow.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementForecasted Demand
The predicted or estimated future demand for products or services based on analysis or forecasting methods.
Đăng bởi: Demand ForecastingForecasting
The process of predicting or estimating future outcomes, trends, or demand based on historical data, models, or analysis.
Đăng bởi: Prediction MethodFoundation Of Kaizen
Fundamental principles and concepts forming the basis of Kaizen.
Đăng bởi: Continuous ImprovementFour Absolutes of Quality Management
Core principles in quality management emphasizing the importance of quality in products or services: Performance, Features, Reliability, and Conformance.
Đăng bởi: Quality ManagementFQS
Forschungsgemeinschaft für Qualität e.V., Frankfurt. www.fqs.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFractional Factorial Design
An experimental design strategy involving a subset of the complete factorial design to evaluate the most influential factors efficiently.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFrequency
Number indicating how often a certain result or event occurs.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFrequency Data
Data characterized by counts or occurrences of specific events or categories, typically analyzed using frequency distributions.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Data TypeFrequency distribution (statistical)
Frequency distribution (statistical): A table that graphically presents a large volume of data so the central tendency (such as the average or mean) and distribution are clearly displayed.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFriedman's Test
A non parametric statistical test used to determine differences between multiple groups or treatments based on ranked data.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestFront Line Command
Single Service Commands responsible for operating, administration, or training outside joint operations.
Đăng bởi: Military Command StructureFta (Fault Tree Analysis)
Method for analyzing causes of hazardous events in complex systems.
Đăng bởi: Hazard Analysis and ReliabilityFTC
Federal Trade Commission: A U.S. government agency overseeing consumer protection and antitrust laws to promote fair competition.
Đăng bởi: Regulatory AgencyFTP
File Transfer Protocol: A standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server on a computer network.
Đăng bởi: Networking ProtocolFull Factorial Design
An experimental design method evaluating all possible combinations of factors and levels to analyze their effects on outcomes.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignFull Rank
A condition in linear algebra or regression analysis where a matrix or system has maximal rank or independence among its rows or columns.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptFunction
Function: A group of related actions contributing to a larger action.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFunctional layout
Functional layout: The practice of grouping machines (such as grinding machines) or activities (such as order entry) by type of operation performed.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFunctional Safety
Property of engineered systems ensuring safety through functions performed.
Đăng bởi: System Safety EngineeringFunctional verification
Functional verification: Testing to ensure a part conforms to all engineering performance and material requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFunnel experiment
Funnel experiment: An experiment that demonstrates the effects of tampering. Marbles are dropped through a funnel in an attempt to hit a flat surfaced target below. The experiment shows that adjusting a stable process to compensate for an undesirable result or an extraordinarily good result will produce output that is worse than if the process had been left alone.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementFuture State Map
A visual representation or diagram illustrating the envisioned or desired future state of a process or system after improvements.
Đăng bởi: Process ImprovementG
A measuring instrument or device used to measure, evaluate, or assess various parameters or dimensions accurately.
Đăng bởi: Measurement EquipmentGage Linearity and Bias Study
An analysis or study assessing a measuring device's linearity and bias to ensure accurate and consistent measurements.
Đăng bởi: Measurement AssessmentGage R and R Study
Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Study: An assessment evaluating the reliability and consistency of a measurement system.
Đăng bởi: Measurement AssessmentGage repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R)
Gage repeatability and reproducibility (GR&R): The evaluation of a gauging instruments accuracy by determining whether its measurements are repeatable (there is close agreement among a number of consecutive measurements of the output for the same value of the input under the same operating conditions) and reproducible (there is close agreement among repeated measurements of the output for the same value of input made under the same operating conditions over a period of time).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGage Run Chart
A graphical representation displaying measurements or values obtained from a measurement system over time, assessing stability and consistency.
Đăng bởi: Measurement VisualizationGage Tolerance
The acceptable or specified range of variation or deviation permitted in measurements obtained from a measuring device or system.
Đăng bởi: Measurement StandardGain sharing
Gain sharing: A reward system that shares the monetary results of productivity gains among owners and employees.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGallery Walk
A collaborative learning or problem solving technique where participants review and provide feedback on displayed materials or ideas in a gallery like setting.
Đăng bởi: Group Discussion MethodGamma
A statistical distribution parameter or shape factor influencing the shape of various probability distributions like the gamma distribution.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ParameterGamma Distribution
A continuous probability distribution describing the time until an event's occurrence, often used in reliability analysis or waiting times.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionGantt Chart
A project management tool or chart displaying tasks, timelines, and progress in a project, representing activities against time.
Đăng bởi: Project Management ToolGap Analysis
A strategic assessment or comparison identifying gaps or discrepancies between current and desired states to facilitate improvements or changes.
Đăng bởi: Strategic AnalysisGas
Substance similar to air that becomes airborne at room temperature, diffusing rapidly.
Đăng bởi: Airborne SubstancesGatekeeper
Gatekeeper: A timekeeper; in team meetings, a designated individual who helps monitor the teams use of allocated time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGemba
A Japanese term referring to the practice of going to the actual place or location where work is done to understand processes and identify improvements.
Đăng bởi: Lean Management PrincipleGemjitsu
True facts (and no assumptions). The true fact can be determined by data collection in the problem solving process. Nonconformity and rejection rates and developments over time are used here as performance figures. (Term that originated in Japan and one of the 3Gs).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGeneral Full Factorial
A complete experimental design considering all possible combinations of factors and levels, assessing their effects on outcomes.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignGeneral Linear Models
Statistical models or regression models encompassing linear relationships between variables, allowing for multiple predictors or factors.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisGenerally accepted rules of technology
Technical rules for the development and execution of physical structures or technical objects. These rules are seen as theoretically correct from a scientific point of view and are applied in practice. They extend beyond the applicable technical regulations and standards.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGeometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T): A set of rules and standard symbols to define part features and relationships on an engineering drawing depicting the geometric relationship of part features and allowing the maximum tolerance that permits full function of the product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGeometric Distribution
A probability distribution describing the number of trials needed to achieve the first success in a sequence of independent trials.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionGeometric Mean
A measure of central tendency calculated by taking the nth root of the product of n numbers, used for skewed or log normally distributed data.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureGeorge M. Low Trophy
George M. Low Trophy: An award presented by NASA to NASA aerospace industry contractors, subcontractors and suppliers that consistently maintain and improve the quality of their products and services. George M. Low was the NASA administrator for nearly three decades.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGeräte und Produktsicherheitsgesetz
German Equipment and Product Safety Act. In Germany, this law regulates the placement of products on the market and the display of products, as well as the construction and operation of systems that require monitoring. The Geräte und Produktsicherheitsgesetz superseded the Produktsicherheitsgesetz (ProdSG Product Safety Act) and the Gerätesicherheitsgesetz (GSG Equipment Safety Act) on May 1, 2004. This Act implemented the European directive on general product safety in Germany into national law.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGhs Hazard Communication Standards
Information on safe handling of hazardous equipment.
Đăng bởi: RegulationGlobal quality
Global quality: The systematic design and implementation of quality processes across the world, based on information sharing and best practices.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGlossary Overview.htm
A web based overview or index presenting definitions and explanations of terms, concepts, or jargon used in a specific domain or context.
Đăng bởi: Information ResourceGo Esu
5 S (SEIRI, SEITON, SEISO, SEIKETSU, SHITSUKE), 5 points of workplace organization and maintenance
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIGo/no go
Go/no go: State of a unit or product. Two parameters are possible: go (conforms to specifications) and no go (does not conform to specifications).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGoal
Goal: A broad statement describing a desired future condition or achievement without being specific about how much and when.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGoal Response Optimization
The process of optimizing responses or outcomes to achieve specific objectives or goals within a system or process.
Đăng bởi: Optimization TechniqueGoal Statement
A clear and concise statement outlining specific objectives or targets to be achieved, guiding initiatives or projects.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementGood Laboratory Practice
Quality assurance system that deals with the organizational flow and general conditions under which non clinical safety inspections relevant to health and the environment are planned, conducted and monitored. GLP also deals with the recording, archiving and reporting with regard to the inspections. (GLP principles of the OECD, Organisation for Economic Co Operation and Development)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGood laboratory practices (GLP)
Good laboratory practices (GLP): A quality system (for example, 21 CFR, part 58) for labs and organizations to use to ensure the uniformity, consistency, reliability, reproducibility, quality and integrity of testing performed. Promoted by the Organization for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD) and some regulatory agencies in the world.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGood Manufacturing Practice
This standard from the WHO places binding requirements on the manufacturers of food and medicinal products. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) has the nature of a law in the health sector.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGood manufacturing practices (GMP)
Good manufacturing practices (GMP): A minimum set of practices recommended or required by some regulatory agencies (for example, 21 CFR, parts 808, 812 and 820) for manufacturers to meet to ensure their products consistently meet requirements for their intended use.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGood Practice
Standards recognized by authoritative bodies, meeting legislative requirements or industry standards.
Đăng bởi: Compliance StandardGoodman Kruskal Statistics
A statistical method used to compare ranked data or to assess associations between two or more groups.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisGoodness of Fit Test
A statistical test evaluating how well an observed distribution fits a theoretical distribution or model.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestGQW
Gesellschaft für Qualitätswissenschaft e.V., at the Technische Universität Berlin, www.tu cottbus.de/gqw
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGrade
Measure of value or class that describes the various quality requirements placed on products, processes or systems with the same functional use. Example: Hotel category according to stars or classes in plane tickets (e.g., first, business or economy class). (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGrand Mean
The arithmetic mean or average calculated across multiple groups or datasets, representing a combined average.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureGraph Annotation
Text or labels added to a graph or chart to provide additional information or context for data visualization.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationGraph File Format
The file format or structure used to save or store graphical data, determining compatibility and readability.
Đăng bởi: File ManagementGraph Layout Tool
Software or tools facilitating the arrangement and organization of elements within graphs or visual displays.
Đăng bởi: Graphical ToolGraph Region
A specified area or segment within a graph or chart displaying data or information related to a particular region.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationGraph Scale
The numerical or proportional representation of values on axes or dimensions within a graph or chart.
Đăng bởi: Data RepresentationGraph Title
A descriptive title given to a graph or chart, summarizing the content or purpose of the visual representation.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationGreen Belt
In Six Sigma, an individual trained in problem solving and process improvement techniques, usually working on improvement projects.
Đăng bởi: Six Sigma RoleGreen Belt (GB)
Green Belt (GB): An employee who has been trained in the Six Sigma improvement method and can lead a process improvement or quality improvement team as part of his or her full time job.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGroup
A collection of individuals or items brought together based on common characteristics, interests, or criteria.
Đăng bởi: Organizational StructureGroup dynamic
Group dynamic: The interaction (behavior) of individuals within a team meeting.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGroup Technology Matrix
A matrix illustrating similarities and relationships between parts or components in a manufacturing or production process.
Đăng bởi: Manufacturing MethodGroup Wide Quality Control (Gwqc)
Quality control system covering an entire organization.
Đăng bởi: Quality ManagementGroup work
Cooperation among individual people on a specific topic.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGroupthink
Groupthink: A situation in which critical information is withheld from the team because individual members censor or restrain themselves, either because they believe their concerns are not worth discussing or because they are afraid of confrontation. Occurs when most or all team members coalesce in supporting an idea or decision that hasnt been fully explored.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGS
Geprüfte Sicherheit [Tested Safety]. See GS mark.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGS mark
The GS mark is an indicator of Tested Safety. The mark was introduced in 1977 and is based on the Geräte und Produktsicherheitsgesetz (GPSG Equipment and Product Safety Act), according to which the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung (German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs) can designate testing centers that have the right to issue the GS mark for devices and technical work materials, as far as these are covered by the GPSG. This includes products for commercial and private requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGuarantee
Also liability for defects. Certain legal consequences and demands to which the purchaser is entitled in the framework of a sales agreement in the event that the seller has supplied unsatisfactory goods or items. A contract for work and services also provides a guarantee for deficiencies in the work produced. A warranty differs from the legally stipulated guarantee because there is no legal obligation to give a warranty promise. An EU directive specifies minimum standards for the guarantee in the case of commercial sale to private end customers. In principle, claims exist against the seller, but not against the manufacturer of the goods.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGuidance / Guidance Material
Advice or information providing a consistent approach or explanation.
Đăng bởi: Advisory/ExplanationGuideline document
Document with requirements for the offered product and instructions for the activities to be carried out.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementGuidelines
Recommendation or suggestions that are described in documents. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementH
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. HACCP is a systematic tool in the framework of food safety management. It is used to define preventive measures and consequently to avoid dangers in association with food (e.g., illnesses). HACCP roughly means the analysis of health hazards and the determination of critical points.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHACCP Approach
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points: A systematic preventive approach ensuring food safety in the food production process.
Đăng bởi: Food Safety ManagementHalf Normal Plot
A graphical representation used in experimental design to assess the significance of effects in screening experiments.
Đăng bởi: Experimental AnalysisHALO effect
When assessing a person (first impression) one unconsciously looks for the other persons most striking characteristic and then generalizes this feature or trait.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHand And Power Tools
Tools powered manually or electrically needing safety measures.
Đăng bởi: EquipmentHand Arm Vibration
Exposure to vibration from hand held tools or controls, including vibrations from vehicle controls.
Đăng bởi: Vibration ExposureHand Arm Vibration Syndrome
Conditions affecting nerves, blood vessels, muscles due to vibration damage.
Đăng bởi: Occupational Health ClassificationHandoff
The transfer of information, tasks, or responsibilities from one person, group, or phase to another within a process or project.
Đăng bởi: Process TransitionHanedashi
In Lean manufacturing, a concept referring to the removal of unnecessary items or tools from the workplace to enhance efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Lean MethodologyHansei
A Japanese term for self reflection or introspection, focusing on acknowledging mistakes or opportunities for improvement.
Đăng bởi: Continuous ImprovementHard to Change Factor
Factors or variables within a system or process that are particularly difficult or challenging to modify or improve.
Đăng bởi: Process AnalysisHardware
Material product whose quantity represents a countable characteristic. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHardware (e.g., mechanical engine part)
Many products consist of elements from various generic product categories. The dominant element determines whether the product is called a service, software, hardware or processed material. For example, a car (in the sense of an offered product) comprises hardware (e.g., the tires), processed materials (e.g., fuel, coolant), software (e.g., engine control software, operating manual) and service (e.g., the dealers explanations of correct operation).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHawthorne effect
Hawthorne effect: When people modify their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed. This term is attributed to sociologist Henry Landsberger, who analyzed this behavior during experiments at the Hawthorne Works, a Western Electric factory outside Chicago.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHazan (Hazard Analysis)
Systematic hazard identification process.
Đăng bởi: Hazard Identification and AssessmentHazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP): A quality management system for effectively and efficiently ensuring farm to table food safety in the United States. HACCP regulations for various sectors are established by the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHazard Determination
Evaluating chemicals to determine if they are hazardous.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureHazard Identification
Process recognizing existing hazards and defining their characteristics.
Đăng bởi: Risk IdentificationHazard Plot
A graphical representation displaying potential hazards or risks associated with a process, system, or operation.
Đăng bởi: Risk AssessmentHazardous Event
Occurrence of a hazard leading to potential safety risks.
Đăng bởi: Safety Risk Event IdentificationHazardous Waste Operations
Cleaning hazardous materials at uncontrolled waste sites.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureHazid (Hazard Identification)
Hazard Identification process.
Đăng bởi: Hazard Identification in SafetyHAZOP
Hazard and Operability Study: A systematic analysis method identifying potential hazards and operability issues in industrial processes.
Đăng bởi: Risk ManagementHazop (Hazard And Operability Study)
Method to identify deviations from design intent and their consequences.
Đăng bởi: Hazard Analysis and Risk AssessmentHazwoper
Guidelines for regulating hazardous waste operations and employee protection.
Đăng bởi: RegulationHead Of Establishment
Accountable person with control over access and authority within a specified MOD establishment.
Đăng bởi: Role/ResponsibilityHealth And Safety Executive
UK organization for workplace health, safety, and welfare regulation.
Đăng bởi: Regulatory AuthorityHealth, Safety And Environmental Protection
Collection of laws, rules, and processes protecting people and the environment in the workplace.
Đăng bởi: Legislation/GuidanceHeijun Ka
HEIJUNKA (pronounced hey June kah), production smoothing, leveled production
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIHeijunka
In Lean manufacturing, a leveling or smoothing technique used to balance production by aligning workloads and processes.
Đăng bởi: Lean Production MethodHelp Hinder
A technique or analysis focusing on identifying elements or factors that either assist or impede progress toward a goal or objective.
Đăng bởi: Problem AnalysisHeywood Case
A situation in statistical modeling where estimated parameters or results violate logical or theoretical constraints.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ModelingHidden Factory
Unproductive or unnoticed areas within an organization where waste, inefficiency, or unutilized potential exists.
Đăng bởi: Lean Management PrincipleHierarchy Of Controls
Sequentially ranked control measures from elimination to personal protective equipment (PPE).
Đăng bởi: Control Measure ClassificationHigh level structure
Future identical clause structure of all management system standards with partly identical text passages in the clauses dealing with requirements. This high level structure is aimed at making better use of synergies between different disciplines. The management system standards differ with respect to their scope and objectives.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHighly accelerated life test (HALT)
Highly accelerated life test (HALT): A process for uncovering design defects and weaknesses in electronic and mechanical assemblies using a vibration system combined with rapid high and low temperature changes. The purpose of HALT is to optimize product reliability by identifying the functional and destructive limits of a product at an early stage in product development.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHighly accelerated stress audits (HASA)
Highly accelerated stress audits (HASA): A technique in which a sample of parts (as opposed to 100% of the production, as in HASS) is subjected to stresses similar to the levels and duration for HALT. In monitoring the production process, the intent of HASA is to detect slight shifts in the attributes of the product so corrective actions can be taken and implemented before the performance of outgoing product approaches the specifications.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHighly accelerated stress screening (HASS)
Highly accelerated stress screening (HASS): A technique for production screening that rapidly exposes process or production flaws in products. Its purpose is to expose a product to optimized production screens without affecting product reliability. Unlike HALT, HASS uses nondestructive stresses of extreme temperatures and temperature change rates with vibration.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHinges
Specific points in a boxplot or statistical diagram representing quartiles or outliers in a dataset's distribution.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationHistogram
A graphical representation displaying the frequency distribution of continuous data through bars or bins.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationHistogram Glossary
A compilation or explanation of terms related to histograms, their components, or interpretations.
Đăng bởi: Information ResourceHistogram or Frequency Plot
An alternative name for a histogram, used to visualize the frequency distribution of data.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationHistorical Parameters
Parameters or indicators derived from past data or historical trends used for analysis, forecasting, or decision making.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisHito Keta
In under 10 minutes, single minute (as in SMED, Single Minute Exchange of Dies)
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIHonorary member, CiCC
Honorary member, CiCC: CiCCs highest grade of membership. As specified in CiCCs constitution, An honorary member shall have rendered acknowledged eminent service to the quality profession or the allied arts and sciences. To attain this level, an individual must be nominated by at least 10 regular members and must be approved unanimously by the board of directors.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHorizontal Replication
The process or strategy of duplicating or replicating data across multiple servers or databases for redundancy or distribution.
Đăng bởi: Data ManagementHoshin Kanri
A strategic planning method in Lean management focused on setting and aligning goals throughout an organization.
Đăng bởi: Strategic PlanningHoshin planning
Hoshin planning: Breakthrough planning. A Japanese strategic planning process in which an organization develops up to four vision statements that indicate where the organization should be in the next five years. Organizational goals and work plans are developed based on the vision statements. Periodic submitted audits are then conducted to monitor progress. Also see value stream.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHospitalised ('Bedded Down')
Admitted to a hospital for treatment, sometimes onboard a vessel.
Đăng bởi: Medical ClassificationHotelling's T Squared Test
A statistical test used for comparing means or vectors of multivariate data, considering differences between groups or treatments.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestHotelling's T2 model
Hotelling's T2 model: A multivariate profile for detecting differential expressions in microarrays.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHouse of quality
House of quality: A product planning matrix, somewhat resembling a house, that is developed during quality function deployment and shows the relationship of customer requirements to the means of achieving these requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementHsc (Health And Safety Commission)
Statutory body for health and safety regulation.
Đăng bởi: Safety Regulatory BodyHse (Health And Safety Executive)
Statutory body for health and safety enforcement and support.
Đăng bởi: Safety Regulatory and Support BodyHsl (Health And Safety Laboratory)
Laboratory supporting health and safety research.
Đăng bởi: Safety Research and TestingHspag (Health And Safety Policy Advisory Group)
Policy advisory group for health and safety.
Đăng bởi: Safety Policy Advisory GroupHsu's MCB
Hsu's Multiple Comparison Boundaries: Statistical boundaries used in multiple comparisons to control the familywise error rate.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisHswa (Health And Safety At Work Act 1974)
Legislation governing health and safety at work.
Đăng bởi: Safety Legal FrameworkHuddle Meetings
Collaborative or impromptu team meetings focusing on quick discussions, updates, or problem solving within a work environment.
Đăng bởi: Team CommunicationHyperbolic Trigonometry Functions
Mathematical functions, such as hyperbolic sine or cosine, dealing with hyperbolic angles and relationships.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionsHypergeometric Distribution
A probability distribution describing the probability of specific successes in a fixed number of draws from a finite population.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionHypothesis Statement
A statement or proposition outlining an assumption or claim to be tested or validated through analysis or experimentation.
Đăng bởi: Research DesignHypothesis Test
A statistical test evaluating the validity or significance of an assumption or hypothesis regarding a population or dataset.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisHypothesis Testing
The statistical process of testing or assessing assumptions or claims about a population or dataset using sample data.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisHypothesis, Null
A hypothesis stating no significant difference or relationship between variables or conditions being tested.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisI
I MR Chart
Individual and Moving Range Chart: A control chart used to monitor processes with individual measurements and their ranges.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Control ToolI MR RS Chart
Individual and Moving Range Rundown and Selection Chart: A tool used to evaluate data trends or patterns in a process.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisIATF
International Automotive Task Force. Workgroup of the large automakers and their suppliers for the harmonization of nationally introduced quality management methods and of the quality management standards.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIATF 16949
IATF 16949: A harmonized set of supplier quality management system requirements for automotive suppliers released in October 2016 by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF). IATF 16949 replaced ISO/TS 16949.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIdea creation tools
Idea creation tools: Tools that encourage thinking and organization of new ideas around issues or opportunities, either individually or with other people. Examples are brainstorming, the Delphi method, role playing, TRIZ and visioning.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIdentifiable Living Individual
Living individual identifiable by specific factors or identifiers.
Đăng bởi: Data IdentificationIEC
International Electrotechnical Commission. International standardization committee with headquarters in Geneva for standards in the field of electrical engineering and electronics.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIECQ
IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIFC
Initial Fill Capacity: A measure or assessment determining the initial capacity or volume of a reservoir, container, or system.
Đăng bởi: Capacity AssessmentIidb (Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit)
Statistics on industrial injuries disablement benefits.
Đăng bởi: Industrial Injury StatisticsILEP
Initiative Ludwig Erhard Preis Auszeichnung für Spitzenleistungen im Wettbewerb e.V., Oberursel bei Frankfurt. Organization that awards the Ludwig Erhard Prize each year. www. ilep.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementImagineering
Imagineering: Developing in the minds eye a process without waste.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementImpact effort matrix
Impact effort matrix: A technique for determining the best action to take once the root cause of a problem has been identified. By creating a matrix with four quadrants and plotting the potential solutions based on the effort required to implement (x axis) and the impact (y axis), the solutions falling into the upper left hand quadrant will be the best action to take.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementImperfection
Imperfection: A quality characteristics departure from its intended level or state without any association to conformance to specification, requirements or to the usability of a product or service. Also see blemish, defect and nonconformity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementImplementation Team
A dedicated team responsible for executing or deploying plans, strategies, or projects within an organization.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementImprove
The phase within the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology in Six Sigma focusing on implementing solutions and improvements.
Đăng bởi: Six Sigma MethodologyImprove Phase
A stage in problem solving methodologies (e.g., DMAIC, PDCA) concentrating on implementing and validating improvement initiatives.
Đăng bởi: Process ImprovementImprovement
Improvement: The positive effect of a process change effort.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementImprovement Activity
Actions or initiatives undertaken to enhance processes, systems, or outcomes towards better performance or efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Process EnhancementImprovement Kata
A structured routine or method in Lean thinking for continuous improvement through deliberate practice and experimentation.
Đăng bởi: Lean MethodologyImprovement Notice
Means to secure compliance with health and safety law.
Đăng bởi: Compliance Enforcement in SafetyImprovement Ratio Amount
A measure or ratio assessing the amount or magnitude of improvement achieved in a process or system.
Đăng bởi: Performance MetricIn control process
In control process: A process in which the statistical measure being evaluated is in a state of statistical control; in other words, the variations among the observed sampling results can be attributed to a constant system of chance causes. Also see out of control process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIn process inspection
Quality inspection that is performed during the manufacture or processing of a unit. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIncident
Unplanned event potentially leading to an accident.
Đăng bởi: Incident Identification and PreventionIncoming inspection
Inspection of incoming goods at the request and with the participation of the customer or its representative. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIncremental improvement
Incremental improvement: Improvement implemented on a continual basis.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIndependent Sample
A set of observations or data points drawn from a population or group independently of other samples, avoiding bias or influence.
Đăng bởi: Statistical SamplingIndependent Trial
A trial or experiment conducted separately from others, not influenced or affected by previous or concurrent trials.
Đăng bởi: Experimental MethodIndicator Variables
Variables serving as indicators or proxies for other phenomena or factors, aiding in measurement or prediction.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VariablesIndicators
Indicators: Established measures to determine how well an organization is meeting its customers needs and other operational and financial performance expectations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIndirect communication behavior
Also Active listening. Instead of steering the talk according to his/her own ideas, the auditor guides it according to what he/she can gather from the statements of the employee or auditee. The auditor attempts to see the content through the employees eyes in order to be able to understand the employees actions. This is the form of discussion that allows the employee to contribute the most.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIndirect Costs
Costs not directly attributable to a specific activity, product, or service but contribute to overall expenses or operations.
Đăng bởi: Cost AccountingIndividual and Joint Confidence Level
Confidence levels for individual and combined events or occurrences indicating the likelihood of events happening.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureIndividual Distribution Identification
The identification or recognition of individual distributions or data patterns within a dataset or statistical analysis.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisIndividual Value Plot
A plot or graphical representation displaying individual data values to identify trends, patterns, or outliers.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationIndividuals Chart
A control chart used to monitor individual measurements or data points to assess process stability and variability.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Control ToolIndustrial Hygiene
Controlling and protecting employees from health and safety hazards.
Đăng bởi: Safety MeasureInfluential Observation
A data point or observation significantly affecting statistical analysis, potentially influencing results or conclusions.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisInformation flow
Information flow: The dissemination of information for taking a specific product from order entry through detailed scheduling to delivery. Also see value stream.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInformation management
Management in the company with regard to information and communication: it comprises all management tasks related to information and communication.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInformative inspection
Informative inspection: A form of inspection for determining nonconforming product. Also see judgment inspection.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInfrastructure
Basic equipment of a human resources, material or institutional manner (e.g., also services) that are necessary in order for an organization to function. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInherent characteristic
Inherent means existing as an essential constituent or characteristic of a unit. An inherent characteristic is one that is permanently associated with a unit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInitial Clean
An initial cleaning process or step usually performed before starting a task, operation, or analysis to ensure a clean and organized workspace or dataset.
Đăng bởi: Process PreparationInnovation
Innovation: New value created at an optimal costnot at any costthrough the development of new products, services or processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInnovative process chain optimization
System for optimizing process chains: quality techniques and creativity techniques are networked.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInput
Information, data, or resources provided or utilized as an input into a system, process, or operation for desired outcomes.
Đăng bởi: Process ComponentInput Measures
Specific measures or metrics used to evaluate or assess inputs contributing to a process, system, or project.
Đăng bởi: Performance MetricsInputs
Inputs: The products, services and material obtained from suppliers to produce the outputs delivered to customers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection
Inspection: A verification activity. For example, measuring, examining, testing and gauging one or more characteristics of a product or service and comparing the results with specified requirements to determine whether conformity is achieved for each characteristic.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection by attributes
A decision as to whether or not the inspection lot can be accepted is made on the basis of the determined number of nonconforming units or the number of nonconformities in a sample. (On the basis of ISO 3534 2)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection by variables
Acceptance sampling inspection: Inspecting an item by measuring the magnitude of one or more of its characteristics. (On the basis of ISO 3534 2)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection characteristic
Property that is inspected. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection cost
Inspection cost: The cost associated with inspecting a product to ensure it meets the internal or external customers needs and requirements; an appraisal cost.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection costs
Costs due to inspections conducted as scheduled (and not caused by nonconformities). Inspection costs include the costs in all of the organizations areas for the deployed personnel for inspections, the associated inspection, measuring and test equipment and the control of inspection, measuring and test equipment. Proportional costs for inspection activities are then to be assessed when inspection and other activities overlap in time. (On the basis of DIN 555350 11)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection instruction
Inspection plan with stipulations regarding the inspection activities and inspection processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection list
The inspection list (check sheet) is a quality tool (Q 7) for recording data (nonconformities) efficiently and for presenting them clearly according to the type and number. The data are assigned to a nonconformity category and quantitatively recorded in a table. Problems in paint system
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection lot
Inspection lot: A collection of similar units or a specific quantity of similar material offered for inspection and acceptance at one time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection plan
Specification for a single inspection or for a series of inspections. Inspection plans can contain different elements, such as inspection specification, inspection instruction and inspection schedule or they can refer to the same. This depends on the use of language in the particular organization. (On the basis of DIN 55350 11)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection schedule
Inspection plan stipulating of the sequence of inspections.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection specification
Inspection plan with stipulations regarding inspection engineering.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection status
Status of a unit. It indicates which inspection or inspections were conducted on this unit, and with which results. (On the basis of DIN 55350 11)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection, 100%
Inspection, 100%: Inspection of all the units in the lot or batch.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection, curtailed
Inspection, curtailed: Sampling inspection in which inspection of the sample is stopped as soon as a decision is certain. Thus, as soon as the rejection number for defectives is reached, the decision is certain and no further inspection is necessary. In single sampling, however, the whole sample is usually inspected in order to have an unbiased record of quality history. This same practice is usually followed for the first sample in double or multiple sampling.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection, measuring and test equipment
Measuring systems for quality inspections
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection, normal
Inspection, normal: Inspection used in accordance with a sampling plan under ordinary circumstances.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection, reduced
Inspection, reduced: Inspection in accordance with a sampling plan requiring smaller sample sizes than those used in normal inspection. Reduced inspection is used in some inspection systems as an economy measure when the level of submitted quality is sufficiently good and other stated conditions apply. Note: The criteria for determining when quality is sufficiently good must be defined in objective terms for any given inspection system.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspection, tightened
Inspection, tightened: Inspection in accordance with a sampling plan that has stricter acceptance criteria than those used in normal inspection. Tightened inspection is used in some inspection systems as a protective measure when the level of submitted quality is sufficiently poor. The higher rate of rejections is expected to lead suppliers to improve the quality of submitted product. Note: The criteria for determining when quality is sufficiently poor must be defined in objective terms for any given inspection system.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInspections
Evaluations, checks, or examinations performed on products, processes, or systems to ensure compliance or quality standards.
Đăng bởi: Quality ControlInstant pudding
Instant pudding: A term used to illustrate an obstacle to achieving quality, or the supposition that quality and productivity improvement are achieved quickly through an affirmation of faith rather than through sufficient effort and education.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInstitutionalization
The process of establishing or embedding practices, processes, or behaviors as a standard or norm within an organization or system.
Đăng bởi: Organizational DevelopmentInteger Distribution
A probability distribution representing discrete integer values in a range, often used in various statistical analyses.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionIntegrated management system
Consolidation of fragmentary or discipline specific management systems (such as quality, environmental or occupational health and safety management systems) into an integrated management system. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInter American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC)
Inter American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC): A cooperative organization of accreditation bodies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInteracting processes
Processes that influence one another. ISO 9000:2015 calls the process approach the use of a system of processes in combination with identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInteraction
The interdependency or relationship between factors, variables, or elements affecting outcomes or results, often studied in experiments.
Đăng bởi: Statistical RelationshipInteraction plot
An interaction plot is a graphical tool that is used when there is a change in more than one factor in a statistical experiment design in order to analyze if these factors influence one another and if there are interrelations. Like the Main effect plot, the Interaction plot is used in the Improve phase in the Six Sigma DMAIC cycle.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInterested party
Group or person who has an interest in an organizations performance or success. A group can comprise an organization, a part of an organization, or several organizations. As examples for an interested party, the standard lists: customers, owners, people in an organization, suppliers, bankers, unions, partners or society. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIntermediate customers
Intermediate customers: Organizations or individuals who operate as distributors, brokers or dealers between the supplier and the consumer or end user.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternal Consistency
The degree of reliability or consistency within measurements, tests, or assessments conducted internally within a system.
Đăng bởi: Reliability AssessmentInternal customer
Internal customer: The recipient (person or department) within an organization of another persons or departments output (product, service or information). Also see external customer.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternal customer supplier relationship
An internal customer supplier relationship exists when departments or areas that receive a performance from other areas within an organization are seen as internal customers. This makes employees both customers and internal service providers or suppliers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternal failure
Internal failure: A product failure that occurs before the product is passed downstreamfor example, delivered to external customers.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternal reports
Compilation of product related records that are necessary or helpful for planning, management and inspections.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternal setup
Internal setup: Setup procedures that must be performed while a machine or piece of equipment is stopped; also known as inner exchange of die. Also see external setup.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternal Work
Work, tasks, or processes performed within an organization or system, often referring to internal operations or functions.
Đăng bởi: Organizational ProcessesInternational Accreditation Registry (IAR)
International Accreditation Registry (IAR): A not for profit organization that accredits training and certification program results to international standards and guidelines.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternational Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG)
International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG): An international nonprofit aerospace and defense industry legal entity (registered in Brussels) to continuously improve the industrys processes used by its supply chain to consistently deliver high quality products or services and to make significant improvements in quality performance and reductions in cost.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternational Automotive Task Force (IATF)
International Automotive Task Force (IATF): An ad hoc group of automotive manufacturers (for example, General Motors, Ford, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, BMW, Volkswagen and Renault) and their respective trade associations (for example, Automotive Industry Action Group, the German Association of the Automotive Industry and the Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders) formed to provide improved quality products to automotive customers worldwide.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternational Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC): A cooperative organization of laboratory accreditation bodies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO): An independent, nongovernmental international organization with a membership of 161 national standards bodies that unites experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus based, market relevant international standards, guidelines and other types of documents.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInternational Telecommunication Union
Internationale Fernmeldeunion (International Telecommunication Union or Union internationale des télécommunications, UIT) with headquarters in Geneva. Agency of the United Nations that deals with the technical aspects of telecommunication. This group defines international and globally effective standards. www.itu.int
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInterrelationship diagram
Interrelationship diagram: A management tool that depicts the relationship among factors in a complex situation; also called interrelationship diagram or relations diagram.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInterrelationship digraph
The interrelationship digraph is a management tool (M7) that is used to illustrate interrelationships. The relationships among the causes of a central problem are shown by means of arrows. The causes are also classified according to their significance. The result is a representation of a problems main causes as well as the relationships between them. It is then easy to derive possible solutions.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInterval Plot
A graphical representation illustrating intervals or ranges of values within a dataset, providing insights into variability.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationIntervention
Intervention: The action of a team facilitator when interrupting a discussion to state observations about group dynamics or the team process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIntroductory talk or introductory meeting
The introductory talk is held at the beginning of an audit (opening). The contents are: Introduction of the auditors; Explanation of the audit objectives; Overview of methods and procedures in auditing; Agreement on the time sequence; Clarification of the resources; Confidentiality; Reporting.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInventory
Inventory: A term for assets (for example, materials, supplies, work in process and finished goods) held by an organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementInventory Turns
Measure indicating how quickly materials move through a facility or value stream.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementInverse Cumulative Probability
The reverse operation of cumulative probability, determining the value below which a specific probability lies in a distribution.
Đăng bởi: Probability CalculationInvestigation
Impartial examination to prevent recurrence post accident or incident.
Đăng bởi: Evaluation/InvestigationInvolvement of people
The involvement of people is one of the eight quality management principles (see Quality management principles).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIO Font
Input/Output Font: A specific typeface or font used in computer programming or data representation for input/output operations.
Đăng bởi: Computer ProgrammingIPM Process
Integrated Project Management: A comprehensive approach or methodology managing projects through integration and coordination.
Đăng bởi: Project Management MethodologyIQNet
The International Certification Network, Bern (Switzerland). International network of 36 certification companies around the world, active since 1990.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIsa (Independent Safety Assessor)
Individual assessing safety independently.
Đăng bởi: Safety Assessment and AssuranceIshikawa
The Japanese Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 1989) is one of the pioneers and important individuals in quality science. His core activities were company wide quality control, the quality circle and particularly the cause and effect diagram that bears his name.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIshikawa diagram
Ishikawa diagram: See cause and effect diagram.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva. International organization of standardization organizations. www.iso.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO 14000
ISO 14000: A series of international, voluntary environmental management standards, guides and technical reports developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO 14001
ISO 14001: A voluntary environmental management standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO 19011
ISO 19011: A guideline for the auditing of management system standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO 26000
ISO 26000: An international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to help organizations effectively assess and address those social responsibilities that are relevant and significant to their mission and vision; operations and processes; customers, employees, communities and other stakeholders; and environmental impact.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO 9000
A set of international standards addressing quality management and assurance systems within organizations (e.g., ISO 9001).
Đăng bởi: Quality Management SystemISO 9000 series standards
ISO 9000 series standards: A set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance developed to help organizations effectively document the quality system elements to be implemented to maintain an efficient quality system. The standards, initially published in 1987, are not specific to any particular industry, product or service. The standards were developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (see listing). The standards underwent major revision in 2000 and now include ISO 9000:2005 (definitions), ISO 9001:2008 (requirements), ISO 9004:2009 (continuous improvement) and ISO 9001: 2015 (risk management).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO 9001
ISO 9001: A voluntary quality management system standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). First released in 1987 and one of several documents in the ISO 9000 family.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementISO Method
A method conforming to standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for specific procedures or processes.
Đăng bởi: Standardized ProcessISO/TC 176
Technical Committee 176 on Quality Management and Quality Assurance. Responsible for the development of the ISO 9000 family of standards.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementIterative Development
A software development approach involving repetitive cycles or iterations, revising and refining the product through successive stages.
Đăng bởi: Software Development MethodologyJ
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association Inc. Association of Japanese automakers. IATF 16949:2016 was supported by the IATF and JAMA and worked out by representatives of the ISO/TC 176.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJapanese Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM)
An institute promoting and supporting plant maintenance practices and methodologies, particularly in Japan.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance ManagementJasuto In
Just in time, JIT, supply of only what is needed to only where it is
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIJidohka
Jidohka: Stopping a line automatically when a defective part is detected. Any necessary improvements can then be made by directing attention to the stopped equipment and the worker who stopped the operation. The jidohka system puts faith in the worker as a thinker and allows all workers the right to stop the line on which they are working. Also see autonomation.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJidoka
Self controlled nonconformity detection system. Jidoka (Japanese origin) functions as a tool to localize and report problems that arise. Machines automatically detect incorrect functions at production points and stop the further production. This prevents further processing of nonconforming parts.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJigsr (Joint Inter Institutional Group On Safety And Risk)
Group focusing on safety and risk management.
Đăng bởi: Safety and Risk Management GroupJikkou Takuto
Actual takt time, provisional takt time (see takt time), takt time that
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIJishuhozen / Autonomous Maintenance
A concept in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) focusing on operators' involvement in maintaining and improving equipment reliability.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance MethodologyJISQ 9100
JISQ 9100: An international quality management standard for the aerospace industry. Also see AS9100.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJitter
Variability or fluctuations in timing, often referring to irregularities in signals, data transmission, or system performance.
Đăng bởi: Signal ProcessingJob instruction
Job instruction: Quality system documentation that describes work conducted in one function in an organization, such as setup, inspection, rework or operator.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJob Sequence
The order or arrangement of tasks or operations in a particular sequence within a workflow or production process.
Đăng bởi: Task OrganizationJoint audit
Audit by two or more collaborating auditing organizations at a single auditee. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJoint venture
Cooperation among parties that leads to the establishment of a new, legally independent entity. All founding companies participate with their capital. The founding companies also frequently introduce a large portion of resources in technology, property rights, technical and marketing know how and/or industrial installations into the new company.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJSA
Japanese Standards Association, Tokyo, Japan. www.jsa.or.jp
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJSQC
Japanese Society of Quality Control, Tokyo, Japan. www.jsqc.org
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJudgment inspection
Judgment inspection: A form of inspection to determine nonconforming product. Also see "informative inspection."
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJudgment Sampling
A sampling method based on the judgment or expertise of the sampler, selecting specific samples deemed representative or relevant.
Đăng bởi: Statistical SamplingJuran
The Romanian American industrial engineer Joseph M. Juran (1904 2008) is one of the pioneers and important figures in quality science. His core activity was the Quality Trilogy. The process of systematic and continual quality improvement resulted in three recurring steps, namely, quality planning, quality control and quality improvement (quality trilogy).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJuran trilogy
Juran trilogy: Three managerial processes identified by Joseph M. Juran for use in managing for quality: quality planning, quality control and quality improvement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJUSE
Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers, Tokyo, Japan. www.juse.or.jp
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJust in sequence
Concept from procurement logistics with the objective of delivering the right quantity of the right products in the right order (in sequence). Further development of the just in time principle in order to provide the delivered product or material synchronously with the production order.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJust in time
Organization principle and procurement strategy with the objective of waste free realization of overlapping processes tailored to the specific needs. The right products should be procured at the right time and in the right quantity and provided for further processing. If this parts flows is practiced everywhere, the warehouse stock can approach zero. Today this principle is being further developed through just in sequence.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementJust In Time (Jit)
Production strategy to produce only what is needed, when needed.
Đăng bởi: Lean ManufacturingJust In Time (JIT) Manufacturing
A manufacturing approach focusing on producing goods or components as needed, reducing waste and inventory costs.
Đăng bởi: Lean Manufacturing MethodologyJust in time (JIT) training
Just in time (JIT) training: The provision of training only when it is needed to all but eliminate the loss of knowledge and skill caused by a lag between training and use.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementK
Operational availability (standard reading is: BEKIDOURITSU, not KADOURITSU), equal to the time a machine is on divided by the time it is engaged in value adding work
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIKaizen
Kaizen: A Japanese term that means gradual, unending improvement by doing little things better and setting and achieving increasingly higher standards. Masaaki Imai made the term famous in his book, Kaizen: The Key to Japans Competitive Success.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKaizen Culture
Workplace environment promoting continuous improvement.
Đăng bởi: Organizational CultureKaizen Leader
A person leading or facilitating continuous improvement initiatives or activities within an organization, driving Kaizen principles.
Đăng bởi: Improvement FacilitatorKaizen Suggestion System
System encouraging employees to submit improvement ideas.
Đăng bởi: Continuous ImprovementKaizen Workshop
Group activity focused on identifying and implementing process improvements within a limited timeframe.
Đăng bởi: Continuous ImprovementKanban
Kanban: A method for providing material/product to a succeeding operation by signaling the preceding operation when more material/product is needed. This pull type of process control employs a kanban, a card or signboard, attached to a lot of material/product in a production line signifying the delivery of a given quantity. When all of the material/product has been processed, the card/sign is returned to its source, where it becomes an order to replenish.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKanban Board
A visual management tool displaying tasks or work items, their status, and progress in a workflow or process.
Đăng bởi: Project Management ToolKanban Saikuru
KANBAN cycle, delivery cycle, KANBAN coefficient, frequency of deliveries after a KANBAN card is issued
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIKano model
Kano model: Three classes of customer requirements, as described by Noriaki Kano: satisfierswhat customers say they want; dissatisfierswhat customers expect and what results in dissatisfaction when not present; and delighters/excitersnew or unexpected features that customers do not expect.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKappa
A statistical measure assessing the agreement between two raters or observers when evaluating categorical data.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureKendall's Coefficient of Concordance
A measure of agreement among multiple raters or judges when assessing the rank order of items or subjects.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisKendall's Tau B
A statistical measure determining the strength and direction of association between two ordinal variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureKey Account Management
Arose as a sub area of customer marketing in the 1960s and identifies the systematic cultivation of the relationships to important customers (key accounts). Because it is often the case that a few customers make up the largest share of the revenue, it is worthwhile for companies to give special attention to their key accounts. Usually a fixed contact person is established (key account manager) who is particularly responsible for ensuring that the important customer itself is successful in its market. Key account management does not mean the sale of products to large customers. Instead, the following is called for: Supplying solutions; helping with process optimization; contributing in the development of new products and services; and contributing to the joint development of new business fields or in strategy and future planning. This is because a customers importance is not necessarily in the revenue; it can also be in access to new markets (regions, groups of customers) mediated by a customer or in the development of new technologies and products enabled or facilitated by this customer. Key Account Management is particularly encountered in the consumer goods and investment goods industry.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKey performance indicator (KPI)
Key performance indicator (KPI): A statistical measure of how well an organization is doing in a particular area. A KPI could measure an organizations financial performance or how it is holding up against customer requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKey Performance Indicators (K.P.I.)
Metrics or indicators used to evaluate and measure the performance or success of an organization, process, or activity.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementKey Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Metrics or indicators used to evaluate and measure the performance or success of an organization, process, or activity.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementKey process
Key process: A major system level process that supports the mission and satisfies major consumer requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKey process characteristic
Key process characteristic: A process parameter that can affect safety or compliance with regulations, fit, function, performance or subsequent processing of product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKey product characteristic
Key product characteristic: A product characteristic that can affect safety or compliance with regulations, fit, function, performance or subsequent processing of product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKey results area
Key results area: Customer requirements that are critical for the organizations success.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKitting
Kitting: A process in which assemblers are supplied with kitsa box of parts, fittings and toolsfor each task they perform. This eliminates time consuming trips from one parts bin, tool crib or supply center to another to get necessary materials.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKnowledge management
The manner in which an organization pursues the targeted handling of theoretical and practical knowledge. As a rule, knowledge management checks which knowledge is needed in which scope for which function and then provides this knowledge in a suitable form. Knowledge can be broken down into explicit knowledge (can be expressed and passed on formally in language, words, images, etc.) and tacit knowledge (arises primarily in personal experience and is hard to put into words). Tasks comprise the definition of knowledge objectives, the organization of knowledge acquisition, promotion of the exchange of knowledge, seeing to knowledge preservation, and controlling the use of knowledge. In the newer management theory, knowledge management is increasingly seen as the promotion of the organizations ability to learn and in contrast, strictly hierarchical ordering and transmission of knowledge are criticized. The objective is an organization that is intelligent, that generates knowledge, and that is able to make decisions. Knowledge management is consequently less about pre structuring knowledge and more about creating an organizational culture that encourages learning in the form of creating and implementing knowledge.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKnowledge, Skills, Experience Behaviours
Core factors comprising knowledge, skills, experience, and behaviors.
Đăng bởi: Competency ClassificationKobetsu Kaizen
Focused or specific improvement activities within a process.
Đăng bởi: Continuous ImprovementKobetsu Kaizen / Focused Improvement
A targeted or specific improvement approach in Lean manufacturing, focusing on particular areas or aspects for enhancement.
Đăng bởi: Lean Improvement MethodologyKonTraG
Gesetz zur Kontrolle und Transparenz im Unternehmensbereich [German Corporate Sector Supervision and Transparency Act]. KonTraG went into effect on May 1, 1998 and has the objective of improving corporate governance (methods and instruments for managing and monitoring organizations) in German companies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKPI
Key Performance Index or also Key Performance Indicator. Performance figure for determining and measuring the extent to which important objectives or critical success factors have been met.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKPQM
Knowledge Process Quality Model: Model for assessing the maturity level of knowledge processes. It describes the development of the process maturity in six levels (level 0 5 from initial to continual improvement). Each is examined on the basis of four development paths (process organization; employee deployment and knowledge networks; acceptance and motivation; computer based support). The assessment results can be used to derive prioritized actions for knowledge management.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKruskal Wallis test
Kruskal Wallis test: A nonparametric test to compare three or more samples. It tests the null hypothesis that all populations have identical distribution functions against the alternative hypothesis that at least one of the samples differs only with respect to location (median), if at all. It is the analogue to the F test used in analysis of variance. While analysis of variance tests depend on the assumption that all populations under comparison are normally distributed, the Kruskal Wallis test places no such restriction on the comparison. It is a logical extension of the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney Test (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKTQ
Kooperation für Transparenz und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen [cooperation for transparency and quality in the health sector] (quality standard as an industry solution for hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing facilities, alternative dwelling forms and doctors practices). The KTQ group was established as a combination of associations at the federal level in Germany in the mid 1990s with the objective of continual quality improvement in hospitals. The KTQ model is a practice oriented method to evaluate quality and safety. It is furthermore an objective to increase transparency in the performance quality and medical performance and also to implement new quality elements. Today KTQ GmbH is an important supplier of systems to demonstrate quality management for facilities in the health sector in Germany. KTQ is also a registered trademark. Certification in accordance with the KTQ procedure is also possible. www.ktq.de
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementKurtosis
A statistical measure quantifying the degree of peakedness or flatness in the distribution of a dataset's values.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureL
A descriptive tag or identifier attached to data points, elements, or categories for identification or classification.
Đăng bởi: Data IdentificationLabel Position
The specific location or placement of labels within a graphical representation or display, aiding in data interpretation.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationLabor as a Percentage Cost
The percentage of total expenses attributed to labor costs within a business or production process.
Đăng bởi: Cost AnalysisLaboratory
Facility for performing inspections, tests and calibrations. These can be chemical, metallurgical, geometric, physical, electrical or reliability tests. (On the basis of IATF 16949:2016)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLaboratory scope
Laboratory scope: A record containing the specific tests, evaluations and calibrations a laboratory has the ability and competency to perform, the list of equipment it uses, and a list of the methods and standards to which it adheres to each of these.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLaboratory/lab
Laboratory/lab: A facility that can perform calibration services, test validation and testing (for example, chemical, metallurgical, dimensional, physical, electrical and reliability testing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLack of Fit
A statistical term describing the discrepancy or inadequacy of a model in explaining observed variation in data.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisLag
A time delay or interval between cause and effect or the occurrence of events in a process or system.
Đăng bởi: Time AnalysisLaplace Distribution
A probability distribution describing continuous random variables with symmetric tails around a central location.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionLast off part comparison
Last off part comparison: A comparison of the last part off a production run with a part off the next production run to verify that the quality level is equivalent.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLayout inspection
Layout inspection: The complete measurement of all dimensions shown on a design record.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLCL
Lower Control Limit: The lower boundary or limit in a control chart indicating the minimum acceptable level of performance.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Control MeasureLead Time
The time taken for an item or product to move through a process from initiation to completion or delivery.
Đăng bởi: Process EfficiencyLeadership
Leadership: The action of leading a group of people or an organization, an essential part of a quality improvement effort.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLean
Lean: A systematic method for waste elimination or minimization (muda) within a manufacturing system without sacrificing productivity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLean enterprise
Lean enterprise: An organization that has eliminated or minimized waste (muda).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLean management
Delayering of the hierarchy and improved customer supplier relationships by streamlining the company and avoiding wasting resources.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLean Manufacturing
A production method emphasizing waste reduction, efficiency, and continuous improvement in manufacturing processes.
Đăng bởi: Production Management MethodologyLean manufacturing/production
Lean manufacturing/production: An initiative focused on eliminating all waste in manufacturing processes. Principles of lean manufacturing include zero waiting time, zero inventory, scheduling (internal customer pull instead of push system), batch to flow (cut batch sizes), line balancing and cutting actual process times. The production systems are characterized by optimum automation, just in time supplier delivery disciplines, quick changeover times, high levels of quality and continuous improvement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLean migration
Lean migration: The journey from traditional manufacturing methods to one in which all forms of waste are systematically eliminated.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLean Six Sigma
A combination of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, aiming to reduce waste and variation while improving processes.
Đăng bởi: Process Improvement FrameworkLeast Squares
A statistical method minimizing the sum of squared differences between observed and predicted values in regression analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisLegend
A key or explanatory guide in a graph or chart providing information about symbols, colors, or elements used.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationLegionella
Bacterium causing Legionellosis, notably Legionnaires disease.
Đăng bởi: Hazardous Biological AgentLength of Observation
The duration or period for which observations, data collection, or studies are conducted to gather information or insights.
Đăng bởi: Data CollectionLetter Values Glossary
A compilation or explanation of letter values used in statistical analysis or models for representation or interpretation.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ReferenceLevel loading
Level loading: A technique for balancing production throughput over time. Life cycle stages: Design, manufacturing, assembly, installation, operation and shutdown periods of product development
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLeverages
Statistical measures assessing the impact or influence of individual data points on the overall regression model.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisLeverages PLS
Measures in Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression assessing the influence or impact of variables on the model's structure.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisLfs (Labour Force Survey)
Survey providing labor related statistics.
Đăng bởi: Workforce Related StatisticsLiability for fault
Damage can be directly assigned to the party that caused it. Obligation to damage compensation on the basis of statutory provisions that require culpable behavior in the form of wrongful intent or negligence.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLife cycle costs
Combination of investment and cost accounting that reverts to the concept of the life cycle. Here, the cost influencing factors are taken into account that often are not included in the cost accounting. A products costs are analyzed across all of its life phases (from the development through to disposal). This results in recommendations for the product design and the procurement, with the objective of optimizing the total costs.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLifo
LIFO (Last In, First Out) is an inventory management method where the last items purchased or produced are used or sold first.
Đăng bởi: Inventory ControlLikelihood
Estimate of risk probability within a specified time period.
Đăng bởi: Probability MeasurementLikelihood Ratio Test
A statistical test comparing the likelihood of observed data under different models, assessing their goodness of fit.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestLimiting amount
Value for the lower limiting value and upper limiting value, which only differ by the sign. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12:1989)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLimiting amount of deviation
Amount of the lower limiting deviation or of the upper limiting deviation regardless of whether the amounts are equal or not.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLimiting deviation
Lower limiting deviation or also upper limiting deviation. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLimiting quality
Quality level at which the lot inspected has a low probability of acceptance. Also referred to as LQ. (On the basis of ISO 3534 2: 2013)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLimiting sample
Object that physically represents the limiting value of a quality characteristic. (On the basis of DIN 55350 15)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLimiting value
Lower or upper limiting value. (On the basis of DIN 55350 15)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLIMS
Laboratory Information Management System. A category of software systems that deals with data processing in chemistry, physics, biology or medical laboratories.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLine Balancing
A technique optimizing work distribution among multiple workstations to reduce idle time and improve production efficiency.
Đăng bởi: Production OptimizationLine Of Defence
Systematic approach delineating roles and responsibilities for effective risk management.
Đăng bởi: Risk Management StructureLine Plot
A graphical representation displaying data points as dots connected by lines, highlighting trends or patterns in the data.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationLinear Constraints
Constraints or limitations in a mathematical or optimization model represented as linear equations or inequalities.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ModelingLinear Relationship
A mathematical or statistical relationship between variables that exhibits a constant rate of change or proportionality.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisLinearity
The property of a relationship or model where changes in one variable cause proportional changes in another variable.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureLink Function
A mathematical function connecting the mean of a distribution to a linear predictor in statistical modeling.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ModelingLinkage Methods
Techniques or methodologies used in data analysis or clustering to link or group similar elements or data points together.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisLIRD
Last Inspection Record Date: The date marking the last recorded inspection or evaluation of a particular item or asset.
Đăng bởi: Inspection Record KeepingListening post
Listening post: An individual who, by virtue of his or her potential for having contact with customers, is designated to collect, document and transmit pertinent feedback to a central collection authority in the organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLiveLink
A software or technology facilitating real time collaboration or sharing of documents, data, or information among users.
Đăng bởi: Collaboration ToolLjung Box Q Statistic
A statistical test assessing whether residuals from a time series model exhibit significant autocorrelation at various lags.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestLngamma
A mathematical function representing the logarithm of the gamma function, commonly used in probability and statistics.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionLoad load
Load load: A method of conducting single piece flow in which the operator proceeds from machine to machine, taking the part from one machine and loading it into the next. The lines allow different parts of a production process to be completed by one operator, eliminating the need to move around large batches of work in progress inventory.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLock Off
System to physically lock controls in the 'OFF' position for safety.
Đăng bởi: Safety Control MechanismsLockout/Tagout
Safety procedure for preventing equipment reactivation during repairs.
Đăng bởi: Safety ProcedureLog Likelihood
A statistical measure quantifying the likelihood of observed data given a specific model or distribution.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureLog Residuals
Residuals or differences between observed and predicted values in logarithmic space in statistical analysis or modeling.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisLog t
A mathematical function representing the logarithm of the Student's t distribution probability density function.
Đăng bởi: Probability FunctionLogarithm
A mathematical function determining the power to which a fixed number (base) must be raised to obtain a given value.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionLoge
Natural Logarithm: A logarithm using the base 'e' (approximately 2.718) often used in mathematical and statistical calculations.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical FunctionLogical Analysis
An analytical method or approach based on reasoning, rational thinking, or deduction to derive conclusions or solve problems.
Đăng bởi: Analytical MethodLogistic Distribution
A probability distribution describing continuous random variables between a specified range, often resembling an S shaped curve.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionLogistic Regression
A statistical technique used to model the relationship between a binary dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ModelingLogistic Regression Response Variables
Variables in logistic regression models representing outcomes or dependent variables in binary or categorical form.
Đăng bởi: Statistical ModelingLogistics quality
Ability to deliver and delivery reliability: The customer receives the right products in the right quantity at the right place and right time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLoglogistic Distribution
A probability distribution model with two shape parameters, often used in survival analysis or modeling extreme events.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionLognormal Distribution
A probability distribution characterized by its logarithm being normally distributed, frequently used in financial modeling and natural phenomena.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionLoler (Lifting Operations And Lifting Equipment Regulations)
Regulations governing lifting equipment safety.
Đăng bởi: Lifting Equipment Safety StandardsLone Working
Working unaccompanied or without immediate access to assistance.
Đăng bởi: Condition/ProcedureLorenz curve
Graphical representation of statistical distributions and illustration of the extent of inequality. It was developed by Max Otto Lorenz.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLost customer analysis
Lost customer analysis: Analysis conducted to determine why a customer or a class of customers was lost.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLot
Lot: 1) A defined quantity of product accumulated under conditions considered uniform for sampling purposes. 2) Items constituting a defined quantity of uniform product for purposes of proceeding collectively through a process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLot quality
Lot quality: The value of percentage defective or of defects per hundred units in a lot.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLot size (also referred to as N)
Lot size (also referred to as N): The number of units in a lot.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLot tolerance percentage defective (LTPD)
Lot tolerance percentage defective (LTPD): Expressed in percentage defective, the poorest quality in an individual lot that should be accepted. Note: LTPD is used as a basis for some inspection systems and is commonly associated with a small consumer risk.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLot, batch
Lot, batch: A definite quantity of some product manufactured under conditions of production that are considered uniform.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLOV chart
Flow chart with assignment to the organizational unit. The direct interface to the process customer (line of visibility) is distinctly visible. The LOV chart also shows which organizational unit deals with which process step.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLower Control Limit
The lower boundary or limit in a control chart, representing the minimum acceptable level of performance or quality.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Control MeasureLower control limit (LCL)
Lower control limit (LCL): Control limit for points below the central line in a control chart.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLower Exposure Action Value
Lower noise exposure level requiring specific risk reduction actions.
Đăng bởi: Noise Exposure ThresholdLower limiting deviation
Lower limiting value minus the reference value. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLower Specification Limit
The lower acceptable threshold for a product or process specified by customer requirements or standards.
Đăng bởi: Quality ControlLOWESS
Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing: A method for creating a smooth curve or trendline through scatterplot data.
Đăng bởi: Data SmoothingLudwig Erhard Preis
The Ludwig Erhard Prize is a German quality prize for outstanding achievements in competition which is awarded annually by the Ludwig Erhard Preis Auszeichnung fà ¼r Spitzenleistungen im Wettbewerb e.V. (ILEP) initiative. It was presented for the first time in 1997. The rating systems structure is similar to that of the European Quality Award. The Ludwig Erhard Prize fills the gap between individual national prizes in Germany and the EEA. This award bears the name of the German minister of economic affairs and later federal chancellor Ludwig Erhard (1897 1977), the Vater des Wirtschaftswunders, or leader of Germanys postwar economic recovery.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementLurking Variable
A variable influencing the relationship between other variables in a study but not directly observed or measured.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisM
M Failure Test
A statistical test used to evaluate the reliability or failure rate of a product or system under specific conditions.
Đăng bởi: Reliability AnalysisMachine capability
Suitability of the machine. Machine capability indices that are determined by the machine capability analysis are the CM and CMK value. They represent an estimate of the dispersion of the interesting, quantitative characteristics. When calculating these indices, only the machines own influences are taken into consideration.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMachine Cycle Time
The time required to complete a full cycle or operation in a machine, often used in manufacturing process analysis.
Đăng bởi: Process EfficiencyMachine Downtime
The period during which a machine or equipment is not operational, typically due to maintenance, breakdowns, or issues.
Đăng bởi: Production InterruptionMachine Set Up Time
The duration needed to prepare a machine or equipment for a specific operation or production run.
Đăng bởi: Manufacturing PreparationMagic triangle
Relationship between quality, costs and time. The objective must be to balance all three competing parameters.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMahalanobis
A statistical measure used to assess the distance between a data point and the mean in multivariate analysis, considering correlations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMain effect plot
Graphics tool to indentify a variables influence on the output variable. Main effect plots are primarily used in the DoE (Design of Experiments) in order to examine how significant a variables influence is on the output quantity being examined.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMain Effects Plot
A graphical representation illustrating the main effects of different factors or variables on a response in experimental design.
Đăng bởi: Experimental AnalysisMain process
Higher level process in a process hierarchy. Each main process constitutes an organizational unit and in turn is divided into various sub processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaintainability
Maintainability: The probability that a given maintenance action for an item under given usage conditions can be performed within a stated time interval when the maintenance is performed under stated conditions using stated procedures and resources. Maintainability has two categories: serviceability (the ease of conducting scheduled inspections and servicing) and repairability (the ease of restoring service after a failure).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaintenance
1. Servicing, care, inspection and repair of technical instruments in a system in order to preserve the functional capability.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaintenance Performance Sheet (Mp Sheet)
A document or sheet tracking and evaluating the performance of maintenance activities, tasks, or schedules.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance ManagementMake it Ugly
A concept suggesting deliberately creating flaws or issues in a process to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement.
Đăng bởi: Process Improvement MethodologyMake to Order
A manufacturing strategy where products are produced or customized based on specific customer orders or demands.
Đăng bởi: Manufacturing StrategyMake to Stock
A manufacturing approach where products are produced in anticipation of demand, creating inventory available for immediate sale.
Đăng bởi: Production StrategyMalcolm Baldridge National Quality Award
Quality award in the USA. This award is based on a TQM model: A maximum of 1000 points can be earned in each of seven categories. The prize has been annually awarded to a company from production, one from the service sector and to an SME since 1988.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMalcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA): An award established by the U.S. Congress in 1987 to raise awareness of quality management and recognize U. S. organizations that have implemented successful quality management systems. The award is managed by the U.S. Commerce Department National Institute of Standards and Technology and administered by CiCC.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMalfunction
Termination of a units capability to fulfill the required function. (IEC 60050)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement
Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization. ISO 9000:2015 recommends using the term management only for one person or one group of people if the further context an additional conceptual definition makes it possible to avoid confusion with the term management as defined above. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement by fact
An approach to decision making emphasizing the use of data, evidence, and facts rather than opinions or assumptions.
Đăng bởi: Decision Making MethodologyManagement by objectives
Also called management by results.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement by Policy
Management of the objectives and the means. This procedure is based on the Japanese principle of Hoshin Kanri. Hoshin means objective or direction and Kanri stands for management or controlling.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement liability
The responsibility of an entrepreneur or planner for deficient organization of its internal procedures. ISO 9001 certification makes it easier to be released from claims based on management liability.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement process
Process that has the character of giving instructions and making decisions. Management processes are also called control processes. In particular, these include human resources planning, corporate planning and target agreement processes, as well as the performance of statutory entrepreneurial duties.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement representative
See Quality management representative.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement review
Management review: A top management meeting held at planned intervals to review the continuing suitability and effectiveness of one or more of an organizations management system(s).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement system
System to define policy and objectives and to achieve these objectives An organizations management system can include different systems, such as a quality management system, a financial management system and an environmental management system. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManagement tools
The (seven) management tools are problem solving techniques that are used to analyze verbal information on the basis of visual methods. These tools are preferably used to process complex problems or when there is little or no numerical data available. In particular, these are: affinity diagram, interrelationship digraph, tree diagram, matrix diagram, matrix data analysis (portfolio analysis), problem decision program chart, and activity network diagram.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementManager
Manager: An individual with responsibility and authority over managing a process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMann Whitney Test
A non parametric statistical test comparing two independent groups to determine differences in their distributions or medians.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestManova
Multivariate Analysis of Variance: A statistical technique examining differences among multiple groups for multiple dependent variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisMantel Haenszel Cochran Test
A statistical test used to assess the association between two categorical variables while controlling for another variable.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestManual Time
The time taken or spent by individuals or workers to perform tasks or operations manually, excluding automated processes.
Đăng bởi: Time MeasurementManufacturing Costs per Unit
The average cost incurred in producing a single unit of a product, considering all expenses related to manufacturing.
Đăng bởi: Cost AnalysisManufacturing resource planning (MRP II)
Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II): When material requirements planning and capacity planning and finance interface to translate operational planning into financial terms and into a simulation tool to assess alternative production plans.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMapping symbols or icons
Mapping symbols or icons: An easy, effective way to visually communicate the flow of materials and information.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMargin of Error
The range within which the true value of a parameter is likely to lie, accounting for uncertainty in statistical estimates.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMarginal costs
Costs caused by the production of an additional unit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMarginal Plot
A graphical representation depicting the marginal relationship between variables, often used in exploratory data analysis.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationMasing
Walter Masing (1915 2004), Ph.D. in physics, is a pioneer and important figure in quality science. Particularly in Germany he made a name for himself as a pioneer of modern, industrial quality science.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaster Black Belt
Coach and expert in the Six Sigma organization: The Master Black Belt is responsible for setting up the Six Sigma organization and for advising the Champions on how Six Sigma can optimally be employed and used to implement the firms objectives. The Master Black Belt is the most important expert for all methods and tools, and conveys this information across all of a companys levels.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaster Black Belt (MBB)
Master Black Belt (MBB): A problem solving subject matter expert responsible for strategic implementations in an organization. This person is typically qualified to teach other facilitators the statistical and problem solving methods, tools and applications to use in such implementations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaterial Flow
Movement of physical items through a value stream, aiming for tight process sequences.
Đăng bởi: Process OrganizationMaterial handling
Material handling: Methods, equipment and systems for conveying materials to various machines and processing areas, and for transferring finished parts to assembly, packaging and shipping areas.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaterial requirements planning (MRP)
Material requirements planning (MRP): A computerized system typically used to determine the quantity and timing requirements for production and delivery of items to customers and suppliers. Using MRP to schedule production at various processes will result in push production because any predetermined schedule is an estimate only of what the next process will actually need.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMaterial Safety Data Sheet
Essential document containing information for safe supply, handling, and use of hazardous substances.
Đăng bởi: Documentation/AssessmentMatrices
Plural of Matrix: Mathematical structures used for data organization or representation, often in linear algebra or statistical analysis.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical StructureMatrix
Matrix: A document for displaying the relationships among various data sets.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMatrix diagram
The matrix diagram is a management tool (M7) for representing complex interrelationships. With the help of a matrix, the relationships and interactions of a problem or question are revealed step by step and shown in a clear manner. Up to four dimensions can be linked to one another (L, T and X matrix).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMatrix Plot
A graphical representation illustrating relationships among variables using a matrix format, aiding in data visualization.
Đăng bởi: Data VisualizationMaturity level
Certain stage of maturity or organizational maturity of a company in the implementation of a management system or of a continual improvement process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMax
Maximum: The highest or largest value observed or attainable within a dataset or a given set of values.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMaximum average outgoing quality
Maximum average outgoing quality in a single sampling instruction.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMean
Mean: A measure of central tendency; the arithmetic average of all measurements in a data set.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMean Cumulative Function
A statistical function representing the cumulative distribution function for a continuous random variable's mean.
Đăng bởi: Probability FunctionMean Squares
A measure of variability or dispersion calculated as the sum of squared deviations from the mean divided by degrees of freedom.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMean Taguchi
A concept in Taguchi methods focusing on optimizing processes to minimize variations around a target or desired mean.
Đăng bởi: Quality Improvement MethodologyMean time between failures (MTBF)
Mean time between failures (MTBF): The average time interval between failures for a repairable machine, piece of equipment or product for a defined unit of measure; for example, operating hours, cycles and miles.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMean, Standard Error of
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the sample mean, representing the uncertainty in estimating the population mean.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMeasurand
Physical quantity that is measured. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasure
A quantifiable or measurable characteristic, attribute, or variable used for assessment, evaluation, or analysis.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisMeasurement
Measurement: The act or process of determining a value. An approximation or estimate of the value of the specific quantity subject to measurement, which is complete only when accompanied by a quantitative statement of its uncertainty.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement management system
Necessary system for attaining metrological confirmation (e.g., calibration) and for permanent monitoring of measurement processes. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement process
Activities for determining a measured quantity. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement result
Estimated value of a measured quantity that is acquired from measurements as an approximation of the true value of the measured quantity. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement standard
Material measure, reference material, measuring instrument or measuring system. It is used to reproduce, keep unchanged or represent a unit of measurement in order that it can be passed on to other measuring instruments by means of comparison. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement system
Measurement system: All operations, procedures, devices and other equipment, personnel and environment used to assign a value to the characteristic being measured.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement System Analysis
An evaluation process assessing the accuracy, precision, and reliability of a measurement system or equipment.
Đăng bởi: Quality AssuranceMeasurement System Analysis (MSA)
Analysis of the behavior of a measuring system under real usage conditions (various operation sites, different inspectors, real workpieces, and installation into different measuring devices). The results make it possible to state whether or not this inspection, measuring and test equipment and measurement systems are suitable for use in measurements with certain stipulated tolerances or process dispersion.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasurement System Variation
Variability arising from the measurement process, influencing the consistency and reliability of measurements.
Đăng bởi: Quality AssessmentMeasurement uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: In metrology, a non negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the values attributed to a measured quantity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasures of Accuracy
Statistical measures assessing the closeness or accuracy of observed values to the true or expected values in data analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical EvaluationMeasuring accuracy
Range in which an experimentally determined quantity can deviate from the actual value. It is a measure of the values accuracy (also measurement uncertainty or error).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasuring equipment
Measuring instrument, software, measurement standard, reference material, auxiliary apparatus or a combination of these required to carry out a measurement process. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasuring instrument
Instrument for measuring a measured quantity. It can be used either alone or in combination with other equipment. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasuring object
Bearer of a measured quantity. These can be bodies, processes or states. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMeasuring system
All measuring instruments and associated additional equipment (e.g., thermostat) in order to achieve a measurement result. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMedian
The middle value in a dataset when arranged in ascending or descending order, separating the higher and lower halves.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMedian Polish
A statistical method for analyzing two way or multi way tables to estimate row and column effects iteratively.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisMedical Surveillance Program
Monitoring employees after exposure to occupational hazards.
Đăng bởi: Health HazardMegaproject
A large scale project characterized by complexity, scope, duration, or financial investment, often involving multiple stakeholders.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementMemorandum Of Understanding
Nonbinding agreement stating each party's intentions.
Đăng bởi: Agreement/UnderstandingMesh
The density or spacing of points in a grid or network used in mathematical modeling or simulation, affecting accuracy and detail.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ModelingMethod 635
Creativity technique and problem solving method for generating new and unusual ideas. Prof. Bernd Rohrbach developed it in 1968. Procedure: Each participant is given a piece of paper that is the same size. This is divided into 18 boxes with 3 columns and 6 rows. In the next step, each of the 6 participants is requested to write an idea in the first box of each column. Each participant passes his/her piece of paper on to the next person in the clockwise direction after around 3 to 5 minutes (depending of the level of difficulty). Now the next person in line must take the ideas that were already generated and supplement and further develop them. 635 stands for 6 participants, each of whom develops 3 ideas and passes them on 5 times. The advantage of this method is that many ideas are generated in a short time (max. 108 ideas in 30 minutes).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMetrological characteristic
Distinguishing feature of measuring equipment, such as the measurement range or stability or the discrimination threshold. The metrological characteristic can influence the measurement results. Measuring equipment usually has several metrological characteristics. These can also be subject to calibration. (On the basis of DIN 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMetrological confirmation
Activities required to ensure that measuring equipment fulfills the requirements for the intended use. Generally, metrological confirmation, calibration or verification includes every necessary adjustment or repair with subsequent recalibration, comparison with the metrological requirements for the intended use of the measuring equipment and all necessary sealing and labeling. Metrological confirmation is not achieved until the suitability of the measuring equipment for the intended use has been verified and documented. The requirements for the intended use include such criteria as measurement range, resolution and limiting values. Requirements for metrological confirmation are usually not identical to the product requirements and are also not specified there. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMetrology
Metrology: The science of weights and measures or of measurement; a system of weights and measures.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMetrology functional area
Functional area that is organizationally and technically responsible for specifying and implementing the measurement management system. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMIL Q 9858
USA quality requirements in the military sector. The program was developed in 1963.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMIL Q 9858A
MIL Q 9858A: A military standard that describes quality program requirements.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMIL STD 105E
MIL STD 105E: A military standard that describes the sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMIL STD 45662A
MIL STD 45662A: A military standard that describes the requirements for creating and maintaining a calibration system for measurement and test equipment.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMilestone
A significant event, achievement, or point marking progress or completion in a project, often used for tracking and planning purposes.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementMilk Run
Speeding material flow between facilities by routing vehicles to make multiple pick ups and drop offs.
Đăng bởi: LogisticsMilkrun
Logistic method for collecting or delivering materials in a single trip.
Đăng bởi: Supply Chain ManagementMind mapping
Technique for creating and working. A mind map shows the relationships between various concepts in the form of a graphical representation. British learning specialist Tony Buzan developed it in the early 1970s. Adressing both sides of the brain, contents are consequently easier to learn and store. Procedure: The central word (symbol or working title) is in the middle of the paper, which is always used in a horizontal format. Now main branches (lines) to sub topics are developed, with the associated thoughts written on the branches as key words. The formation of sub branches can be continued as required and the various branches can be connected to one another. The result is a hierarchical arrangement of the thinking, which becomes more and more specific as one works outwards. The use of colors or images supports the brain friendly work.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMine Safety And Health Administration
Administers safety standards in mining operations.
Đăng bởi: RegulationMinimum Viable Product
The basic version of a product with enough features to satisfy initial users, allowing for testing and feedback gathering.
Đăng bởi: Product DevelopmentMinitab Macros
Automated or predefined sequences of commands or operations in Minitab, used for automating repetitive tasks or analyses.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Software ToolMINITAB Method
A specific methodology or approach for conducting analyses, tasks, or operations using the Minitab statistical software.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Software MethodologyMinitab Project MPJ file extension
The file format extension used in Minitab software to save and store project files containing data, analyses, and settings.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Software ToolMinor nonconformity
Nonconformity that presumably only negligibly reduces the usability for the intended use. Or a deviation from the applicable stipulations that has only a negligible effect on the use or operation of a unit. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMissing Values Missing Groups Empty Cells
Absent or unrecorded data points or groups in a dataset resulting in empty or null cells, affecting analysis and interpretation.
Đăng bởi: Data HandlingMission Control (Obeya Control)
Centralized command or control center for project or process oversight.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementMist
Tiny liquid droplets formed by atomization or condensation, potentially hazardous.
Đăng bởi: Hazardous DropletsMistake proofing
Mistake proofing: Improving processes to prevent mistakes from being made or passed downstream. This term can be contrasted with error proofing, which means improving designs to prevent mistakes from being made. Some, however, consider these two terms synonymous and applicable to products and processes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMIT
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, U.S.A. www.mit.edu
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMitigation
Factors or events preventing hazard escalation or reducing accident likelihood.
Đăng bởi: Risk Mitigation StrategiesMixture Amount Experiment
An experimental design or study investigating the effects of varying amounts or proportions of components in a mixture.
Đăng bởi: Experimental AnalysisMixture Design
An experimental design examining the impact of multiple factors or components mixed together on the response or output.
Đăng bởi: Experimental AnalysisMixture Process Variable Design
An experimental design assessing the impact of varying process variables or factors on a mixture or blend in production.
Đăng bởi: Experimental AnalysisMizusumashi
A term in Lean manufacturing referring to a material handling method ensuring the right parts are delivered in the right quantity at the right time.
Đăng bởi: Production LogisticsMizusumashi (Water Spider)
Person or method for transporting materials within a production facility.
Đăng bởi: Lean ManufacturingMOD
Management On Duty: Refers to managers or supervisors actively overseeing operations and tasks during their shifts.
Đăng bởi: Management ResponsibilityMod Policy
Mandatory rule setting direction and principles for MOD operations.
Đăng bởi: Legislation/GuidelineMode
The most frequently occurring value or category in a dataset, representing the highest frequency among observations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureModel Reduction
A process of simplifying or streamlining complex models by eliminating redundant or less impactful components or variables.
Đăng bởi: Model SimplificationModel test
Suitability test of a material final product. It comprises a design review and a type test. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMoment of Truth
Critical moments or interactions with customers that significantly influence their perception or satisfaction with a product or service.
Đăng bởi: Customer ExperienceMonitoring
Continuous observation or surveillance of processes, systems, or performance indicators to identify deviations or trends.
Đăng bởi: Process ManagementMonument
Monument: Any design, scheduling or production technology with scale requirements that call for designs, orders and products to be brought to the machine to wait in line for processing. The opposite of a right sized (see listing) machine.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMorphological box
Creativity and work technique developed by the Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky (1898 1974). The morphological box can help provide a transparent display of a problem s solution field and make it easy to work out alternatives. Procedure: The first step is to describe the problem. Then parameters or criteria that give a general description of the problem are defined. In the third step, solutions are sought for each individual criterion. Subsequently, a table is created that has the criteria in the first column and the possible solutions in the other columns. The fifth step involves the evaluation of the solutions on the basis of selected characteristics. The resulting matrix (or box) makes it possible to combine the potential solutions into alternative concepts. The last step is the selection of the optimal solution.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMoSCoW
A prioritization technique categorizing requirements into Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won't Have categories.
Đăng bởi: Project ManagementMotion
In Lean methodology, refers to any unnecessary movement or action that doesn't add value to the process or task.
Đăng bởi: Waste ReductionMoving Average
A statistical calculation representing the average of a sequence of data points by considering a specified number of prior observations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMoving Average Chart
A graphical representation displaying a series of moving averages over time, aiding in detecting trends or fluctuations.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationMoving Range
The difference between consecutive observations or data points in a sequence, used in statistical process control and variation analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMoving Range Chart
A graphical tool illustrating the variation in moving ranges over time to monitor process stability and identify outliers.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationMP
Manufacturing Process: The sequence of steps or operations transforming raw materials into finished products in manufacturing.
Đăng bởi: Production ProcessMRP
Material Requirements Planning: A system for managing and planning materials, ensuring availability for production and manufacturing.
Đăng bởi: Inventory ManagementMsd (Musculoskeletal Disorders)
Disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system.
Đăng bởi: Musculoskeletal Health and SafetyMSR
Measuring and control technology, also called instrumentation and control engineering.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMSSD
Mean Squared Successive Differences: A statistical measure assessing the differences between successive data points squared and averaged.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureMTBF
Mean Time Between Failures: A measure representing the average time elapsed between failures in a system or equipment.
Đăng bởi: Reliability AnalysisMtbf (Mean Time Between Failures)
Average time between system failures.
Đăng bởi: System Reliability MeasurementMTBM
Meantime between maintenance. Average service life between maintenance activities.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMTBQF
Mean Time Between Quality Failures: The average time interval between occurrences of quality related failures in a system or process.
Đăng bởi: Quality MeasurementMTBT
Mean Time Between Tasks: The average time between the completion of consecutive tasks or activities in a workflow or process.
Đăng bởi: Process EfficiencyMTTF
Mean Time To Failure: The average time expected until a system, component, or product experiences its first failure.
Đăng bởi: Reliability AnalysisMTTFF
Mean time to first failure. Average time until first malfunction.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMTTM
Mean time to maintenance. Average time between two maintenance actions.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMTTR
Mean time to repair. Maintenance time or average repair time.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMttr (Mean Time To Restore/Repair)
Average time taken to restore or repair a system.
Đăng bởi: System Repair TimeMuda
Muda: Japanese for waste; any activity that consumes resources but creates no value for the customer.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMuda Walk
Walkthrough to identify waste and inefficiencies in processes.
Đăng bởi: Process ImprovementMulti Skilled Workers
Employees possessing multiple skill sets or competencies, capable of performing various tasks or roles within an organization.
Đăng bởi: Workforce FlexibilityMulticollinearity
A statistical phenomenon where independent variables in a regression model are highly correlated, impacting model accuracy.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisMultiple Sampling
A statistical sampling technique involving taking multiple samples from a population to improve estimation accuracy.
Đăng bởi: Sampling MethodMultiple sourcing
Distribution of the same product that is to be procured or the same service to more than one supplier. This procurement principle is useful when it is necessary to guarantee a highly secure supply.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMultivari Chart
Multivariate Control Chart: A graphical tool illustrating the variation between variables simultaneously, aiding in quality control.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationMultivariate control chart
Multivariate control chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the levels of two or more variables or characteristics.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMultivariate Control Charts
Statistical tools monitoring multiple variables simultaneously to identify deviations or trends in a process or system.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Quality ControlMultivariate EWMA Chart
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Chart: A control chart monitoring multiple variables using weighted averages over time.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationMultivariate Normal Distribution
A probability distribution representing multiple random variables that follow a normal distribution pattern.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionMultivoting
Multivoting: A technique used to make a consensus decision when numerous alternatives exist or when those involved in making or approving the decision have differing opinions. Similar to nominal group technique (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMura
Variation (imbalance). Japanese term that is a basis of the lean philosophy. Mura identifies losses that result from the incomplete harmonization of capacities in the framework of the production process. Typical signs of Mura are queues at the machine or idle times.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMuri
Overload. Japanese term that is a basis of the lean philosophy. This refers to losses that emerge due to overload or overexertion in the framework of the working process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMutagenic
Substance causing hereditable genetic defects after exposure.
Đăng bởi: Condition/ClassificationMutual recognition agreement (MRA)
Mutual recognition agreement (MRA): A formal agreement providing reciprocal recognition of the validity of other organizations deliverables, typically found in voluntary standards and conformity assessment groups.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementMyers Briggs type indicator (MBTI)
Myers Briggs type indicator (MBTI): A method and instrument for identifying an individuals personality type based on Carl Jungs theory of personality preferences.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementN
National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies. Former national British accreditation body. See UKAS.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNagara
A Japanese term in Lean manufacturing referring to flow or smoothness in production processes, aiming for efficient workflow.
Đăng bởi: Process EfficiencyNagara Suicchi
Specially designed switch that can be activated with the swipe of a hand thus allowing operator to activate while moving, swipe switch
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CINagara system
Nagara system: Smooth production flow, ideally one piece at a time, characterized by synchronization (balancing) of production processes and maximum use of available time; includes overlapping of operations where practical. A nagara production system is one in which seemingly unrelated tasks can be produced simultaneously by the same operator.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNAGUS
Normenausschuss Grundlagen des Umweltschutzes im DIN [DIN Standards Committee Principles of Environmental Protection].
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): An agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce that develops and promotes measurements, standards and technology, and manages the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNational measurement standard
Recognized measurement standard for a specific physical quantity. It forms the basis for the determination of the characteristic value of all other measurement standards of the quantity in question. An official national ruling is the basis for the recognition in a country. (On the basis of DIN 1319 1)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNatural Log of Stdev Taguchi
The natural logarithm of the standard deviation in Taguchi methods, used in quality improvement and variation reduction.
Đăng bởi: Statistical NotationNatural team
Natural team: A team of individuals with common or similar responsibilities and authorities drawn from a single workgroup. Similar to a process improvement team except that it is not cross functional in composition and it is usually permanent.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNear Miss
Incident with the potential for an accident but no visible result.
Đăng bởi: Accident Near Miss IdentificationNEBOSH
National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health: An organization providing certifications in health and safety.
Đăng bởi: Safety CertificationNegative Binomial Distribution
A probability distribution representing the number of failures before a specified number of successes occurs in a sequence of independent trials.
Đăng bởi: Probability DistributionNet Workdays
The total number of workdays available in a specific timeframe, accounting for holidays, weekends, and non working days.
Đăng bởi: Time CalculationNew management planning tools
New management planning tools: Method(s) for achieving expected outcomes that previously have not been used.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNew Seven
Also: New Seven Tools for Quality Control. See Management tools.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNext operation as customer
Next operation as customer: The concept of internal customers in which every operation is both a receiver and a provider.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNextGen
NextGen: A quality professional 40 years old or younger or someone who is new to a quality role within their organization.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNhs (National Health Service)
National healthcare service provider.
Đăng bởi: Healthcare Service ProviderNine windows
Nine windows: A tool used to investigate a past or potential problem at the super system and subsystem levels, in addition to considering the problem only in the present and at the system level.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNIST
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (USA). www.nist.gov
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNlims
Navy Lessons and Information Management System used by Navy Command.
Đăng bởi: Information Management SystemNmiss
The count or number of missing values or empty cells in a dataset, indicating observations or data points that are not recorded.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisNo Touch Production
A manufacturing concept aiming to minimize or eliminate human intervention in certain production processes to reduce errors or waste.
Đăng bởi: Automation in ManufacturingNoise Factors Taguchi
Factors or variables in a process that contribute to variation but are beyond direct control, targeted for minimizing their impact.
Đăng bởi: Variation ReductionNoise Risk Assessment
Documented assessment of noise related risks faced by personnel.
Đăng bởi: Noise Exposure EvaluationNominal group technique
Nominal group technique: A technique, similar to brainstorming, to generate ideas on a particular subject. Team members are asked to silently write down as many ideas as possible. Each member is asked to share one idea per round, which is recorded. After all ideas are recorded, they are discussed and prioritized by the group.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNominal value
Characteristic value of a quantitative characteristic in order to divide up the scope. (On the basis of DIN 55350 12)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNon Graph Output File Formats
File formats used to save or export data or results that are not graphical representations, such as text, tables, or reports.
Đăng bởi: File FormatsNon Statistical Quality Control
Quality control without statistical methods, often relying on visual checks.
Đăng bởi: Quality ControlNon Utilized Talent
Employees' skills or capabilities within an organization that remain underutilized or untapped, affecting productivity.
Đăng bởi: Workforce ManagementNon Value Added (NVA)
Activities or processes in a workflow that do not contribute to the value or quality of the final product or service.
Đăng bởi: Waste IdentificationNon Value Added Time
The time consumed in a process by activities or tasks that do not contribute to the overall value or quality of the output.
Đăng bởi: Time AnalysisNon Value Adding
Refers to processes, tasks, or activities that do not contribute value or quality to the final product, often considered as waste.
Đăng bởi: Process ImprovementNon Value Adding Activities
Activities or tasks within a process that do not directly contribute to the value or quality of the final product or service.
Đăng bởi: Process OptimizationNoncentrality Parameter
A statistical measure related to the non central distribution, indicating deviation from a central value in hypothesis testing.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureNonconforming record (NCR)
Nonconforming record (NCR): A permanent record for accounting and preserving the knowledge of a nonconforming condition.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonconformity
Nonconformity: The nonfulfillment of a specified requirement. Also see blemish, defect and imperfection.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonconformity classification, classification of nonconformities
Classification of a units potential nonconformities into nonconformity classes. The evaluation depends on the effects of the nonconformity. Internationally, nonconformities are divided into three nonconformity classes: Critical nonconformities: Major nonconformities Minor nonconformities. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonconformity costs, costs of nonconformity
Also called cost of failure. Costs resulting from a nonconformity. Nonconformities result in costs. Nonconformity costs can be divided into two groups, depending on where they were found: internal nonconformity costs and external nonconformity costs. An organization should define what it sees as internal and external failure costs. DIN 55350 11 gives these examples of nonconformity costs: Costs for remedying or mitigating a nonconformity, for rework, repair, scrapping, disposal, handling of rejects, unplanned sorting test, repeated inspection, downtime, guarantee and product liability. (On the basis of DIN 55350 11)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonconformity criterion
Characteristic that can be used to determine if there is a nonconformity.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonconformity prevention
Development of products and production processes in order to manufacture conforming products. (On the basis of ISO 16949 2009)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonconformity weighting, weighting of nonconformities
Classification of a units possible nonconformities into nonconformity weight classes. This classification takes place after the nonconformities have been rated according to their weight ( nonconformity s significance for the organization).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNondefective Rate (Q)
Measures the quality of output produced without defects or rework.
Đăng bởi: Quality MetricNondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT, NDE)
Nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT, NDE): Testing and evaluation methods that do not damage or destroy the test specimen.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonlinear parameter estimation
Nonlinear parameter estimation: A method whereby the arduous and labor intensive task of multiparameter model calibration can be carried out automatically under the control of a computer.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonlinear Regression
A regression analysis technique modeling relationships between variables using nonlinear equations or curves.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisNonparametric Test
Statistical tests not relying on specific distribution assumptions, suitable for non normal or ordinal data analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestNonparametric tests
Nonparametric tests: All tests involving ranked data (data that can be put in order). Nonparametric tests are often used in place of their parametric counterparts when certain assumptions about the underlying population are questionable.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNonvalue added
Nonvalue added: A term that describes a process step or function that is not required for the direct achievement of process output. This step or function is identified and examined for potential elimination. In a contractual situation, it can be those features or process steps that a customer would be unwilling to pay for if given the option. Also see value added.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNorm (behavioral)
Norm (behavioral): Expectations of how a person or persons will behave in a given situation based on established protocols, rules of conduct or accepted social practices.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNormal distribution
The distribution behavior of a process in control usually follows a typical pattern. The most commonly occurring dispersion pattern is the (Gaussian) normal distribution. It occurs when bilateral variability around a target value is exclusively due to random causes.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNormal distribution (statistical)
Normal distribution (statistical): The charting of a data set in which most of the data points are concentrated around the average (mean), thus forming a bell shaped curve.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNormality Test
Statistical tests assessing whether a dataset follows a normal distribution or Gaussian distribution pattern.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestNotification
Designation of an accreditation body for the performance of conformity assessment procedures on the basis of an EU directive.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNouritsu
Productivity, equal to the number of accepted and sold units produced divided by man hours used to produce it
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CINow NOW
A management philosophy focusing on the importance of immediate action and responsiveness to current issues or opportunities.
Đăng bởi: Management PhilosophyNP Chart
Number of Defective Items Chart: A control chart used to monitor the number of defective items in a sample or subgroup.
Đăng bởi: Statistical Control ChartNQSZ
Normenausschuss Grundlagen des Umweltschutzes im DIN [DIN Standards Committee Principles of Environmental Protection
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNscores
A measure or calculation of the number of times an event or outcome occurs within a dataset, often used in statistical analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureNull hypothesis
Statement that is used to select a subset. This subset is determined from the probability distribution allowed for the statistical test as a whole. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNull hypothesis (Ho)
Hypothesis that there are no differences between the groups.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNumber of affected units chart
Number of affected units chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the total number of units in a sample in which an event of a given classification occurs.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementNumber of Distinct Categories
The count of unique or separate categories or classes present in a dataset, frequently used in categorical data analysis.
Đăng bởi: Data AnalysisO
A product, service, process, person, organization, system or resource. Any material or immaterial entity or item or anything conceivable. (On the basis of ISO 9000: 2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementObjective evidence
Data that prove the existence or truth of something. Observation, measurement and testing are means for producing objective evidence. (On the basis of ISO 9000: 2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementObservation
A single data point or measurement recorded in a study, experiment, or analysis, contributing to the dataset's information.
Đăng bởi: Data PointObserved Performance
The actual or real performance achieved in a process, task, or operation, measured against predefined standards or expectations.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementOccupational health and safety
In the EU, this is regulated by standardized directives that the member states are to implement into national law. Occupational health and safety includes safe working conditions (e.g., mandatory helmets), health protection (avoidance of chronic illnesses or impairments resulting from hazardous substances, noise, etc.) and personal protection (maternity leave, protection of young people). In Germany the basis is the Gesetz über die Durchführung von MaÃnahmen des Arbeitsschutzes zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und des Gesundheitsschutzes der Beschäftigten bei der Arbeit (Law regulating the performance of occupational health and safety measures in order to improve the safety and health protection of employees at work ArbSchG from August 7, 1996).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOccupational health and safety management
All coordinated activities and actions for the establishment, longterm guarantee and improvement of occupational health and safety. In particular, occupational health and safety management is obligated to fulfill numerous statutory requirements according to which suitable technical, organizational and personal actions are to be taken that ensure and improve the safety and health protection of the employees when performing their work.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOccurrence
Broad terms covering Accident/Incident, Near Miss, Unsafe Act, Unsafe Condition, Dangerous Occurrence.
Đăng bởi: Safety Event ClassificationODBC
Open Database Connectivity: A standard interface for accessing and managing databases using SQL based commands or queries.
Đăng bởi: Database ManagementOdds Ratio
A statistical measure quantifying the association or likelihood of an event occurring concerning two groups or conditions.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureOEE
Overall Equipment Effectiveness: A metric assessing the efficiency of equipment or machinery in manufacturing or production processes.
Đăng bởi: Performance MetricOFFICE TPM
Total Productive Maintenance in Office Environments: An adaptation of TPM principles and practices applied in office settings.
Đăng bởi: Maintenance ManagementOFI
Opportunity for Improvement. Audit finding that is used by various certification organizations. See Recommendation.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOH&S
Occupational health and safety. (On the basis of ISO 45001:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOH&S Control Measures
Safety protocols, procedures, or interventions implemented to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.
Đăng bởi: Safety MeasuresOHRIS
Occupational Health and Risk Management System. Management system to protect the health and safety of the employees and people living close to industrial plants. Accident rates and workrelated illnesses should be kept as low as possible by applying the standard. The Bavarian Arbeitsministerium (Department of Labor) developed OHRIS and published it for the first time in 1998.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOhs (Occupational Health And Safety)
Health and safety in the workplace.
Đăng bởi: Workplace Health and SafetyOHSAS 18001
Occupational health and safety management system specification. Certifiable international standard for an occupational health and safety management system. OHSAS was developed by the British Standards Institution in cooperation with international certification companies. ISO 45001 serves to repeal OHSAS 18001.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOHSAS 18002
Guidelines to implement OHSAS 18001. Instruction to implement an OHSMS (occupational health and safety management system).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOKR
Objectives and Key Results: A goal setting framework defining objectives and measurable outcomes to achieve strategic goals.
Đăng bởi: Performance ManagementON
Austrian Standards Institute with headquarters in Vienna. www.as institute.at
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOn Standard Operating Efficiency (OOE)
A measure indicating the proportion of time a machine or equipment is operating at the expected or standard performance level.
Đăng bởi: Efficiency MeasurementOn Time Delivery
A metric evaluating the punctuality of delivering products or services within specified or agreed upon timeframes to customers.
Đăng bởi: Delivery PerformanceOne factor method
Traditional method for conducting experiments. In the search for the optimal settings (best settings) for the input variables/factors of a process, only one factor is changed at a time and then the change in the output variables is measured. Unlike in DoE, possible interrelations among the input variables are not taken into account here.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOne Piece Flow
A manufacturing concept aiming for a continuous and uninterrupted flow of single units through the production process.
Đăng bởi: Lean ManufacturingOne sample t test
Statistical method to compare the average value of a population with a specification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOne touch exchange of dies
One touch exchange of dies: The reduction of die setup to a single step. Also see single minute exchange of dies, internal setup and external setup.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOns (Office Of National Statistics)
National statistics office.
Đăng bởi: National Statistics ProviderOperating characteristic curve
Probability of acceptance of an inspection lot as a function of its quality level in the framework of an acceptance sampling inspection. (On the basis of DGQ Volume 11 04:2012)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOperating characteristic curve (OC curve)
Operating characteristic curve (OC curve): A graph to determine the probability of accepting lots as a function of the lots or processes quality level when using various sampling plans. There are three types: type A curves, which give the probability of acceptance for an individual lot coming from finite production (will not continue in the future); type B curves, which give the probability of acceptance for lots coming from a continuous process; and type C curves, which (for a continuous sampling plan) give the long run percentage of product accepted during the sampling phase.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOperating Characteristics Curve (OC Curve)
See Operating Characteristic Curve.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisOperating Duty Holder
Accountable individual managing risk within their area of responsibility and possessing suitable qualifications.
Đăng bởi: Risk Management ResponsibilityOperating expenses
Operating expenses: The money required for a system to convert inventory into throughput.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOperating instructions
Document that should exclusively point out hazards. In Germany, operating instructions are prepared for biological agents, hazardous substances and their preparations that contain such substances at a level greater than a certain percent, and for machines and other technical systems. The Employers Liability Insurance Associations recommend the following contents for operating instructions: Scope; hazards for people and the environment; protective measures and rules of conduct; conduct in case of disturbances; conduct in case of accidents; first aid; proper disposal/maintenance (for machines/technical systems); and consequences in the event of non compliance.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOperation
Coordinated actions authorized by a formal order for a military purpose.
Đăng bởi: Procedure/ActivityOperation accuracy
Production accuracy resulting from the production equipment.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOperational Definition
A precise and detailed explanation or description of a concept, variable, or process, outlining how it will be measured or observed.
Đăng bởi: Data DefinitionOperational Imperative
Circumstances allowing operations outside defined parameters.
Đăng bởi: Condition/CircumstanceOperational Safe System Of Work
Work method incorporating control measures from risk assessment.
Đăng bởi: Procedure/GuidelineOperations
Operations: Work or steps to transform raw materials to finished product.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOperator Cycle Time
The time taken by an operator to complete a specific task, operation, or cycle within a production or manufacturing process.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementOperator inspection
Quality inspection that is conducted by the operator itself. It is a necessary part of quality control. (On the basis of DIN 55350 17)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOPL
Overall Process Loss: A measure assessing the total loss or inefficiency across the entire production or operational process.
Đăng bởi: Efficiency AssessmentOpportunities
The potential chances or instances within a process where defects or errors can occur, offering prospects for improvement.
Đăng bởi: Improvement PotentialOpportunity per Unit
The count or frequency of defect opportunities within each unit or item produced, evaluated in quality and defect analysis.
Đăng bởi: Quality MeasurementOptimal Design
A design or configuration maximizing performance, efficiency, or desired outcomes while minimizing resources or constraints.
Đăng bởi: Design OptimizationOptimization Plot
A graphical representation illustrating the optimization process or the relationship between variables in an optimized system.
Đăng bởi: Graphical RepresentationOrder Lead Time
Production lead time plus time to get the product to the customer.
Đăng bởi: LogisticsOrder To Cash Time
Time elapsed from customer order receipt to receiving cash payment.
Đăng bởi: Business ProcessOrganization
A structure composed of people and facilities that is characterized as an arrangement of processes, responsibilities, authorities and relationships. As examples, the standard lists: Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, institution, charity, sole trader, association, or parts or combinations of these. An organization can have a public or private nature. The standard points out that this definition applies in the framework of standards on quality management systems and that the term organization is defined differently in the ISO/IEC Guide 2. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOrganization with development responsibility
Organization that is permitted to develop new product specifications or change existing product specifications. This responsibility also comprises the testing and verification of the development performance in the framework of the application that was specified by the customer (On the basis of IATF 16949:2016).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOrganizational excellence
Organizational excellence: Achievement by an organization of consistent superior performancefor example, outputs that exceed meeting objectives, needs or expectations.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOrganizational structure
Orderly arrangement of responsibilities, authorities and relationships between people. The formal organizational structure is usually shown in a quality manual or a quality plan (for a project). Important interfaces to external organizations can be contained in the scope of an organizational structure. (On the basis of ISO 9000:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOriginal equipment manufacturer (OEM)
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM): An organization that uses product components from one or more other organizations to build a product that it sells under its own organization name and brand.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOrthogonal Design
An experimental design where factors or variables are independent or uncorrelated, simplifying analysis and reducing interference.
Đăng bởi: Experimental DesignOrthogonal Regression
A regression analysis method modeling relationships between variables that are mutually perpendicular or independent.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisOsha
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) sets and enforces workplace safety and health regulations.
Đăng bởi: SafetyOSHE
Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment: Refers to standards and practices ensuring workplace safety, health, and environmental protection.
Đăng bởi: Workplace SafetyOTIF
On Time In Full: A performance metric evaluating the delivery of products or services on time and meeting customer requirements completely.
Đăng bởi: Delivery PerformanceOut of control process
Out of control process: A process in which the statistical measure being evaluated is not in a state of statistical control. In other words, the variations among the observed sampling results cannot be attributed to a constant system of chance causes. Also see in control process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOut of spec
Out of spec: A term that indicates a unit does not meet a given requirement or specification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOutlier
Measured value of a sample with an unusually large deviation from other values from the sample that deviate randomly from one another. This deviation is so large that it presumably originates from another population or is the result of an error that occurred during the measurement.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOutput
The result, product, or information obtained from a process, operation, or system, representing the final or intermediate deliverable.
Đăng bởi: Process OutcomeOutput Measures
Metrics or indicators quantifying the results, outcomes, or outputs achieved in a process, used for performance evaluation.
Đăng bởi: Performance MeasurementOutputs
Outputs: Products, materials, services or information provided to customers (internal or external) from a process.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOutsourced processes
Selected processes that the organization assigns to external partners instead of handling them itself. Outsourced processes are characterized by being required for the quality management system. The organization retains the responsibility for the results of these processes and must ensure that the outsourced processes also fulfill customer requirements and statutory and regulatory requirements. Consequently the organization must appropriately control them. (Cf. ISO 9001:2015)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOverall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee)
A measure used to assess the efficiency of manufacturing equipment by evaluating Availability, Performance, and Quality rates.
Đăng bởi: Key Performance Indicator (KPI)Overhead costs
Costs that cannot be directly attributed to an activity unit. Instead they have to be apportioned to the cost centers according to a distribution key.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementOverlaid Contour Plot
A graphical tool displaying multiple contour plots overlaid on top of each other for visual comparison or analysis.
Đăng bởi: Graphical RepresentationOverproduction
Producing more than required, contributing to waste and hiding other issues.
Đăng bởi: Waste EliminationOvertime Rate
The additional pay rate or compensation provided for work done beyond regular working hours or shifts.
Đăng bởi: Compensation CalculationOverview diagram
Depiction of the starting and end points of a process. This overview concentrates on the highest level of the process depiction.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementP
P M Analysis
Parameter Measurement Analysis: A method analyzing the relationship between process parameters and measurements in quality improvement.
Đăng bởi: Quality Analysisp Value
A statistical measure indicating the probability of obtaining results at least as extreme as the observed results under a null hypothesis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasureP.D.C.A. Cycle
Plan Do Check Act Cycle: A continuous improvement methodology consisting of planning, implementing, evaluating, and adjusting processes.
Đăng bởi: Process Improvement CyclePainted floor
Painted floor: A lean manufacturing technique to provide visual control (for example, to indicate a nonconforming material area or to determine stock levels).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPaired t Test
A statistical test comparing the means of two related groups or conditions, determining if their means are significantly different.
Đăng bởi: Statistical TestPairwise Statistics
Statistical comparisons or analysis conducted between pairs of variables or groups within a dataset, often used in research or analysis.
Đăng bởi: Statistical AnalysisPanel
A group or committee assembled to discuss, evaluate, or make decisions on specific matters or topics within an organization.
Đăng bởi: Group DiscussionParadigm
A set of beliefs, concepts, or assumptions serving as a framework for understanding or interpreting a particular subject or field.
Đăng bởi: Conceptual FrameworkParallel operation
Parallel operation: A technique to create economy of scale by having two operators work together to perform tasks on either side of a machine. Using this technique reduces the time it takes a single operator to move from one side to the other, making the overall process more efficient. An example of parallel operation is having two people work on a changeover, supplementing each others work effort.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementParameter
Quantity to identify the probability distribution.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementParaphrasing
Technique in audits: the auditor repeats statements in his/her own words.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPareto
The Italian national economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (18481923) discovered that most of the effects are due to a few causes. The Pareto principle states that 80% of the effects result from 20% of the possible influencing factors.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPareto analysis
On the basis of the 80 20 rule (Pareto Principle, named for the political economist, sociologist and statistician Vilfredo Pareto) which can be seen in many different areas: 20% of the nonconformities cause 80% of the nonconformity costs; 20% of the customers are responsible for 80% of the revenue; when solving a problem, 80% of the solution will be worked out in 20% of the time; 20% of the causes are responsible for 80% of the effects. The Pareto analysis is an investigative method that orders all of the factors that influence a situation under observation based on their relative influence. The objective is to make it possible to concentrate a detailed examination on the primary factors. Structurally, the Pareto analysis is related to the ABC analysis, which also provides a classification according to the significance of the factors.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPareto chart
Pareto chart: A graphical tool for ranking causes from most significant to least significant. It is based on the Pareto principle, named after 19th century economist Vilfredo Pareto, and suggests that most effects come from relatively few causes; that is, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the possible causes. Also known as the "80 20 rule" (see listing). One of the seven tools of quality (see listing).
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPareto diagram
The Pareto diagram is a quality tool (Q7) and is used for nonconformity analysis. The preparation of the collected data allows a statement to be made on the significance of individual nonconformity categories. A bar diagram is drawn up for this. The bars show the values for the nonconformity categories that have been sorted according to size. A cumulative curve in the diagram indicates the point on the x axis at which the nonconformities have reached the level of 80% of all nonconformities. The Pareto diagram is based on the 80 20 rule, which means that around 20% of the types of nonconformities are responsible for roughly 80% of all nonconformities.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPareto Principle
The principle suggesting that a significant majority (80%) of effects come from a minority (20%) of causes or inputs in a system.
Đăng bởi: PrincipleParproducts
A term possibly associated with products offered in parallel or simultaneously, context dependent.
Đăng bởi: Context DependentParsums
Potentially a term related to summing or adding elements in parallel or simultaneously, context dependent.
Đăng bởi: Context DependentPartial Least Squares Regression
A statistical method used in regression analysis when there are multiple interrelated independent variables or predictors.
Đăng bởi: Regression AnalysisPartnership/alliance
Partnership/alliance: A strategy and a formal relationship between a supplier and a customer that engenders cooperation for the benefit of both parties.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementParts per million (PPM)
Parts per million (PPM): A metric reporting the number of defects normalized to a population of one million for ease of comparison.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPat (Portable Appliance Testing)
Testing of portable appliances for safety.
Đăng bởi: Portable Appliance Safety TestingPCA
Process capability analysis. See Process capability.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPCDA
Plan, Check, Do, Act: A variant or alternative representation of the PDCA cycle, focusing on planning, checking, doing, and acting.
Đăng bởi: Process Improvement CyclePCM
Parts Count Method: Method to determine reliability characteristics
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPDA
Plant Data Acquisition: General term for the acquisition of data in companies.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPDP
Product Development Process: The series of steps or phases involved in bringing a new product from conception to market launch.
Đăng bởi: Product DevelopmentPDSA
Plan Do Study Act: An iterative problem solving method involving planning, implementation, observation, and adjustment.
Đăng bởi: Problem Solving MethodPe Sume Ka
Pacemaker, the aspects of a line that facilitate completing processes within the takt time
Đăng bởi: Japanese KAIZEN/CIPearson Residuals
Residuals or errors calculated in regression analysis using Pearson's correlation coefficient, measuring the discrepancy between observed and predicted values.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasurePearson's r
Pearson's Correlation Coefficient: A statistical measure quantifying the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasurePercent
A mathematical expression representing a portion of a whole expressed as a fraction of 100, commonly used in percentages.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical NotationPercent chart
Percent chart: A control chart for evaluating the stability of a process in terms of the percentage of the total number of units in a sample in which an event of a given classification occurs. Also referred to as a proportion chart.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPercentile Line
A line on a graph indicating specific percentiles or points in a dataset, commonly used in visualizing distribution patterns.
Đăng bởi: Statistical VisualizationPercentiles
Divisions or values in a dataset representing specific percentages of observations or values below which certain percentages fall.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasurePercents for Percentiles
The corresponding percentages or ranks for specific percentile values in a dataset, providing relative positions or measures.
Đăng bởi: Statistical MeasurePerfection
A principle or goal aiming for the elimination of defects, errors, waste, or inefficiencies in processes or systems.
Đăng bởi: Quality ImprovementPerformance
Quantitatively or qualitatively measurable result; management of activities, processes, products, services, systems or organizations. (On the basis of ISO 19011:2018)
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPerformance audit
Examination of the performance (on the basis of characteristics), effectiveness and possibilities to improve the performance of both the management system and its individual aspects. See Audit.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPerformance figure
Characteristic value that can be used to monitor and evaluate the performance of a process and for its control. Also called performance indicator or success factor.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPerformance measurement system
Performance figures (indicators) are values for measuring performances or the efficiency of processes or to determine achieved success. They are used to manage and control at all levels. The companys entire performance measurement system provides information about production and finances, but more importantly it covers all action areas (e.g., management, customers, employees, objective management, situations involving the environment and relevant changes). Systematic analysis of the performance figures and their correlation makes it possible to recognize if, where and when a company has to set new priorities and where there are any imbalances between fields of action.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPerformance Rate (P)
Measures the speed or efficiency of equipment compared to its maximum capacity.
Đăng bởi: Efficiency MetricPerformance specification
Description of how the contractor is to implement the complete set of requirements from the requirement specification.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPerformance standard
Performance standard: The metric against which a complete action is compared.
Đăng bởi: Productivity and quality managementPermit To Work
Authorization for hazardous activities or areas.
Đăng bởi: Safety Authorization ProceduresPermutation
A rearrangement or reordering of elements or values in a set or sequence, often used in combinatorial mathematics or statistics.
Đăng bởi: Mathematical ConceptPersonal Protective Equipment
Equipment intended to protect against workplace risks.
Đăng bởi: Equipment/ProtectionPersonal Protective Equipment (Ppe)
Clothing and gear for protecting against job hazards.
Đăng bởi: EquipmentPERT chart
Program Evaluation Review Technique Chart: A visual project management tool illustrating task dependencies, durations, and critical path.
Đăng bởi: Project Management